Gov. Kristi Noem Signs House Bill 1080 “Help Not Harm” Bill

Gov. Noem Signs “Help Not Harm” Bill

 PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem signed HB 1080, the “Help Not Harm” bill, into law. This bill prohibits certain medical and surgical interventions for minors.

“South Dakota’s kids are our future. With this legislation, we are protecting kids from harmful, permanent medical procedures,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “I will always stand up for the next generation of South Dakotans.”

Governor Noem has signed 34 bills into law this legislative session.


11 thoughts on “Gov. Kristi Noem Signs House Bill 1080 “Help Not Harm” Bill”


    There is this an interesting interview with a very articulate lesbian mom who transitioned her child and came to regret it. Her description of coming to the realization that her son was not a girl and stopping the gender-reassignment process is fascinating: she likened it to leaving a cult. All through the process, she and her partner had doubts, but were told doubt was transphobia. The gender specialist they went to was an activist who had entered the profession with the intention of transitioning as many patients as possible. No assessment was done, because that was evidence of doubt.
    This interview is really worth listening to.

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Even my far left libertarian transphobe friend Larry Kurtz supports HB 1080 becoming law but with a twist. He advocates kids smoke Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms, avoid and shelter from Chemtrails, avoid various radio wave frequencies, travel back in time to also avoid Glyphosate and plasticizers.

    There you go. Bipartisan support.

    Personally I opposed 1080.

    1. That is one of the things promoted by the perverts who get their jollies by “egg cracking.”
      “Egg-cracking” is the process by which perverts target adolescents having difficulties with puberty. They find them on line, in the blogosphere, and convince them they are trans, and then they brag about how many eggs (kids) they have “cracked.”

      The perverts in the transitioning industry, which it now is, tell the parents their doubts about this are transphobia and if they don’t let their children undergo medical treatment, the kids will kill themselves. Ritchie Herron has done a number of interviews and describes this in one of his videos. I think it’s in this one

      1. What rambling nonsense. No one is trying to turn anyone into someone they’re not other than Republicans forcing these bills down out throats. Just let kids be who they are! Find a hobby and stop bothering people.

      2. This is all new. Please tell us more. Holy Moley commenter 10:02am is really showing how much they have no clue about what this person is talking about. Fascinating! Please continue.

        1. There are a number of people who went through gender reassignment and have come to regret it. There are some weird perverts who get off on encouraging kids to question their gender. Then there are the woke ideologues who think they are being helpful, but the kids aren’t getting the help they need. Jordan Peterson had statistics on what happens to children who experience gender dysphoria during adolescence but are left alone, and says about 80-90% decide they are gay by the time they reach adulthood, and don’t feel the need to change their gender.

            1. no I can’t it was an interview Jordan Peterson did with a trans person who realized it was a mistake.
              But the LGBTQ community needs to take a look at the idea that these kids are actually gay, they are confused, and encouraging them to change their gender to conform with their sexual orientation is a malevolent and irreversible form of conversion therapy.

              1. You have no idea what in the world you are talking about. Jordan Peterson is not a credible source. He is another nutcase grifter.

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