Senate President Pro Temp Schoenbeck: Special session requests being thrown like “parade candy”

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19 thoughts on “Senate President Pro Temp Schoenbeck: Special session requests being thrown like “parade candy””

  1. These same people love our right-to-work state except when it doesn’t fit their positions. You don’t get to pick and choose employee protections. They will just fire people with no reason and there will be nothing our legislature can do about that unless they want to change up the entire employment environment. This sounds like more big government because the anti-vaxxers believe their rights are more important than that of their employers and fellow coworkers.

    1. exactly. a government mandate is a government mandate, whether it requires vaccinations or prohibits employers from requiring them, it’s flip sides of the same coin.

    2. Dagburnit! Bubba and Cletus wanna have the right to infect others! They don’t wanna have no microchips in them or be sterilized by the Bill Gates!

    1. Yes, and the same guy that threw a fit when he wasn’t getting his way during the tax increase debate. The guy that threatened to quit the legislature mid session. He’s kind of a drama queen.

  2. When are South Dakotans going to finally get tired of these extremist legislators who pander to the fringe and horribly misinformed. Vote these extremists out. No to special session for something they already have the freedom to choose. They can choose to get vaccinated, resign, be terminated, choose a new career or start their own business. They are not forced to work for an employer against their will like some Communist country.

    We have these misinformed anti-vaxxers who need classes in Civics, History and the different types of governments. Business Law would be another great class for them to take too.

    1. Anon 11:41, agreed. The nerve of those nurses and staff members who worked thru a year and a half of treating covid infected patients at their own risk. That they should complain about being fired is terrible !!

  3. My mom won’t let me play outside so I called her a Communist because she will not let me do what I want to do.

  4. people who took all the other vaccines are trying to claim a religious objection to this one.

    It’s interesting that the vaccine has caused so many people to discover religion. Have they also started going to church?

    Medical objections should be restricted to people who can produce a positive antibody test or verification of an allergy to polyethylene glycol.

    1. Haven’t had a vaccine since the late ’70s. I don’t want this shot which is not what vaccines used to be made from, dying viruses which the body could learn to make antibodies to kill it. First they said we need a shot, then a second, then a third, and now even a fourth! Where does it end?

      1. the hep B vaccine is three (or 4) shots, the Gardasil vaccine is three shots, the rotavirus vaccine is three shots, the Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis is 5 shots, Haemophilus influenza B is 3 (or 4,) polio is 4, measles, mumps and rubella is 3, chickenpox is 2, pneumococcal is 4.

        A whole lot of people who don’t know anything at all about vaccination schedules are alarmed by the need for boosters. well that’s how they work.
        Get over it.

        1. According to the CDC, under vaccines and preventable diseases, some of your numbers are too high. However, these are true vaccines and proven that use dying viruses to spur the body to make antibodies. And the CDC states up front what boosters are needed.

          The covid 19 shot is a combination of things, none using the dying virus to spur the immune system. And they don’t know how many boosters may be needed. You my friend can take the shots if you want, and still maybe get covid and pass it on. I don’t want the shot. Get over it.

          1. some of the numbers are “too high” because I tried to include the boosters required of young adults, out of pediatric range.
            The tetanus and diptheria is given as Td every ten years and after every possible exposure to tetanus, and then senior citizens are required to get the whole Tdap again prior to exposure to grand babies. (Aunts and uncles have to get it too)
            So the Tetanus Diptheria and Pertussis boosters end up being required for life.

            1. I haven’t had all these boosters in my lifetime. Had the tetanus though, after stepping on a rusty nail. Like I said you can take the shots if you want, and still maybe get covid and pass it on. I don’t want the shot. Don’t force it on us.

  5. Right-to-work state. Amazing a “Republican”(s) who claim to be so dang conservative would think about touching that!

  6. Mr. Schoenbeck is among the most entertaining in the legislatures. And he is usually righter than right, I have found. I love it when he bests Mr. Haugaard at every turn.

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