House appoints investigative committee for review of possible impeachment of Attorney General

Spencer Gosch, Speaker of the House of Representatives announced today who will be serving on the committee who will investigate whether impeachment is appropriate for the Attorney General as a result of a September 2020 traffic accident, as noted in the Argus Leader:

Serving on the “Special Investigative Committee,” as Gosch referred to it, will be:

  • House Majority Leader Kent Peterson, R-Salem
  • Rep. Jamie Smith, D-Sioux Falls
  • Rep. Ryan Cwach, D-Yankton
  • Rep. Mike Stevens, R-Yankton
  • Rep. Steven Haugaard, R-Sioux Falls
  • Rep. Doug Barthel, R-Sioux Falls
  • Rep. Kevin Jensen, R-Canton
  • Rep. Jon Hansen, R-Dell Rapids

Read it all here.

A few interesting statistics if you’re looking at who has been appointed to the committee.

Of the Nine Committee members, 4 Attorneys are on the committee.. Rep’s Cwach, Stevens, Haugaard & Hansen. And 1, Rep. Barthel, is retired Law Enforcement.

Two of the members are from the Attorney General’s home town of Yankton, but none representing District 24, the legislative district where the accident occurred.

There’s no one from West of the Missouri River. And except for the Speaker himself, you don’t really have anyone appointed who is West of the James River Valley (Or North of Highway 34).

Three committee members are from Sioux Falls.. and up to 5 from the Sioux Falls Metro area if you extend that area to Canton & Dell Rapids.

And despite comprising 30% of the House, there is not a single woman on the list.

Redistricting, impeachment, and people who are unhappy there probably won’t be a anti-vaccination session.

Next week will be interesting, to say the least.

11 thoughts on “House appoints investigative committee for review of possible impeachment of Attorney General”

  1. What a waste of time, effort, and money. If he runs again, the people will decide if they want him back.

      1. And where are your facts to support this, Oh wait you are the same person that only has only one thing to say and that is not even accurate. His records and public announcements show how much he is getting done and how ard working he is.

  2. The institutional integrity of the Office of Attorney General is at stake here. We will see if the legislature cares about that. Given the facts of this case and that he has not resigned, it is clear that the current AG does not.

    1. Clearly Martin you have no idea what you are talking about. Two misdemeanors are not impeachable, case closed. The fact that Ravnsborg is a hard-working individual (everyone will agree to that) and still has been working as hard, if not harder during this past year shows how much integrity he has. So please sit back down Martin and play with your slinky and let the grownups speak.

  3. The Speaker is not the most effective guy. He thinks a lot of himself, but I’m not seeing much savvy there… should have released the vote. Should have thought through the appointees. And who does he think he is withholding the file from other legislators?

    The AG will ultimately go free and then will be defeated at convention, which he should be. Then he can go back to hardly practicing law somewhere.

    1. Glad you are sooooo smart and have all the answers and everyone else is dumb.


  4. Next we will get some trumped up polling to pressure legislators and also now that we know the committee they will get pressured.

    Maybe these 9 will not have to deal with redistricting as much…

    Its going to be an interesting week next week.

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