Oakes announces candidacy for PUC

Gideon Oakes announced Friday he is running for the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission.
Oakes, 38, is a Keystone-area business owner and volunteer EMT who has worked in the technology and logistics sectors throughout much of his career. He and his wife, Mary, have three children.
“My candidacy offers South Dakotans the chance for a fresh perspective in an office that rarely turns over,” Oakes said. “I believe government service should be a calling, not a career.”
Oakes said his top priorities as a PUC commissioner will be encouraging the security and redundancy of utility infrastructure components, continuing the expansion of access to terrestrial broadband and being a staunch advocate for utility customers and landowners.
“South Dakotans are resilient. Our infrastructure should be as well,” Oakes said. “From day one, I will work with our utility providers to help ensure that we can always rely on critical services in the times we need them the most.”
In addition to being elected twice to the Keystone Board of Trustees between 2012 and 2016, he has also served on the Keystone Fire Protection District as well as the boards of several civic organizations including Black Hills & Badlands Association, Keystone Economic Development Association, Holy Terror Days Association and United Way of the Southern Black Hills.
Oakes will seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination at their state convention, June 29, in Pierre. If successful, he will face incumbent Republican commissioner Kristi Fiegen and potentially a Democrat challenger in the November 5 general election.
For more information, visit ElectOakes.com or email [email protected].
Is the day when Kristie Fiegen runs away with a convention nomination the best day to announce your candidacy? I’ll vote for Kristie again.
A pretty solid day to announce a candidacy, actually. On what day between now and the date of the Fall General Election will the typically sleepy race for PUC Commissiiner be more elevated in the news cycle?
Kristie Fiegen is awesome!
@D4 Voter – It’s been an honor today to hear from folks all across the state sending notes of support and well-wishes, so I’d say it was a great day to announce. Please feel free to drop me a line. I’d love to grab coffee and chat next time I’m in your corner of the state.
@Anonymous 10:13 – Indeed! I’ve always had a lot of respect for Commissioner Fiegen, and I don’t anticipate that changing simply because we’re both running for PUC. Opponent doesn’t have to equal enemy (something that tends to get lost in the current era of political dialogue).
There are many of the Conservatives with Common Sense who might be swayed to vote for young Mr. Oakes, including grudznick. This morning at the CwCS breakfasting we will debate how much more insane the legislatures will be and how we will push it in the faces of those fellows who did not vote, but before the Libertarian gathering late this month we will study Mr. Oakes’ positions.
Anyone who votes for a Libertarian (Oakes) over a conservative Republican (Fiegen) will prove that they are not actually conservatives.
grudznik is an establishment man.
Indeed. So they say.
Grudz is cool. Someday, I’d love to clink glasses with Grudz.
So is “An Actual Conservative”.
The new mantra of the Harding Hoover progressive poltical establishment in the this state is to brand as RINOs those who believe in limited government, as well as those who follow the constitution.
Will the Conservatives with Common Sense be open to having Mr. Ismay come and speak at the breakfast and to share some taters, sausages, cigars and gravy?
The Conservatives with Common Sense are open minded to all, however cigars are only allowed at the Tinder Box and not in breakfasting establishments. grudznick is assured Mr. Ismay would not be toking the resins of the Demon Weed, correct?
Mike Lee Zitterich has requested to be guest speaker for the Conservatives with Common Sense breakfast and asks if there is a time limit for his presentation with a slide show? His presentation is about 8 hours in length.
Mr. Zitterich can submit his latest manifesto for consideration, but the breakfast committee will probably not vote to provide him a free breakfast, based on his last visit.
How do we reach the Conservatives with Common Sense group? That sounds like a group I can relate to!
Oakes has, through his posting here and presence at different events around the state, shown himself to be a thoughtful candidate with a decent temperment and an eye towards getting things done. Given the current state of South Dakota politics, I expect his candidacy to go nowhere. And that’s not a shot at him.
Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 No candidacy goes anywhere on its own. I invite you to get involved, and let’s move some mountains together!