Dusty Johnson October 2023 FEC Report: $445k raised, $109k spent, $3.3 Million Cash on hand

Look like there’s no fooling around for fundraising in Team Dusty’s camp.

Compared to where he was at this time in the last election cycle, Dusty is posting numbers that are fully double compared to what he reported having raised in October 2021 ($219k raised, $43.5k Spent, and $1.7 Million Cash on Hand), which underline that Congressman Johnson is one of the hardest working candidates in South Dakota politics.

Looking at the numbers:

Dusty Johnson October 2024 FEC by Pat Powers on Scribd

Mic drop by Dusty here – Congressman Johnson reported a very healthy $445,237.67 fundraising haul, against $108,970.41 in expenses.  Those are pretty decent numbers.

But the eye-popping number is the $3,276,062.18 cash on hand at the Congressman’s disposal to fend off any challengers (such as Zach Kovach).

One thing I keep in mind is that two years ago in the prior election, Taffy (“can’t-find-the-vote-button“) Howard had been ‘exploring a race’ for two months at this time.  Congressman Johnson has managed to put this kind of fundraising total up with no real opponent even considering a race for the 2024.  At this point, it’s questionable whether he’ll have an opponent.

Although, the hard-right has managed to dig someone up for the last couple of elections, with an over-inflated ego each time.  But this kind of fundraising total may give even them pause at what they’d be taking on.

11 thoughts on “Dusty Johnson October 2023 FEC Report: $445k raised, $109k spent, $3.3 Million Cash on hand”

    1. I suspect part of it is that Dusty has to run every two years, and Rounds has to run every 6. That’s the downside of being in congress. You’re always in an election cycle.

  1. There is an egomaniacal conspiracy theorist in Aberdeen that is threatening to run against Dusty Johnson, John Thune and Mike Rounds calling them all RINOS. Does this potential candidate think he can take them all on at once? It would not be surprising if he did.

    1. I take offense to the egomaniacal part lol. They all are RINOS, and those who don’t already know it will soon enough.

  2. big money is always going to be part of politics. instead of agonizing over who ‘owns’ dusty by virtue of the money, let’s be glad the gop in sd has as its lone representative a guy as credible, capable and knowledgeable as dusty johnson. there are few others who can match the dues he has paid to actually earn his role in this state’s republican politics. it is natural that someone with ability and vision be able to marshal the resources needed to wield power, as evidenced by this finance report. sd has the right person in the right role at the right time.
    but please, give your pushback and dreamy blather about term limits, tantrums and RINO hunting and whatnot. go ahead.

  3. Newly minted Problem Creator Chaos Caucus member Representative Dusty Johnson needs a challenger.

  4. Got a question here.

    For the point of my question, let’s say that Rep. Johnson gets defeated in the next election. And again, for the point of my question, let’s say once all the bills/expenses are paid he has $10M remaining in his “war chest” on his last official day in office.

    My question is, what happens to that money?

  5. Watched the Forbes interview and Dusty sounds great, sane and sensible but he compromised himself when he voted for Gym Jorden and officially switched sides becoming a member of the “Problem Creator Chaos Caucus”. When you watch and listen to that interview Dusty could have been a great candidate for Speaker since he has the smarts and skills but jeepers creepers that would be a tough job dealing with the crazy, narcissist, self promoting MAGAs that are not there to govern. Might as well shave off at least a decade off one’s lifespan and end up with chronic health issues as a result. The GOP is an absolute train wreck!

    Dusty is in a tough spot.

    He could be challenged from the hard right like for example the egomaniac with money from Aberdeen that I see as fitting in perfectly with the “Problem Creator Chaos Caucus”, super spreader of conspiracy theories and getting nothing done for South Dakota or the country. Congressional productivity at or near zero.

    He could be challenged on the left with his flip flop and be associated with the colossal mess the GOP has sadly become. It is now reaping what it sowed. You know the DNC and other affiliated groups will have a heyday in fundraising and ads with what has happened.

    1. all house republicans knew jordan was not going to be speaker. you count votes in caucus. you know.
      back when herseth-sandlin was the lone house member, she was a blue dog dem. this meant if they didn’t need her vote to clinch a win, she could go and cast a meaningless vote with the gop as a political maneuver. a smart play, in the world of vote-gotcha that gets played.
      we can’t know what rep johnson had in mind for that vote, but we know that HE knew jordan would lose before he even voted. so i don’t care since it’s meaningless now.
      the real problem is that someone sharing jordan’s aims and goals, but about whom we know little, could win a vote where he could not.

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