What ever happened to…. Rick Weible running for Senate?

Spent part of Saturday heading across the northern expanse of District 8 along highway 14. And after driving through all those counties, I can’t help but ask, what ever happened to Rick Weible running for State Senate?

Because along the entire route, this is what I saw whenever I saw a political sign:

Reisch, Crabtree, and Walburg signs.  Maybe there were a couple outgrowths of Republican signs in the District without one of them there, but literally in every instance, there they were as a trio, as these were along the main drag in Lake Preston.   I will note I saw 1, maybe 2 Matt Wagner signs around Arlington. But with those exceptions, it was all Reisch, Crabtree and Walburg.   And absolutely no Rick Weible signs.

It’s like the man isn’t in the race.  Or, as noted by an event Weible’s campaign’s facebook site said he’s holding:

1 person going.

Based on Rick’s performance so far, I’m not thinking this campaign is going much further.

Not at all.

15 thoughts on “What ever happened to…. Rick Weible running for Senate?”

  1. I think somebody stole his campaign. He’ll probably set up another nonprofit to pay him to investigate and hand count every sign in the district
    He mistakenly stepped into the big leagues. Casey and the two Tim’s are known and respected in their district – and that matters

    1. We call them Tim squared….or the Tim’s. No one is going to beat them. Military vet and former sheriff. There isn’t more integrity or grit than that.

    2. I am not sure how Rick will get along, but I know what happens when Crabtree is the leader of the SD senate. In the disguise of property rights he did the opposite and sponsored and rammed through SD201 which centralized power in the capitol. This clears a major obstacle of the privately owned, for profit, CO2 pipeline company to have their pipeline where they want it. This appears to be what the SD GOP establishment wanted and got. SD will not see the largest share of the CO2 pipeline profits if it is built but will have the mess to clean up if the government stops throwing money at CO2 sequestering.

  2. Keep Rick Weible out of Minnesota! He has done enough damage in Minnesota and that state has enough issues as it is.

  3. The three establishment candidates appear to have a lot of money for signs. Walberg i do not know but the other two Tim and Casey both voted for the pipeline SB201 bill also the SB 20 bill that would have suppressed a voter’s ability to object to an election. It appears Walberg supports their positions. I will vote for Matt Wagner because he will be an independent thinker in the capitol and a true conservative..

    1. “True Conservative” is just a euphemism for “Neophyte-who-doesn’t-know-what-he’s-doing-but is-going-to-blame-his-ignorance-on-everybody-else.”

      1. True conservative is for small government, low taxes, and independence from money and establishment influence.

  4. Rick is in an unfortunate position: if he wins he loses, if he loses he wins.
    His whole schtick is our elections are all fraudulent. He has to lose, to prove his point. If he wins, he’ll have nothing to talk about..

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