55 thoughts on “Governor Krist Noem weighs in on the important controversy of the day!”

  1. Leave it to Kristi to inject politics into… everything.

    I’ve had Zesto many times. It’s good. B&G Milkyway is “way” better. But I guess that posing with a Sioux Falls cone might make her look too liberal.

    1. Zesto, B&G Milkyway…..nope…..Aberdeen’s Twist Cone is hands down the best!

  2. Zesto is the Besto! And the PIerre Zesto is much better than any others in the state. Twist Cone in Aberdeen comes in second. Milky Way doesn’t come close to either.

    1. This is clearly a man that has not crossed to the freedom loving half of the state

  3. No SDSU Ice Cream mention?!?


    (For those of you who want to get political on this, this is what regular people call “humor”.)

  4. Someone should inform Ben and Jerry that the stolen land was previously stolen from the Kiowa by the Sioux. Todays question is who do we give the land back to?

    1. According to historian Tom Correa, the historical occupation of the Black Hills was the result of a series of brutal wars between tribes. The Arikara Indian nation was the first to occupy the area when they arrived around 1100AD and controlled the area until around 1500 – 1530 AD when they were defeated by the Crow nation. The Crow were pushed out by the Pawnee, who were defeated by the Kiowa, who were defeated by the Cheyenne who were defeated by the Lakota when they arrived in 1765, who were subsequently defeated by the United States.

  5. Eminent domain has been used for private gain for over 100 years. Railroads, telegraph, gas, oil, telephone, electric….all privately owned. All of it.
    All went across private property using eminent domain.
    As for roads, they are used by privately owned trucking companies, too. They are not for the exclusive use of government vehicles and I am sure you would howl if they were.
    By the way, has anybody ever told you about privately owned airlines using airports built using eminent domain?
    There should be no special session to alter this process. Eminent domain built America. Get over it.

    1. It sounds good though and a popular slogan right now. I don’t blame the opponents for being mad as hell! This pipeline is a boondogle!

      1. its a boondoogle supported by farmers and energy companies.

        The compressed CO2 will be pumped into the shale for “enhanced oil recovery.” supposedly this will sequester it for a few thousand years, but the immediate effect will be to push oil to the surface, where it can be “recovered.”

      2. They are just climate change deniers. They would be fine with an oil pipeline.

        1. The Sierra Club is opposed to it because it will be used for fracking….I mean, Enhanced Oil Recovery.
          They don’t want to call it fracking.

  6. No trucker or cowboy hat? No Carhart vest? Stage props must be at the cleaners or in the closet at that taxpayer funded Capitol studio built especially for our part time occupant of the Governor’s office. Nice to see her in South Dakota for once. Pierre Zesto was not far away were her constituents being South Dakota farmers, ranchers, their supporters asking for her help while their property tights are being trampled on.

    1. “No trucker or cowboy hat? No Carhart vest? Stage props must be at the cleaners or in the closet at that taxpayer funded Capitol studio built especially for our part time occupant of the Governor’s office.”

      OK Loren, why not just stay and play at the DFP litter box?

      1. I get tired of the stench of skunk, constant virtue-signaling, plagiarizing and false claims without listing sources by P. Aitch whom I’ll refer to as Psychosis Lansing for now on over there. Need a break after a while. Electing Noem was a mistake.

        1. Lowest unemployment in the nation No shut down during Covid. Balanced budget. Reduction in sales tax etc. etc. etc. Best Governor mistake ever!

  7. Why should she waste her time with the whiners who are in opposition to the Corn Growers’ Association, The Farm Bureau, & The South Dakota Ethanol Producers Association? Not to mention, the North Dakota Petroleum Council is in favor of the CO2 pipeline, too.

    If you want to side with the Sierra Club against all those groups, that is your problem.

    1. to understand my adversary i read their books, I buy from their target stores, and eat their evil but delicious ice creams. it’s my duty.

  8. What was Goss telling Hansen after the event? It looked very wierd. He was all over Hansen.

    Zesto is besto

    1. Don’t have the conviction in your comments to put your real name on posts? Maybe Goss was getting inforrmation from Hansen about Decline to Sign. Nothing weird to me about trying to stop baby killing.

    2. is it possible he was all over Hansen because he knows there is no way the state would be able to change its eminent domain laws and win the inevitable lawsuit?

      Hansen seems to like special legislative sessions. Doesn’t he have a Real Job he should be attending to?

      1. Gutless cowards who don’t put their name on their comments can’t change things for the better. Real people with real names can and do. Keep cowering im the corner and watch.

        1. Your mental illness on display is sad. This is the internet. If you can’t debate with anonymous people, then stay off.

        2. No this is true, he doesn’t have one! Ignore the other David, he is an imposter!

    3. I saw it. Goss was giving Hansen back rubbing and patting. Like a ringmaster in the corner of a boxing match. He was like Mick in Rocky. Hansen loves attention. I’m not a farmer or in a district that this impacts but I need attention so look at me.

        1. Noem says. “Most of the Republican legislators get that in South Dakota—they get that. But, there are the vocal few, like Jon Hansen, who are chasing headlines and are trying to tell South Dakotans how to do business. They want to make government bigger and more powerful in your life. It’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

    1. Thursday July 27th is Miracle Treat Day

      everybody who is anybody will be at the DQ in Madison

    1. the real issue is the use of eminent domain to run pipelines, cables, roads, rails, etc, any form of transportation, across private land.

      First thing we need to do here is restrict the use of public roads to government vehicles only.

      1. The real issue is ice cream. Eat local.

        Hansen is also not a farmer and he sounds like an attention seeker. Pandering to whomever will listen. He lost the speaker race because he isn’t a real leader.

  9. Zesto isn’t ice cream. It’s a dairy dessert, but not ice cream. Should have went with sdsu ice cream.

  10. This actually looks like the Watertown Zesto. The Pierre Zesto is much smaller and there’s no billboard right behind it. Looks like Governor Noem might have been working from home on Thursday.

  11. Zesto malts in Pierre are the gold standard. Don’t doubt they put together a hardy dish of ice cream at South Dakota State…Moo U. It’s tax subsidized ice cream so it had better be good. But Zesto in Pierre has a long, long tradition of satisfying customers of all political persuasions. As to eminent domain, I’m for willing buyers and willing sellers.

  12. Republicans rage on with the culture and social wars while they screw your family where it really counts. While democrats tackle poverty, healthcare, and real issues that effect our families, republicans go after bud light, target, and Ben and Jerry’s. It’s hilarious watching the leopards eating your face.

      1. Oh I forgot one, climate change. It’s a good thing that Republican power grid is so stable to run that AC down in Texas for the next few weeks.

  13. Zesty, B&G, DQ or SDSU all smash Ben & Jerry’s artery killers.

    This one is game set match. Noem won this one.

  14. I don’t think the Governor has made a wise choice in taking on Target…they are on the ropes now battling mail order outlets on one side and Wal Mart on the other but they have been a great Midwestern based retailer and discounter. Ben and Jerry’s are better targets. They’ve made a living out of provoking conservatives so they are used to taking a punch and seem to enjoy the controversy. They are no more liberal than everyone else in Vermont, the state that brings us Bernie Sanders and Cherry Garcia.

    1. I tried to go clothes shopping at Target, but my BMI isn’t over 30 and it seemed everything in there was gray or beige. Never went back. I have heard they are coming to Brookings.
      Whoopdeedo. If you like baggy, shapeless clothes in boring colors, you’re all set.

      1. target is a great place to work, their mission and internal culture they create is good for workers and customers. fact.

      2. Target is home to the wealthy moms and soccer moms. They will put up with Walmart for a month or two and be back right into Target. A good time to buy their stock. Same with bud light. Voters are fickle and will probably just drink more Busch lattes without even realizing they are supporting the same people. At least conservatives are leading the alcoholics game considering the impact they have had.

  15. Everyone knows that the turtle at Pierre’s Zesto is the best.
    No reason to have your brain shrivel up eating that obvious mind shirking Vermont junk from two old hippies

  16. Stop trashing our ice cream! It’s amazing! We are socialists who love our guns. We will give back our businesses land to the tribes soon.

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