Dem Candidate Jamie Smith: We need more things to tax

And Jamie Smith explains what his administration would look like…

11 thoughts on “Dem Candidate Jamie Smith: We need more things to tax”

  1. What was Smith talking about? It’s not very effective to attack someone with their own words if we have no idea what the subject is. Tax what?

  2. Oof refuse to show up for a candidate forum and then attack your opponent for what they said at the forum…

  3. Recreation MJ will be a money loser for the state with socio-economic costs substantially exceeding any revenue from Pot related tax revenue. Jamie sorry bud! You are wrong on this. Potheads are not known to be truth tellers and as long as they get legal access to their drug they will tell you anything and let you take the fall.

  4. He was talking about Marijuana. His point was that, rather that increasing taxes, marijuana would create a new legal, taxable product. Basically “broaden the base” through new economic activity rather than increase taxes.

    Of course, his plan to exempt food from the sales tax is doing just the opposite, so it’s not an entirely consistent position.

  5. So… Kristi is opposed to taxing marijuana should it be legalized? Or is this yet another day of dishonest campaigning? Wasn’t it just a few days ago when she was pretending to lead on the grocery tax elimination?

    Rounds, Thune & Johnson don’t pull these stunts. With Noem, it’s nonstop.

    1. Quit it, you are spoiling the morons favorite talking point. Don’t you know, Jamie is going to single handedly implement a state wide income tax. Lol

  6. Wowzer, 2 misleading posts on this silly blog were generated by taking a little piece of the interview out of context. That’s lazy.

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