Governor Noem expresses she supports President Trump in donor letter

From my e-mail this morning, Governor Kristi Noem points out that she continues to support President Trump, and that “if Speaker Pelosi and her caucus spent as much time on legislation as this investigation, they might have passed the USMCA trade deal by now.”

18 thoughts on “Governor Noem expresses she supports President Trump in donor letter”

  1. Noem supports abusing the office of the presidency for political gain, just like the rest of the GOP. He squeaked by on the Mueller report and turns around and does the same thing, meaning he learned nothing or chose to remain arrogant and ignorant.

    Ah what’s the point, it’s shouting into the void around here.

    1. And they were worried about Jimmy Carter making money off his peanut farms. That is literally peanuts compared to what trump is going to extort from the taxpayers. They will somehow justify this latest scandal as well. The president openly put his own interests ahead of the country by using his position of power. Corruption by definition.

      1. Anonymous at 11:33: according to Forbes, Trump’s net worth has decline by 31% since he first announced his run for the presidency in 2015.
        If he is doing this to make money, it’s not working.

  2. I have a fun filled analysis-rant on my mind that I hope you don’t mind me sharing.

    Trump’s people have been masterful at political judo, using the opposition’s momentum against them. Time will tell if that is what is happening here, but consider the following information.

    We see GOP congresspeople dropping-out of the re-election campaign space. My instincts? The Trump network is rooting-out what I consider neoliberal and neoconservative operatives in congress.

    Neoliberal, neoconservative – same/same .. “neo’s”, or globalists, statists, people trying their best to leverage the scale of the system to deliver ultimate security (an impossible task).

    Are neo’s realizing what is going on, and in a last ditch attempt trying to make life hectic for Trump and extend the game till the election? Are they relying on the sympathy of American citizens who would vote in a Michelle Obama, Clinton, Gabbard type ticket on the 100th anniversary of Womens’ Suffrage?

    Was Biden’s bid for president always about coordinating the impeachment bid with Trump’s conversation with Ukraine and trying to sucker Trump into it?

    Neo’s’ nostrils are sliding under the surface of the pool, and the majority of America is watching, expressionless. We want the corruption gone; drown, down-the-drain.

    We want free and fair markets.

    We want to be prideful in the culture of our country, our founding principles, and our nation.

    But, who are the neo’s really?

    Ultimately, in possession of more accumulated wealth than the GDP of Japan, the original computer scientists, are the neo’s .. organized women?!

    “Ultimate security”, biologically, is a female imperative. Males, on the other hand, often put fun and fulfillment above security and personal well-being. This, too, is a biological imperative.

    Don’t be surprised if the global womens’ organizations are strong and motivated enough such that we end-up with a woman president in 2020. Is it just too tempting a plot twist on the 100th to not risk the equity and autonomy of the world’s nations to “ensure” a woman president?

    Gabbard is very electable. With a Rand Paul archetype as VP, we would have our first woman president.

    .. and Gabbard will be back in the next debates. She is the dark horse that, since being on the front lines of the diffusing of Standing Rock, has been beeing made-up for this presidential run, IMHO.

  3. Working on legislation? Do you mean the 100’s of bills passed by the House that McConnel refuses to allow a vote on, even those bills from his own party members?

    1. No. USCMA is the only thing that matters right now because it’s currently sitting in the Dem-contolled House.

      1. Just to make sure I understand your logic: whatever your pet bill happens to be, it is the only bill that matters? Did I get that right?

        1. I was being sarcastic because that’s all GOP can come up with…everything else is sitting in the Senate with Turtle.

          1. My fault. Poe’s law. Sometimes I can’t tell what is real because some people in this comments section are nuts.

  4. Translation: standing up to this President for what he did here makes me radioactive to his base, which has quite the foothold in South Dakota. Ergo: pretend it never happened! Democrats bad. DEMOCRATS BAD.

    1. Because whataboutisms are pointless. Even if Biden broke the law, it doesn’t make Trump’s actions any more right. Asking a foreign govt to intervene in our elections is treason. Maybe we can see the transcript of the call rather than a memo that summarizes it. The summary alone is damning, so I wonder what they are leaving out.

      1. Anonymous at 11:55, what sounded to you like a request for interference in an election might make sense to somebody who hasn’t figured out the Democrats are throwing Biden under the bus and will nominate somebody else.
        To the rest of us it sounds like an offer of assistance in tackling some corruption that involves some US citizens. Zelensky campaigned on an anti-corruption platform; Trump called to congratulate him and went on to say a lot of people in the US care about corruption in the Ukraine, starting with the Bidens .

        1. Now Ukraine matters but it didnt when Manafort worked to destabilize the country and incite violence huh. The same guy who ran Trumps campaign and worked for the RNC.

  5. Biden must be the new Hilary “but her emails!” By all means, investigate them all. That doesn’t absolve Drumpf from the crimes he’s committed.

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