Gov. Noem Protects State Employees from Federal Vaccine Mandates

Gov. Noem Protects State Employees from Federal Vaccine Mandates

Announces Plans to Protect Private Workers as Well

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem signed Executive Order 2021-14, protecting state employees from President Biden’s federal vaccine mandates. She also released this video announcing her decision.

“South Dakota is fighting back against President Biden’s illegal vaccine mandates,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “Our state has many contracts with the federal government, and President Biden is attempting to use those contracts to force state employees to be vaccinated against their will. My executive order will protect their rights to medical and religious exemptions under any federal vaccine mandates. I am already talking with legislators about extending these protections to private employees through legislation as well.”

For the medical exemption, employees need a written statement from a physician stating that the COVID-19 vaccination is contraindicated for medical reasons.

For the religious exemption, a form will be made available by the Bureau of Human Resources that shall read in full, “I, [insert person’s full name], dissent and object to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds, which includes moral, ethical, and philosophical beliefs or principles.”

Due to established precedent, this Executive Order does not apply to service members with the South Dakota National Guard who must meet federal readiness responsibilities for deployment.

During the 2022 legislative session, Governor Noem will work with the legislature to make these protections for state employees permanent, and to extend similar health and religious liberty protections to employees of private businesses who adopted mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies.


22 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Protects State Employees from Federal Vaccine Mandates”

  1. Does this mean she is going to compel DOL and DSS employees to return to the office instead of continuing to work from home? System is broken.

  2. Is she protecting them from the virus or from POTUS?
    How about an Executive order protecting South Dakotans from the virus?
    Does our taxpayer subsidized health care cover the medical costs of unvaccinated state workers who chose 6 months of ICU care rather than a shot in the arm?

    Let’s get rid of mandates and of health care for Covid patients who refused the shot.

    1. Jeff,

      The vaccine does not protect you from getting covid or spreading it. Learn the facts before denying people health care.

      1. the vaccine does protect you from dying from covid. The statistics bear that out.

        Sooner or later we are all going to be exposed to it, many will fall ill, but the vaccinated, as a demographic group, will recover faster, at less expense, and will survive in greater numbers. Like everything else, your results may vary.

  3. I think vaccines should be required of everybody on Medicaid. If we have to pay for your medical care, you should have to get the shot. If you don’t want to get the shot, buy your own insurance and pay your own medical bills

      1. yes there are breakthrough cases currently hospitalized. With the population now about 67% vaccinated, the breakthrough cases account for 10% of the people hospitalized. This fraction, that ten percent of the people hospitalized, representing breakthrough cases, is being seen all over the country.
        If the vaccines did not work at all, the percentage of vaccinated vs unvaccinated patients would equal the percentages of vaccinated vs unvaccinated in the population.
        This is quite obvious to anybody who understands math.

        The longer this goes on, the more I think we are witnessing the failure of public education.

        1. The longer this goes on the sooner we will see the side affects of this “vaccine”. I follow the science and money. You clearly do not.

  4. The fact that “mandate” should ever be mentioned proves stupidity is the greatest threat to this country—– It is estimated 130,000 dead Americans might be alive but for trump and his cultists and they keep the death numbers rising…… Look at what happened in the Rapid City school district today, THAT was caused by wing-nut stupidity..

    1. perhaps you missed it, but the entire Trump family got vaccinated,Trump spurred on vaccine development & production and got it into all fifty states by December 15th (so much for the Democrats’ lie that his administration didn’t have a distribution plan) and it is absolutely baffling that so many of his fans, in spite of his encouraging people to get the vaccine, are refusing to take it. Perhaps if he were allowed to post on facebook and tweet on twitter he would be getting the point across to them. But the only people his fans can hear from are the Biden folks, and they think it’s some kind of conspiracy

      1. That’s not true at all. There’s an entire right wing machine pumping stuff out, on Facebook primarily. Kirk, Owens, Carlson, etc. The issue is they’re pushing false info. Not really my problem but it would be wise for right wingers to think a little more critically.

    2. OK CAH follower….please explain to all of us why the number of deaths from COVID during the “horrible” President Trump administration have been surpassed during the 9 month reign of the mumblin-stumblin Joe Biden administration? Especially since the entire tenure of the Biden administration had 3 vaccine available and tens of millions of people vaccinated while under Trump (except for the last month) there were no vaccines available?

  5. ““South Dakota is fighting back against President Biden’s illegal vaccine mandates,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “– Why didn’t THAT woman explain what is “illegal”? If trump ha done the same things, these people would have totally supported him… THe politics of ignorance = fear = hate has and is killinh thousands of Americans….. If only there was a “hell” for them..

    1. Trump could not propose a vaccine mandate because vaccine distribution did not occur until December 15 and people had to qualify to receive it.
      There still wasn’t enough to go around until after he left office.
      So a “Trump Mandate” would have been impossible.
      It would also be a federal mandate of something which should be left up to the states. The states are the ones which decide what vaccines are required for kids to enter public schools.

      However, because I enjoy being snarky, I would be okay with a mandate that every adult has to show proof of vaccination when registering to vote or casting a ballot. The vaccine “passport” could then serve as a voter ID.

  6. Opposition to this mandate seems to conflict with SD being an “at-will” state – meaning that an employer does not have to provide “just cause” in the dismissal of an employee.

  7. The underscientifically educated are incapable of grasping the fact that nonvaxxers are the cause of break through Covid cases. Pure stupidity is driving the continuation of suffering and death from Covid. Mandates would not be necessary if the unvaccinated cared more about friends and family than being totally self-absorbed neanderthals.

    Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Secretary of Health


    South Dakota Codified Law 13-28-7.1 (Rev. 2016) requires that any pupil entering school or an early childhood program in this state shall, prior to admission, be required to present to school authorities certification from a licensed physician that the child has received, or is in the process of receiving, adequate immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, rubeola (measles), rubella, mumps, tetanus, meningitis and varicella (chickenpox), according to the recommendations of the State Department of Health.

    This law applies to ALL children entering a South Dakota school district for the first time. This would include children in early intervention programs, preschool, as well as kindergarten through twelfth grade. Children under 4 need to be age-appropriately immunized.

    Who is going to do something about this?????

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