24 thoughts on “Dusty Johnson Meet & Greet in Pierre, May 10th”

    1. He is channeling Bernie Sanders. Is Dusty that liberal trying to reach out to Progressive votes and Bernie supporters?

        1. Why go with a an imitation/ knock off and find out it was not as advertised when you can have the real thing?

        2. Democrats are actually the ones against freedom and liberty, Ike. Duh! Liberals are so funny!

    1. Lobbyists, special interest… Dusty base. Just don’t ask him were he stands on issues. He won’t tell you until after the primary.

  1. “Say hi to Dusty”.

    How condescending.

    “Hey, kids, let’s go say hi to Mickey Mouse!”

    1. What? Condescending? Not sure where you get that except you are set on An angel and can’t think of anything relevant to say.

  2. Dusty has his stands on his web page. Why are you telling the lie he doesn’t give you his positions?

    1. Who is leading this race? There aren’t any polls in the house or governor races.

      None that are real.

      1. No polls that have been made public. Doesn’t mean there haven’t been any.

        1. I would agree with that….I am sure Dusty and Shantel and maybe Neal also have done at least one internal poll

        2. I would agree….one would think that Dusty and Shantel who have more money would have done some internal polling…I suspect it is a close race so no need to release it

  3. You know what you call somebody like Dusty after the elections over…….
    Keep up the good work young man

    1. I’m afraid you may be right. Dusty epitomizes the worst of what our representatives have become: Career Politicians.

      1. I must have missed what government agency you think the private business he’s a VP of, functions as a political entity? He’s the only non government payroll person in the race!!!

      2. It’s time to end the attacks. Win on your own merits. I dont appreciate the dusty hate and I dont appreciate the jackley hate from team Noem.

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