Former School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick has announced for House in District 22

From my mailbox, former Huron School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick has announced that he will be a candidate in the Distrcit 22 House Race:

Former school administrator Terry Nebelsick of Huron, as well as former teacher Lana Greenfield of Doland, both sent press releases announcing their intention to run for the legislature in the 2024 election. Both District 22 House seats are open this cycle, as current legislator Roger Chase is term limited in the House and Lynn Schneider has chosen not to seek re-election.


Nebelsick retired from the Huron School District in 2021, after serving first as the high school principal and then as the district superintendent. A first-time legislative candidate, Nebelsick has served on numerous state-wide education boards, including chairing the S.D. School Finance Accountability Board and the State Board of Education Standards.

Read it here in the Huron Plainsman.

With the former police chief Kevin Van Diepen and Lana Greenfield also in the contest, it looks like we have a primary for D22 House!

17 thoughts on “Former School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick has announced for House in District 22”

  1. Nebelsick will be an excellent legislator! He understands the legislative process because he has been involved and has testified many times before legislative committees. He has a conservative perspective on the role of government and has excellent communication skills for interacting with voters in District 22.

  2. Is Mr. Nebelsick a money-grubbing school formula guy, or a boot licking fat-cat administrator sort of guy?

    1. Hey grudz, the McDonalds grill operator is crying over at the dakota septic tank complaining you are a name caller because of this post…isn’t that rich?

  3. Mike is spot on. It’s hard to name a person who is more knowledgeable in education policy in South Dakota. Glad to see Terry is running.

  4. Nice guy, but during the last legislative session he made some very derogatory remarks about parents who homeschool their children. The number of families who homeschool has increased dramatically and he angered many parents who vote.

      1. And he voted against the new social studies standards that asked students to do crazy things like memorize parts of the constitutional and Declaration of Independence.

        1. So he didn’t teach at Hillsdale? Doesn’t drink the Noem koolaid and doesn’t think our education policies should be set to allow her profile to rise (haha) amongst national conservative circles? He sounds promising.

    1. ap, I don’t what you heard, but Terry does not make derogatory remarks about people. He may disagree with you, but he always does so respectfully.

      1. Again, seems like a nice guy. I can’t find the audio, but he testified against what I believe was sb 177 in 2021 revising parental choice in education. In a nice way, he painted with a very broad brush and said homeschooling was used by parents who were abusing their children and trying to avoid detection. I can’t recall if he said “many” “most” or something like it, but the insinuation was clear. Homeschoolers are more likely to be child abusers. First, that’s a big statement. Second, I’m exposed to child abuse in my job. I can tell you, without exception, every case of abuse and neglect I’ve encountered involved children in public schools. But I would not take the next step to say parents who send their kids to public school are more likely to be child abusers. Of course abuse can occur regardless of where the child goes to school. Even if he had good intentions, it was just such an irresponsible smear.

  5. The entire “Home Schooling” situation, including educational outcomes and time on task” needs to be investigated and more stringent regulation enforced to insure home school children’s education is not neglected. I see too many homeschooled children in the big box scores during the Middle of the Day. I wonder if buying conduit is part of the new social studies standards. It’s “anything goes” in Home Schooling.

    1. Ensure a quality education for all South Dakota children, yes. Label homeschool families child abusers, no.

    2. During the height of covid, my grandchildren in Massachusetts were homeschooled. Their mother is a former 3rd grade teacher who obtained a doctorate in education from Harvard and is now a professor of Early Childhood Literacy, so while I don’t have any test scores at hand to brag about, I am sure she did a good job, and when they all returned to public school they were at advanced levels. What I learned from this is that when a child is homeschooled, the lessons can be completed before noon, indicating that the kids in public school are spending a lot of time not receiving instruction in anything. I have had other homeschool parents say their kids spent a lot of time in public school waiting in lines, walking between classrooms, returning to their lockers to retrieve things, etc. Maybe parents could ask their kids to do desk audits of how they are spending their time.
      Assuming that homeschooled children receive less instruction just because you see them out shopping in the middle of the day is foolish.

  6. Terry was always there to testify AGAINST the bills that tried to keep boys out of girls bathrooms and showers and off girls’ sports teams. If you can’t understand why keeping naked boys and naked girls from co-mingling in the showers is important, you probably shouldn’t be entrusted with making any important decisions.

    He’s no conservative. He’s a bleeding-heart leftist who will be a de facto Democrat if elected. That’s fine if that’s what you want. Just don’t be deceived by the platitudes above about what a strong conservative he’ll be. He’s a nice man with a strong liberal leaning…much like Nesiba.

  7. Bush Fullerton should run. He would win and he would actually be a normal republican. Not a leftist. Not a fringe loon. Just a solid conservative who is respectful to everyone.

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