Governor Noem Announces National Guard Deployment to Southern Border

Governor Noem Announces National Guard Deployment to Southern Border

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem announced that she will be deploying at least 50 South Dakota National Guard troops to the southern border later this summer. Governor Noem joins a group of 12 other Republican governors who are answering the call from Texas Governor Greg Abbott to help Texas respond to the crisis at the southern border.

“The border crisis is growing worse under President Biden’s willful inaction. Across the country, crime rates, drug overdoses, and human trafficking have all skyrocketed because our border remains a warzone,” said Governor Noem. “Our National Guard soldiers are the best prepared to tackle this challenge. They have proven that they can serve with excellence in a situation such as this, and I am confident that they will do so again.”

Two years ago, Governor Noem was the first governor to deploy National Guard troops to the southern border at the request of the governors of Texas and Arizona.

Monthly border encounters have increased by 536% since President Biden took office. Average monthly encounters are up to 204,566 to-date in fiscal year 2023. Prior to the Biden Administration, recorded border encounters had only ever been higher than 200,000 in one month in history, which was 23 years ago.


16 thoughts on “Governor Noem Announces National Guard Deployment to Southern Border”

  1. Bravo Kristi and SD National guard. Skip summer camp and send them all. Our boys will shine at the border. Also will gain experience for when they show up here. Thank you in advance for your service.

  2. Another demoralizing period of time away from their family in order to feed a politico’s career ambitions. What a joke! Well, should have plenty of Holiday Inn Express reward points upon the return.

      1. “Unless your name is Running Bear or Chief Two Rivers, we’re all anchor babies.”

    1. That’s what they agreed to when they signed in the line. Your post is showing your ignorance.

  3. Again?? Why is this necessary? Guardsmen serve deployments during emergencies. What is the emergency??

    1. Millions of mostly illiterate immigrants, and do not be fooled by the propaganda that refers to them as migrants, with no higher job skills are flooding our nation looking for and receiving welfare; the cartels are spreading increasing amounts of highly addictive and even fatal drugs throughout our nation and forcing thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of women and children into sex and labor trafficking; and the members of the Biden Administration are sitting idly by and doing nothing to stop it, and in many ways they are encouraging it. That is an emergency!

    1. correction: simplistic statement, not so much simple fact. the only way to truly stop them is to make this country a worse crap hole than where they came from. it’s fun to see so many republicans back things that might make that happen.

      1. Darn, I kinda miss his fun filled whackadoodle comments. But, I suppose – its for the best.

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