Governor Kristi Noem speaks on the stump about her first race for Gov.

Just caught this on Facebook.

Governor Kristi Noem is featured in this video clip. It’s a reminder of why she was elected, and how remarkably good of a speaker she is out on the campaign trail:

34 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem speaks on the stump about her first race for Gov.”

  1. Um- SD has only elected 4 Dem Govs in its entire history and none since Kneip back in the 70’s. I’d say SD is about as red as red can be. Maybe her narrow victory over Sutton had more to do about her than how conservative our state is.

    1. She did not take Sutton seriously until late in the campaign and it showed. Also didn’t hurt that the Democratic generation(s) of Jim River democrats that helped fuel Daschle and Tim Johnson to their victories had died off by 2018.

      The only way a Democrat could win right now is the same way a Republican wins in Massachusetts: the dominant party goes off the rails and the minority party candidate shares the same social/culture viewpoints as the dominant party.

      1. The 2024 Trump Party Train which this interview further shows is filled with grifters, a felon, liars and the brain worm guy. A rolling dumpsterfire heading down the tracks heading towards a trestle that is about to collapse.

        1. “The 2024 Trump Party Train which this interview further shows is filled with grifters, a felon, liars and the brain worm guy. A rolling dumpsterfire heading down the tracks heading towards a trestle that is about to collapse.”

          See comment by Anon @1:05PM

          Meanwhile the dems removed their candidate in an internal coup because he was either too old, senile, and feeble to do the job or he was just a plain crappy president or both. In either case, he was getting his ass handed to him in the polls. Then the dums central committee installed a cackling fool who has flip flopped on so many positions (a quality only willie brown appreciated) that she looks like a fish out of water. And between various cabinet and appointed officials along with the dem base is a who’s who of freak shows…ya, that’s a real stable party.

            1. Remind us again of the percentage of kackles staff that have just up and quit? And why not explain to us why Stumbles was removed. Was he too old and feeble and senile or was he just too crappy of a president. Which is it liberal moron?

              1. Still less than Trump. Why are you so concerned about changing candidates. It’s not your party and you can do the same thing with Trump. Weirdos. Enjoy the loss come November for your rapist and felon. Losers.

                1. Why is it that you can’t answer the question:

                  Was Stumbles too senile and feeble to run for re-election or was he just that dismal of a president? It’s one or the other, why can’t you answer?

                  1. It doesn’t matter. It’s a question with an answer that has no bearing on anything. Biden is gone, get over it. He took us out of the Trump hole and Trump inflation. He once again saved our economy from the destruction that Republicans caused by overheating the economy by printing more money than Biden, causing twice as much debt as Biden, implementing huge tax breaks for the wealthy, and cutting tax deducations for the working class. Trump screwed the country and his economic plan if he gets elected will do it all over again. Losers and weirdos still support Trump.

                    1. Here was a perfect example of revisionist history by a liberal moron who can’t admit he/she/it/they/them was sucked into backing a senile fool.

            1. Where was kackles on the border issue for the last 3.5 years that she now admits is serious. Non-existent.

              1. It’s going to be fun watching you lose this fall. Let’s hope you keep your tantrums under control this time around.

                  1. Trump’s mental decline is worsening where campaign speeches include non sensical rambling looking, crowds booing him with many events they walked out early. Sensing he will lose he is sowing the seeds of another J6th. Grateful for the former Republicans, presently registered or self identifying Republicans who are Patriots joining Democrats and Independents voting for Harris Walz.

                    1. Hilarious how liberal morons who were all backing a senile fool only to be humiliated by his ouster by his own party are now trying to project the same on to President Trump.

                    2. Hilarious how you guys are so obsessed and butt hurt because we replaced Biden with a better candidate. Trump doesn’t stand a chance now and that is good for our democracy.

                    3. A candidate who’s afraid to do an interview, by herself, on live TV, and is avoiding questions by the press at all costs. Liberal moron.

                    4. Republicans supporting Kamala
                      – 200 former Trump staffers
                      – 16 former gop members of congress
                      – 12 former white house attorneys
                      – 4 former gop governors
                      – countless gop officials

                      Democrats supporting Trump
                      – Tulsi gabbard
                      – Rfk jr

                      The sane members of the gop even see Trump and his supporters are weird losers.

                    5. Biden voluntarily for the good of the nation passed the torch to Harris. Trump would never do that. It is all about him and what he can get out of it rather than for the good of the nation. Have you purchased his latest grift the virtual Trump trading cards? If you purchase a minimum amount a physical trading card will be sent to you. A better use of the time you have is what will happen to the Trump Party post Trump? It looks like there is a good chance the patriotic former Republicans who are voting for Harris/Walz are planning on starting a new political party after the election. What are you going to do?

                    6. So then tell us “wise one,” why was it for the good of the country “he passed the torch to knee pads (he was actually forced out but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt so we don’t get you too bent out of shape)? Was it because he was too senile and non-functional? Or was it because he was just a crappy president?

                    7. Trump should be in jail for his interference in Israel and the border bill. He works for himself, not America. He will not allow America to benefit if hr can’t be the reason. Enjoy the rapist loser you weirdos.

                    8. Maybe he just decided there was someone better and he didn’t want to deal with it for 4 more years. It is an irrelevant point but please dwell on it. It’s just another reasons you weirdos will lose in November. Doesn’t Trump have another porn star to screw and pay off while cheating on his wife? You guys seem fine with his promiscuity. I guess your misogyny and sexism only applies to women, not your rapist, liar, and felon. Happy indictment, losers.

                    9. Really? That’s it? When 1 week prior he stated that he was in the race and was going to see it through to the end. He was forced out because he was a national embarrassment and you liberal morons were worshipping at the altar of Joe Stumblegaff.

                      Dude/dudette/it/they/them/you should maybe consider a xanax. You sound triggered. But being you are a liberal moron, you are probably on it already…my bad.

          1. biden controlled the whole transaction. until the gop admits trump’s failed attempt at insurrection, they have no basis to class a legal handoff which the party superdelegates ratified as a “coup.” even the choice of the term “coup” is laughable, and a lame attempt to minimize trump’s major true sins.

            1. Then by your convoluted logic, you and the rest of the liberal moron democrats should shut the hell up about Trump and his alleged affairs considering the antics of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Slick Willie.

              1. happily, trump’s insurrection, boorish ways and unfitness to serve leave no room for any extra discussion of his sex life. i have not cared about any of that, except where the horrible epstein connection is concerned.

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