“I will not pledge to support the Republican candidate for President” (Donald Trump)

I’m not surprised.  He once supported single payer health insurance, Hillary Clinton and the right to abortion.

Update:  9:19-  I think all the Republicans on stage (Trump is no longer a Republican in my eyes) have been impressive.  They have taken tough questions and answered them with conviction and coherence.  I gained some insight in the appeal of Ben Carson. I’m proud to be a Republican tonight.

25 thoughts on ““I will not pledge to support the Republican candidate for President” (Donald Trump)”

  1. That one line just annihilated his slim chance of gaining a consensus. Mad Bulls always turn into burger…….

  2. First question out of the chute. Pretty clever of Fox to get it over with right away. If that didn’t clinch it, Megan’s question ablut calling women names did. I don’t see ‘The Donald’ going anywhere but into free fall in the GOP. But that could be trouble if he runs Indy, huh, Troy? He doesn’t need the money or the party, as long as he’s got an audience.

  3. you’re all writing off trump too soon, whether from a republican bias or a democrat bias. i think most voters have a clear memory of mister h.ross perot or can google him and get up to speed in a hurry. CLEARLY a third-party run is disasterous. i am hoping trump has a long and productive run as a candidate for a variety of reasons, and i have no problem with him NOT taking that kind of pledge. to get my vote, trump has to win the republican nomination, and not being part of the republican establishment, trump has to increase his leverage any way that’s open to him. now, if he DOES NOT get the nomination, i and millions of other republicans will forget that he even ever existed. he knows that, we know that, but the establishment is all full of political posing and gamesmanship masquerading as meaningful politics.

    i note that many here want someone outside the beltway altogether. there are warm feelings for a dr. carson or a ms. fiorina for that reason. but many of us out here don’t want someone who’s the right religious pose or right race or right gender, we want an outsider with five hundred pound testicles and that’s trump.

  4. Politically correct is a term coined and parroted by bigots trying desperately to shield themselves from valid liberal criticism. Correct IS correct no matter what qualifier you put in front of it.

      1. yeah that’s right, “correctness” started out being a good thing to the people using the term. incorrectness was a codeword for ‘stupidity.’

  5. Porter we already know the only True path forward is with pure Liberal ideology of which your personal stance is the purist. (Sarcasm)

    1. Mr. Hoffman:
      After a quick look at your bio – Majority Whip, member of the same church as me, ag background like me, not born in Sodak like me, went to a SD University like me. You’re a bit younger and had NO interaction with the Vietnam war (unlike me). That assessed and knowing that sarcasm is your way of paying respect, I’d say, “Coming from you the above post is high praise, sir. And I thank you.”

      1. Porter I’d def enjoy a cold brew or two with you on my nickle getting to know just who the H I’m battling with here.

        Until then: you are an egomaniac driven by emotionally charged self righteousness with other people’s tax dollars.

  6. As I wrote and your post confirmed, Mr. Powers – The term had only scattered usage prior to the 1990s. Conservatives and right-wing libertarians pushed the term in order to “divert attention” from more substantive matters of Conservative discrimination and as part of a broader culture war against liberalism. In essence, your Teanderthal Bretheren, being inwardly embarrassed by the things they say and think, try and shield themselves from the fact that they’re hurting innocent people and promoting selfish ideas. When you capital “C” Conservatives have no valid response to our criticism your only “out” is to claim the left is just being politically correct and our criticism is overlooking your “God given right to be prejudiced” if you damn well please. You DO have that right and we have the obligation to call out bullies when and where we see them.

    1. Do you ever read what you write? Maybe try that before you send next time. Typical rabid liberal tripe. Get something original.

      1. @anonymous … I’m pleased that YOU read what I write. If there’s ever anything I can do to be better, please let me know.

  7. Not one of those candidates up there could carry Donald Trump’s jock. He exemplifies the Republican ideology more than any of them. Live with it and enjoy the ride!

    1. yeah, democrat ideology was revealed to all of us through robert byrd, george wallace, byron de la beckwith and the ku klux klan, so enjoy your ride too while killary puts the finishing touches on her campaign to screw up the entire planet by getting your party’s nomination. you deserve her.

  8. I see the usual conspiracy theory crowd here in South Dakota are all giddy about Trumps latest show. They certainly like their narcissists.

    The Donald will fully implode eventually

    1. or he’ll actually get better at what he is trying to do. i’m interested in seeing how it all turns out. the fact that trump is in this means that people who just hate the rnc and the party leadership have a person who will tell them, if this party can’t lead then i will have to consider stepping ahead of it. the party leaders hate that, understandibly. i’m a big believer in the republican party, but the kind of position trump has taken is what helped to establish the republican party in the first place.

      1. Enquirer, to be clear, you’re not comparing Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln are you?

        1. i’m comparing trump to people who abraham lincoln had to argue with while the party was forming. they were serious people with sincere views who didn’t write checks with their mouths that their butts couldn’t cash.

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