Hard right starts snacking on their own before the legislative session begins

That was fast.

Before the hard right can officially take power in the State Legislature during the next legislative session, the even further right members of that faction are trying to eat their own, attacking incoming Senate President Pro Tempore Chris Karr:

Keep watching. I’m guessing this won’t be the last time they go on the attack.

11 thoughts on “Hard right starts snacking on their own before the legislative session begins”

  1. It’s interesting that the anti-pipeline, anti-agriculture, anti-business, anti-energy people are the ones calling the pro-pipeline, pro-agriculture, pro-business, pro-energy people “RINOs.”

    Pretty obvious they haven’t bothered to read the SDGOP platform, which supports private property rights as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution: due process, just compensation, and nothing else. (Section 1.6)
    At the same time, the platform is pro-agriculture, (Section 1.1) pro-energy development (Section 1.4) pro-economic growth (section 2.1) Pro-infrastructure development (section 2.3) pro-manufacturing (section 2.5)

    So one plank in the platform supports private property rights as protected by the Fifth amendment, due process and just compensation and NOTHING ELSE.
    And FIVE other planks support agriculture, energy, economic growth, infrastructure development and manufacturing .

    If people are against agriculture, energy, economic growth, infrastructure and manufacturing, they are the RINOs.

    They need to read the platform, they might decide they have joined the wrong party and should go hang out with Jane Fonda.

  2. “No to the Green New Deal!” Funded by supporters of the green new deal. Clown show. Would be funny if it were so sad. Still can’t believe people voted in these nut cases.

  3. You fellows know that young Mr. Karr is in over his bulbous head, right? There are other minds behind the scenes that will steer this behemoth ark over the falls.

  4. Commodity prices tanking, Cargill laying off hundreds of workers and the buffoons are still trying to destroy our corn growers. This session is going to be so dumb.

  5. Extremists from both sides are eventually molded to become tools of the under-cover bureaucracy.

    This adequately explains the uncharacteristic extreme behavior from the DNC.

    1. Nine dems out of 105 legislators, they surely are the problem, when will GOP catch a break in SD?

  6. Karr will soon be thrown under the bus by his friends, over and over again… already labeled a RINO by his soon to be ex friends and soon to be welcomed by his new RINO friends with open arms. He will see the light.

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