Hard-right legislators call for special session on food tax. How much of it would Taffy skip this time?

Apparently there is a call for a special session from some of those involved in the Freedom Caucus, because they don’t have anything better to do than to send out speculative press releases:

A small group of eight Republicans are calling for a special session ahead of the Nov. 8 election to get lawmakers to vote on repealing the state sales tax on groceries.

The announcement Tuesday, headed by Phil Jensen (R-Rapid City), follows Gov. Kristi Noem’s public support of repealing the tax. Noem made the announcement during the last week of September, saying that if reelected, she would push legislators to repeal the tax during the 2023 session.


The other seven lawmakers who are calling for the special session include: Senator-elect Tom Pischke (R-Dell Rapids), Sen. Julie Frye-Muller (R-Rapid City), Rep. Taffy Howard (R-Rapid City), Rep. Tony Randolph (R-Rapid City), Rep. Kevin Jensen (R-Canton), Rep. Steve Haugaard (R-Sioux Falls) and Rep. Arron Aylward (R-Harrisburg).

Read that here.

Outgoing State Rep. Taffy Howard is part of this group?  That means the big question to ask is whether Taffy would skip 14% of the votes as she did during the main run of the legislature this year, or if she’d skip all of it like she did during the special session on impeachment?

Or since there’s no way the Governor, Senate, or likely even the House is going to call a special session before the election, we can all wait until January when there’s a better chance of everyone showing up to vote on it.

22 thoughts on “Hard-right legislators call for special session on food tax. How much of it would Taffy skip this time?”

  1. Further reinforcing that Noems promise to repeal the grocery tax is nothing more than an election ploy. I can smell the desperation.

  2. the list of supporters is its own argument against doing the special session. i guess if you can’t be first to call for the tax removal, be first to say “others are just making campaign promises, whereas i am ready to do it.” does an empty call for a session beat an election year promise? ehhh – no.

  3. Put up or shut up. Noem is going to look weak(er) after Smith seconds the call for a session and she tucks her tail.

    1. I am not sure any Republican will tuck a tail and run from Leftist Jamie Smith. Just mention Senile Joe and democrats are embarassed.

  4. How many ‘NO’s’ in a row will PP let me get away with here is the only question!!!
    No No No No No No No 🙃

  5. So, this list of “Hard-right legislators” is at best 3rd in line to call for repealing the sales tax on food, Democrats over the years being first and now the desperate Ms. Noem. After all those years of Republikan refusal to even let it out of committee, it’s still not gonna get anywhere, unfortunately.

    1. So 5 days at roughly 260k in cost to remove a 100 million in taxes? Talk about stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.

      1. Where is the replacement $$ coming from?

        If medicaid assistance goes up. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ out of pocket

        If marijuana passes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ out of pocket.

        Schools want more money. $$$$$$$$$$$$ out of pocket.

        1. Medicaid will actually save us money. Why are you so mad at all those stay-at-home farmer’s wives who want to get on medicaid?

          Marijuana will also increase revenue. More tax dollars and less incarcerations. Every state has made money on it regardless of what the reefer madness collective are spewing.

          Why is education a priority now? You guys have been working to pull that money away to go to private institutions for years so i find your concern a bit dishonest.

          1. NO IT will not, it is expected to place additional 42,500 more people on our S.D Medicaid Rolls, of which according to the 2023 Governors Budget Book, costs us $6,470 per individual. At that rate, it will cost us nearly $28,000,000 a year over a 9 year period. And that is with the so called 90% expansion payment made by the Federal Govt. It will cost the State of South Dakota well over $2.1 Billion Dollars over a 9 year period, of which leaves us spending $247,000,000 million over that same period – $28 Million A Year.

            MARIJUANA will n to even pay for that, as it will not generate the revenues needed to fund the expansion, meaning we will have to dedicate even more of our SALES TAX DOLLARS to “Social Service Programs, of which 90% of our State Tax Revenues already go to.

            Do any citizens besides a few of us even read the BUDGET reports?

          2. anonymous at 12:49 if unemployed farmers’ wives want health insurance for themselves they should seek employment at Walmart. Why should the rest of us pay for health insurance for able-bodied working age people who don’t want to work at Walmart?

            Being a housewife is a privilege that few can afford any more. Working women who don’t get to stay home shouldn’t have to pay the bills of women who choose not to work. There are plenty of jobs out there for people who need health insurance

  6. how about an emergency session to keep the sales tax on food and use it to fund school meal programs, hmm??

    I can see that getting public support.

  7. Special session a month before the election.

    Thank God! We’re saved!

    I often find the political vision in SD uninspiring.

    Downright dumb at times.

    *rolls eyes*

    Noem 2022

  8. If the Governor was sincere, she would call forva special session and press it…but sadly she isnt just like during session in March. Needs $ to support donors asks so can only talk about giving up $, not actually do it. She knows the lay of the land and she is it while in Pierre!

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