Democrat blog writer Cory Heidelberger creeps out on Republican candidate, called out for misogyny by Dem Legislators

Switching gears from what’s been an unending string of derangement against Governor Kristi Noem ever since her election, former Democrat Socialist State Senate Candidate and blog writer Cory Heidelberger was writing yesterday about State Representative Scyller Borglum possibly entering the US Senate race on Monday.

Except he did so in the creepiest way possible:

Borglum Teases”    “Rep. Scyller Borglum (R-32/Rapid City) continues to play strip tease.”  “The Rapid City Republican’s ploy to grab attention this year has been nakedly obvious.”

WTF? What’s with that?

We get that he has this passive/aggressive thing with the Governor, where Kristi has taken up residence in his head. But the former Democrat State Senate candidate talking about Representative Borglum in this manner is downright creepy.

And at least a couple of the Democrat legislators in Pierre agreed:

I’m not sure anyone, Republican or Democrat needs to add much to that.

You can agree with Representative Borglum, or you can disagree with her.  But, an ‘allegedly enlightened’ liberal democrat using metaphors in writing about a female officeholder that are more in tune with what you might read in a Penthouse Letters submission is creepy.

16 thoughts on “Democrat blog writer Cory Heidelberger creeps out on Republican candidate, called out for misogyny by Dem Legislators”

  1. I doubt Heidelberger would ever apologize due to his ego. Past and present party officials have expressed frustration with how he and his blog are a liability to their efforts.

    1. Mr. H does not recant. grudznick backs him on this stance. He may be short and not squat, but he is dug in and leaning into the brunt of the libblie assault.

      Tomorrow, at breakfast, we will do a free-for-all for those who wish to back Mr. H, as does grudznick, on this issue.

  2. This is AWFUL for Corey to do. Pat, if you did this, the statewide media would be asking for your website to be shut down. Double standard.

  3. Does Erin Healy show the same respect to women who enter a sporting race? Does she genuinely respect women? From what I understand, Erin wants to take away the rights of athletic high school girls by allowing boys to compete against them. Those young girls work hard to compete and Erin wants to allow boys to come in and crush their hopes of a scholarship, because we all know when boys races against girls the boys win.

    Does that make Erin a hypocrite? A liar? A fake? Maybe she rejects truth?

  4. Scyller has one card: The Victim. I like seeing Dem in-fighting, but Healy and Sullivan are a little too easily offended.

  5. Any reasonable person, man or woman, regardless of politics, should be offended. Corey just showed SD who he really is.

    1. I’m struggling to see exactly what’s offensive about what he said. If this is on a spectrum, it’s quite a ways from grabbing them by the pussy.

      1. I’m unenamored of his innuendo. I’d prefer he show greater civility & greater respect for women. Yet, despite our disagreements, I’m impressed CH didn’t cry ‘mea cupla, mea maxima culpa’ & prostrate himself before the morality vigilantes.

        Not that I fault his critics. Complaining is free speech, too. An audience can and should call out speakers whom it thinks wrong, rude, offensive, sexist, hurtful, cruel, demeaning, etc. We should be held accountable. Americans have a responsibility to think before speaking. Free speech does not imply freedom from critique.

        But if we surrender to mob rule, we’re complicit in its consequences. Fearful of any challenge, the morality police would silence free expression. The sensitivity mob would lynch rebellious thoughts, just as vile racist mobs once lynched men and women escaping bondage.

        We can’t become hypocrites or let censorious hypocrites prevail. As I value free speech, I must tolerate it, even when it offends me. Let’s encourage broad intellectual diversity on the Internet, on campus, and in public discourse. The President, when describing Haiti and celebrity groupies, used crude words. I have no qualms if someone was offended by his terminology or his attitude. But calling him a vulgar, insensitive a**hole and/or voting against him is different from demanding his allies be shunned, silenced, & deleted from the cultural conversation. Public shaming, cancelling, doxing, & de-platforming ARE censorship, even when the censor is a prissy, self-appointed vigilante. These acts curtail free expression. Wrongs perpetrated by an angry mob are no better than wrongs perpetrated by government agents.

        sorry for the rant…

  6. I will first wait for the actual announcement and let Rep Borglum tells us why she is running or not running, but Cory’s action are reprehensible!

  7. Hide-the-Boogers is offensive only if you read his blog or listen to him. If you ignore him he won’t bother you at all. Problem solved.

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