Democrat politician endorses Democrat politician. Next up, dog bites man.

Today on Twitter Democrat candidate Brian Bengs, who isn’t going to beat US Senator John Thune, is patting himself on the back because he now has Scott Heidepreim’s endorsement.

Who would have thought a Democrat politician would endorse a Democrat politician? What’s next, a graphic letting everyone know that Susan Wismer has endorsed him?

I think the time to build credibility among one’s own party passed with the primary.

10 thoughts on “Democrat politician endorses Democrat politician. Next up, dog bites man.”

  1. I’m sure Thune will win if the ballot boxes are .. well, whatever.

    Do what you want.

    Until we hand count everything and mitigate social engineering, NLP, and outright brainwashing before the elections, it is what it is .. corrupt and untrustworthy stolen monarchy.

    We have the proof, now, and it’s time to get to work.


  2. I wonder if Republican politicians (e.g., Trump have ever endorsed Republican candidates??)
    Do you have similar comments for them??

      1. Maybe all the Democrats can get an endorsement from Uncle Joe, that would help their numbers plummet even further in South Dakota. I’m not sure how any democrat could be elected statewide or even make any race close this cycle.

  3. Appropriately enough, they are using a 10-15 year old picture of Heidepriem because that’s when this would have been relevant.

  4. Oh look, it’s the guy that lost his race endorsing the guy who’s gonna lose his race. Fun!

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