Grand Gateway Hotel owner Connie Uhre apparently ‘pledged’ her support to Taffy Howard campaign with donation

I hadn’t caught this until today.

Remember the Grand Gateway Hotel owner Connie Uhre, who in March of this year said she was banning Native Americans from her hotel?

Connie Uhre said in a Facebook comment Sunday that she can “not allow a Native American to enter our business including Cheers,” stating she can’t tell “who is a bad Native or a good Native.”

Read that here.

Of course, that commentary set off city-wide protests, scorching criticism from Rapid City’s Mayor, and a lawsuit. Just for starters.

Apparently, in the recent elections Connie Uhre was also donating to candidate who she believed in, as the final campaign committee report for the Taffy Howard campaign shows this donation:

Uhre made a $300 donation to supplement a prior $20 donation. Coming June 3rd, her dropping cash into the Taffy Howard race came several months after Uhre’s racially offensive comments got her in hot water, and had Taffy Howard still accepting it after the other thing that happened that made the news.

Interesting to see that in the race for Congress, Taffy Howard was the one candidate who Uhre pledged her support to.

4 thoughts on “Grand Gateway Hotel owner Connie Uhre apparently ‘pledged’ her support to Taffy Howard campaign with donation”

  1. Does this really help Dusty’s cause?

    You’re implying that 1) the Hotel owner wasn’t justifiable shaken and taking emergency measures in desperate times (remember the BL-em Summer of Love?) to do after owning her business in Rapid City. NONE of that has been properly debated. 2) That Ms. Howard somehow supports discrimination against Native Americans (a really cheap shot), and 3) that Ms. Howard would somehow favor the hotel owner on this issue (I’m thinking she would immediately disavow the action taken by the hotel owner).

    This approach to handling issues is why we had a contention convention.

    Incompetent thought leadership gets people mad and/or hurt.

    One could just as easily look at the stats from the fauchee-ouchees and question the reputation of any candidate taking money from the medical community.

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