GOP National Committeewoman Race between Heidi Engelhart and Amber Hulse

The final race of the day at the 2024 SDGOP Convention is the National Committeewoman Race between Heidi Engelhart and Amber Hulse with their respective delegations extolling their virtues.

Engelhart’s speech established her right off as a pipeline protester, declaring her support of “life, liberty and private property,”despite no information that her opponent disagrees. Hulse spoke about her experience in the Trump White House, as well as her platform of election integrity, engaging the next generation, and making sure we have the resources to run our campaigns.

The vote ended up giving the contest to Engelhart over Hulse in an early lead.

Despite the loss, Hulse was victorious this last Tuesday in her contest for State Senate against Julie Frye Mueller. Having the prospective title of Senator after this fall’s election is still a pretty good consolation prize.

44 thoughts on “GOP National Committeewoman Race between Heidi Engelhart and Amber Hulse”

    1. Tell me you commented without reading the entire article without telling me you commented without reading the entire article.

      1. Tells us you commented without knowing what the hell you were commenting about.

  1. 77% to 23%.

    Minnehaha was 58-4.

    Not even the establishment there voted for Amber. The big question is why? Who told Amber it was a good idea to run for this?

    There were just a lot of questions that are unanswered. I felt bad for amber.

    1. Trump’s lawyer encouraged her to run. Heidi will be OK as long as she thinks before blurting. A young Republican would have been great since we’re trying to engage that very age of people but… Her time will come.

      1. Agree with Engelhart or don’t at least what you see is what you get. Voters went with authenticity.

    2. There is no establishment, there are South Dakotans and there are ignorant pissed off people that just moved here in the past 6 years.

      That’s the two factions.

  2. Well..she’s running in the traditional Republican Party, though she’s a Trumpist. She’s young, relatively unknown to the rank and file, from the West River and she defeated a whackadoodle favorite in her legislative race. There are five reasons. Give her a couple years. She is ambitious.

    1. The reason that she didn’t get my vote is because she didn’t want it enough. Just an overall poor performance for her. She had an excuse for showing up a little late for the wackadoodles trying to rig the election in hot springs. However, Saturday she strolled in after 400 delegates were already there. That sealed my vote against her.

      1. I saw Amber leave her GOP booth in Pierre at 1:30AM to make the 4 hour drive back to Fall River to protect her county’s votes from a bunch of frauds. You don’t get to even use the word ‘excuse’ in this context my friend. She shouldn’t have NEEDED to show up PERIOD.

        1. She barely beat JFM. That’s strange.

          Why did most of the GOP establishment vote against her at convention?

          I get the impression neither side really likes Hulse.

        2. Amber not only had to drive back to Hot Springs from Pierre. she also had to hire a lawyer to defend her against the “sour grapes” loser. They were challenging her “absentee votes’ all but two of which were in person at the courthouse. She had two mail in votes, one of which was military. JFM and her crew ran a very negative lying campaign against Amber. I hate the campaigns that attack their opponents with outright lies, because they do not have enough positive attributes in their own character to win the race. Amber knew a great deal of facts against JFM, but had the integrity not to use them, I look for Amber to go far, but I am very disappointed in the Young American for Liberty group for not supporting Amber. I am sure JFM will continue backstabbing Amber. I think one question that needs to be asked, but has not, to my knowledge. is “Why was Julie Frye Muller never asked to be a member of the Freedom Caucus? I do not live in District 30, but I fully supported Amber Hulse.

  3. Whomever told her this was a good idea obviously doesn’t understand S.D. Terrible advice! A 20 something with a college degree and no life experience doesn’t resonate with voters. What a fail. Find new friends Amber.

    1. what do you mean, “no life experience?”
      what experience has Heidi had? I heard she was active in the Primary John Thune facebook group which consisted entirely of posting memes, and no fundraising.
      well, now her job is fundraising. Let’s see how she does.

  4. Will somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden the Trump people and supporters are against pipelines when a foreign company wanted to build an oil pipeline and it was the greatest thing Trump and his supporters ever heard of ?loks like like abuse of eminent domain either way either way?

    1. Anonymous 11:54 — Are you able to distiguish the difference between an oil pipeline and a carbon capture pipeline? The first carries something the public actually needs; the second? You’ll have to explain the necessity of a carbon capture pipeline again.

      1. WE HAVE. REPEATEDLY. PEOPLE LIKE YOU JUST DONT CARE TO LISTEN! If you’d pull your heads out of your….
        It makes our state money, doesn’t harm the environment, and you… MORONS can’t just shut up for 5 minutes so our whole state can get a win because it’s Governor Noem who would be accredited with the win. The CO2 Pipeline is a WIN-WIN-WIN, but here’s the thing…


        1. Anonymous 2:13 – You haven’t said that it saves the climate or saves the Earth, so where is your head, and where are your priorities? You say it brings money to my state, but how so? Does it bring down my property taxes, does it reduce inflation, does it protect property rights in my community? It will cost taxpayers $8.5 Billion. If you are a taxpayer, then you are footing the bill. The only gainers on this legislation are special interests.
          You must be special, or you are just gullible.

        2. You need to pull YOUR head out of your….. Carbon Capture pipelines are not safe. Our plant life lives off of CO2…which feeds the cattle…which feeds you… if you’re an herbivore, you should be even more concerned about the plant life. You are the one who needs to wake up.

      2. In simple terms that you should understand here’s why it’s important.

        Few big Markets now want CO2 mitigation. Ethanol plants want to sell to market. To stay open, ethanol plants need CO2 mitigation. Pipeline mitigate CO2. Ethanol plant able to sell to market. Big yay for small towns with ethanol plant.

        But what if no pipeline? Then ethanol plants no sell to market. No sell to market mean plant close. Plant close mean workers leave small towns. Less people in small towns mean many bad thing.

        Let me know if you need it dumbed down more.

        1. Nice knowing you hate rural towns and value added ag. Really explains your ballot performances lmao.

  5. If people pursued seats on the RNC because they thought they would be informing public policy about anything, especially property rights and pipelines, they are in for a surprise.
    If the delegates to the convention voted for these candidates because they thought the RNC members inform public policy, they didn’t have a clue what they were electing people to do.

    The job of a national committee man or woman is to promote the Republican brand, develop the platform, and they do fundraising and campaign strategizing. They put on the national convention, contract all the vendors, pay the bills, and function almost entirely as event planners, blowing up balloons, arranging flowers, making sure the sound systems are working. They are “the help.”

    They don’t make policy nor do the supervise politicians. They can write the platform but they can’t make anybody read it. Nobody cares what any of them think about property rights or pipelines..

  6. the nastiness. years from now, looking back on these days of the MAGA-conservative ascendency, i’m going to remember the piquant flavor and aroma of the pure nastiness which oozes around here. sometimes you guys are less like great patriots, and more like people who just took the cockpit and are veering toward the pentagon. just an observation. civility please.

  7. A State Committeeman position does give one entree to the workings and politics of the National Republican Committee which can be a very pleasant place. The perks are endless and if one behaves themselves, there are other opportunities, including membership in various corporate boards, which one can avail himself.

  8. I voted for Amber. I realky like Heidi also. The reasons I voted for Amber is she is an amazing young woman who ran for this pisitiin because so many people including the head of the national republican women asked her. She has so much wisdom at such a young age and a sincere desire to serve the republican party. I think we need to encourage our young republicans to serve instead of treating them badly and she has been treated badly. I have been a witness to it. I don’t uunderstand why the opposition has to act in such an ugly way sometimes. I am not saying Heidi acted ugly but some of her supporters treated Amber terribly. Should never be that way. Our republican party has no future if we treat our young republicans this way.

    1. Well when heidi gets almost 80% of the vote she has so many supporters there’s bound to be one or two knuckleheads.

      1. I would say more than 1 or 2 knuckleheads, there is a big group of knukleheads that think intimidation abd lieing is the way to go

    2. One of the reasons Amber did not receive more votes for State Committeewoman was the fact that the Pennington County delegation had Mike Mueller as county vice chair. He is the husband of the disgraced Julie Frye Mueller. There was also an email sent out by the Pennington County Chair to vote for Heidi. The vote for Heidi was in retailiation for the Hulse victory. I do not believe anyone on the county board should be allowed to endorse any candidate, either in the primary election nor at the state convention. BTW, JFM now prefers to be known as Julie Mueller, not the name she has used throughout her political career.

  9. anon 2:56pm. well stated. it’s about markets, the extreme right is all about themselves. “we don’t believe in it therefore it doesn’t exist”. Even though CEO’s from ethanol plants say they need access to those markets. Again the extemist response is “we don’t believe you therefore it doesn’t exist”. Another extremist mantra is, ‘CO2 pipelines kill people’. Although the facts are that CO2 pipelines (5000 miles) have been in existence for over 30 years, NO ONE has ever died as a result of a CO2 pipeline. The extremist response “well it could happen so therefore, we don’t believe you”. Just as the Dems make up things about Trump, the extremist on the Republican party use the same tactic, ‘the truth is what I tell you it is, now shut up, and quit throwing facts in my face’

    1. Yes, Ethanol CEOs are definitely who we should listen to in this debate. If they say we need it in order to line their pockets then by golly who are we to say no?!

        1. Again you’re going to biased sources for information. I bet those 30,000 jobs include the farmers growing the corn right?

          1. No shit it does. Why would they exclude farmers that grow corn and sell their corn to make ethanol from the number of jobs that ethanol directly and indirectly supports? Go learn how economic impact surveys are done, then maybe you’ll get it.

            1. Because those farmers wouldn’t just stop farming if there was no ethanol. The corn would go elsewhere, they’d grow more beans, they’d grow something that, god forbid, people can eat without massive processing.

              1. Way to show that you’ve never spoken with a farmer regarding how they make a living, let alone worked or lived on a farm. Without massive state or larger corporate intervention there is not enough infrastructure in place to support that large of a shift in crops. Hundreds of farms would go under, and again, massive economic loss to rural communities.

                But if you’ve never spoken with a farmer, you probably don’t care about rural towns.

  10. hey anon 11:35am
    “line their pockets then by golly who are we to say no?!”
    yes, of course I’ll listed to them. They took a fledgling industry and converted it to 15% of the state’s GDP in less the 20 years. What have YOU done? Other than show the world how jealous you are of success? Who would you have me listen to? When they ‘line their pockets’, the farmer get’s more. that’s a fact. Why don’t you want the farmer to have more money? If you want to be nfl qb, find the successful one – Tom Brady. If you want to be a good teacher, seek out the successful one you remember at your school, if you want to learn how to shoot a jump shot find Michael Jordan. When you want to make more money for the corn farmer, listen to the ethanol CEO who knows the industry.

    1. All it took was tons of bribing, I mean lobbying, and billions in government subsidies.

  11. and again, the CO2 pipeline has NOTHING to do with the contest for National Committee Woman. NOTHING. The National Committee does not formulate policy, EVER, even when they write the platform and bylaws.

  12. Where is Heidi’s picture? You published a picture of Reid…..maybe you are not fair and balanced.

  13. Mr Powers, you should delete ALL the rants about the carbon pipeline as they are completely off-topic.

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