In case you wanted to know how the committee voted in Senate State Affairs against Free Speech Bill

In case you were wondering who to complain to about the Free Speech Act being sent to the 41st Day, here’s who voted against the freedom of expression on our State University Campuses.

House Bill 1087
Purpose: promote intellectual diversity at certain institutions of higher education.
Sponsors: Representatives Peterson (Sue), Haugaard, and Qualm and Senators Stalzer, Greenfield (Brock), Langer, and Maher

Those who voted correctly and defended the freedom of expression on our state university campuses are denoted by the Gadsden flag (used in the revolutionary war) denoting their bravery in defense of our rights.

And those who prefer speech to be filtered and controlled by university administrators, such as those who now deem the term Hawaiian as offensive and voted to kill the free speech measure, they are indicated by another country’s flag for their completely wrong vote.

And session rolls on.

69 thoughts on “In case you wanted to know how the committee voted in Senate State Affairs against Free Speech Bill”

  1. Does that mean Noem also gets a communist flag? The Board of Regents are her employees. If Kristi wanted this matter addressed, she could do it without involving the legislature.

  2. Youngberg, Novstrap, and Bolin. Traitors. Remember their names. Remember the huge victory they gave the left wingers today.

    1. Add Ewing to Youngberg, Novstrup, and Bolin. I used to consider them all conservative, but I really can’t anymore. And the water in the frog pot continues to get hotter.

  3. Today the social justice warriors won and constitutional conservatives lost. Remember who sold out freedom

  4. If these RINOs can’t vote free speech and against political correctness then they need to be replaced

    1. Andy, have you read Section 6?

      Senator Bolin and I have cast about 30,000 votes. How did we do on the other 29,999 votes? By the way, I thrive on kind words.

  5. I decided to listen to today’s hearing on this. The opponent testimony about unintended consequences, lawsuits, etc is very convincing. The testimony that the BOR is working on the problem isn’t very convincing, but maybe firing a few of the members will get them to work harder.
    The account of the student at SDSU who wasn’t allowed to hang an American flag in his dorm because it might offend somebody was awful, and it happened last September. Heads should have rolled for that one. .

    New legislation is not needed if the Governor starts taking names and kicking butts. .

  6. You may be absolutely right Ann, but we’ve GOT TO stop killing good bills because we’re afraid of a possible lawsuit or a possible boycott or whatever. The same thing happened with the bathroom bill, and the transgenders in HS sports bills. It’s never wrong to do what’s right ! How about we as a state take the lead on principles instead of following like lemmings what other states do ? Didn’t Reagan say “you don’t negotiate with terrorists”? These left-wing politically correct movements are today’s urban terrorists. They come here and make all kinds of threats of what will happen if we don’t do as they say. Daugaard rolled over, the RINOs roll over, and the Dem caucuses that can fit in a phone booth all cheer !

  7. The schools all seem to have Ombudspeeps to mediate complaints. Perhaps the solution is for the students to be aware of the office, as part of their civics education.

  8. Section 6 is problematic. Section 6 requires an annual collection of all ” incidents in which free expression was disrupted” to be listed on a website. It was testified that this website could then be misused by out of state far left groups such as the ACLU to sue the tax payers of South Dakota. Please listen to the debate. One incident last year was that a student prayer group was asked not to meet in the common area of a dorm at SDSU. I asked President Dunn to respond. His response was that prayer groups would be allowed. Progress made. Tim, It was a pleasure to serve with you. You are missed.

    1. So when a student testifies that they’re not allowed to do the bible study and then the President says they should be, doesn’t that highlight the exact problem?

      Section 5 of the bill said that all faculty, staff, and students need to be trained on the free speech policies. If the President says one thing and the staff are enforcing another maybe you should’ve take a vote to help fix that?

      1. If the student took the complaint up the chain of command it would probably have been rectified. If a grievance procedure is already in place, follow it. If the problem still exists after going all the way to the top, that’s when the complaint goes to Pierre.

            1. bingo
              Staff and professors need to be trained. Its what we pay them for and if a students right to expression are violated, it should be a fire-able offense.

  9. I support the student that wanted to hang an American Flag on 9/11. I admire his patriotism. As crazy as it sounds, does the ACLU then win a law suit when SDSU takes down a ISIS flag?

  10. It’s funny how people rush here to make negative comments about Governor Noem and blame everything on her. I am sure the heavy snow fall this winter is her fault too. Must be the same unfulfilled and unstable people who blame everything on President Trump.

    1. Intelligent point. Like the clever SNL (back when it was funny) sketch about a cabbie ascribing every problem to “friggin’ Guiliani!” But, seriously, who’s to blame for this snow? More to shovel today & my back is getting sore. Where’s the global warming we were promised? Long overdue. Guess this is why they dropped that tag & re-branded it climate change.

      1. They dropped the tag because of people like you who don’t understand global warming and think the cold is proof it isn’t happening. Instead of being a friend of education, maybe you should get some education.

        1. Yeah, thinking cold it proof that it’s not warm. What maroons. These same guys think that just because the ice caps didn’t melt when Al Gore said they would that he was wrong. They need to be enlightened.

          Cooling has always been warming

          We’ve always been at war with east asia

        2. Yes when you educate yourself about global temperature measurements you learn that “science” decided that the average temperatures observed from 1951-1980 were declared to be “normal.”

          This makes as much sense as declaring that whatever you weighed at 12:01:01 AM on your 14th birthday was “normal” and anything above or below that is not normal.

          Isn’t education grand?

          1. Yeah, no. That’s not true at all – “normal” isn’t even a word in climate science. We have data going back eons with temperature and CO2 levels.

            1. “They dropped the tag because of people like you who don’t understand global warming and think the cold is proof it isn’t happening.”

              Were they wrong to tag it Global Warming? Did they *incorrectly forecast* the public reaction? Have they made any other incorrect forecasts? If Climate Change is a better descriptor, why didn’t they use it from the beginning? Re-branding is expensive and it takes a lot of work. If the debate is over, why bother?

              BTW, and speaking of science, this was pretty cool:


              1. Both terms are largely correct, and in the current context, mean the same thing.

                Mouth breathing morons can’t seem to grasp that rising sea temperatures might just cause unstable conditions globally – like, say for instance, weak polar vorticies spinning off and causing my heat bill to rise unexpectedly.

                1. But we only have 11 years to save the planet!!! We need every last cent for carbon reduction, or children will die. Why spend ALL the time and money and effort re-branding, Ike? Deplorable mouth breathers want to know.

                  1. Because idiots couldn’t grasp the ramifications the first time around – just trying to explain it a different way so that something – anything – gets done before we kill the planet.

                    1. Yes, we idiots need the proper framing. To illustrate: The Atlantic’s science editor, Ross Andersen, struggled for years to draw readers’ attention to climate change stories. He failed — repeatedly – until her hit upon the winning formula. “Maximally apocalyptic headlines and framing was the ONLY way to get people in, and even those tactics didn’t perform in huge ways,” he admitted.

                    2. Exactly. If it doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, most are simply too stupid or lack the attention span to listen and understand.

                      But destroy the planet. I’m sure your grandkids won’t mind. You got yours, f*** everyone else.

                    3. Poor Ike.
                      The climate changes because of a lot of factors like the earth’s orbital precession and plate tectonics. The orbital wobbling varies the distance to the sun, the moving continents mess up the ocean currents. I am imagining, therefore, a network of transatlantic cables to keep the Americas anchored to Europe and Africa and perhaps the relocation of Asia to the Southern Hemisphere to correct the wobbling. The continents need realignment. You’d better get on this ASAP.

            2. Yes and during the Cretaceous the atmospheric CO2 was 10X what it is now. There was more O2, too because the plants were so big. The earth was warmer then, too.
              So where did all this nitrogen come from? Humans?

    2. MK, the governor is the one who hires and fires members of the Board of Regents. Their actions, or failure to take action, on an issue are the governor’s responsibility. Is that logic train too hard for you to follow?

  11. Al–you were duped by the leftwingers into making a vote that undermines freedom. Prayers are disallowed in SDSU common areas. Dunn wasn’t being truthful. Another kid said the diversity police forced him to take down his American flag at SDSU. After all the money the party has spent saving your butt in Aberdeen you should be ashamed. The left will continue to control our colleges because of you. Sad.

  12. Al Novstrap–we know what you did. We know in Aberdeen how you were “worked over” by the President at Northern and what they promised you. You sided with the liberal professors and abandoned your voters. You’d better make this right very fast. This USD crap proves how big of a problem this is.

    1. I disagree with Sen. Novstrup’s vote, but to accuse him of a “quid-pro-quo” is absurd. I have been active in the Republican Party for years and have watched the good Senator take on fights against corruption at many levels of government. He has a moral compass that points true north and cutting a backroom deal for his personal benefit would be abhorrent to every bone in the Senator’s body.

      I hope they bring the bill back next year and that Sen. Novstrup can work with the sponsors to find a way to support it.

  13. When Bolin Novstrup and Yougberg talk about being conservative its all a bunch of Rino crap.

  14. How much money did the state party spend to save Youngberg? Then he stabs conservatives in the back. These three should reconsider their votes

    1. I plan to discuss this with Senator Youngberg; I suspect this doesn’t get much traction at DSU, where the students are techno geeks and aren’t into politics or religion much. Am I correct that most of the complaints are coming from SDSU? This hasn’t been an issue anywhere else?
      Time to cancel Hobo Days then. It’s insensitive to the needs of homeless people.

  15. Noem is smoking too much hemp. She needs to get engaged and save this bill and quit acting like a queen diva who just wants to go on tv all all the time.

      1. Well she helped get it passed in the House and then stopped helping in the Senate. Kind of a head scratcher

        1. The Governor doesn’t need this bill in order to address the issue. She hires and fires members of the Board of Regents. She needs to clean house there.

  16. Man you guys just can’t win huh. People get elected based on the (R) but then everyone shouts Rino when they dont vote your way.

  17. We need everyone to come together and find a good bill to protect speech and shut down the political correctness craziness. We need the governor to lead. I’m not giving up on her yet, but she needs to work on this or I’m done with her.

    1. No, the governor needs to do her job and clean house at the Board of Regents. Why is that so hard for many of you to understand?

  18. It is so typical that the University Presidents and the students say: “no problem, nothing to see hear, move along” and the VERY NEXT DAY we have another fine example of political correctness gone amuck! This is needed legislation!

  19. Bolin et. al smeared by the communist flag is so disgusting.

    They deserve flags which represent true freedom and not suckered by a bill title which promises to do something while avoiding something meaningful. The slur is an Offense against the truth.

    This is my last post at this place. My disgust could not be worse.

    1. Troy, like the later post with the Trump/Hillary graphics, it’s done in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Mainly because too many people are getting snippy as we get towards the end of session.

    2. Man up and quit being so offended. Sheesh. If you don’t see the irony between this and the filthy libs needing their safe space, perhaps a short break would do you good.

  20. Pat, I am not offended by the flag. I am used to it.

    In the 2013 and 2014, legislative session, Senator Omdahl and I sat behind Senator Monroe. (we were being punished for some unknown reason by leadership). When ever Senator Monroe disagreed with our vote he would give us an offensive flag.

    We need to get over the snow flake syndrome.

  21. passing a feel-good unenforceable bill, and cramming it into the hands of the people who told you it’s not enforceable as the plan to enforce it, is its own reward. smart people put on the brakes and ended this thing. what supporters want to achieve, will have to encompass a change of people on the board of regents, and the hiring of leadership at each school willing to fight the battle of dismantling a corrupt go-along-get-along system rewarding lopsided political browbeating by tenured staff, where it can be proved to exist. but hey it’s a feel-good bill so you all get to feel bad about the 41st day for awhile. there, there.

    1. and what a nasty foul mouthed lot you denial-deniers are. i’m glad that being on the right side of the argument doesn’t require me to ever actually go near any of you self anointing saviors.

  22. If everyone really wants this fixed, don’t pass a state law. Find a student that has had his or her rights violated and sue it out in court.
    Everyone here with but hurt can pitch in for legal fees and have the SC invalidate any suppression of free speech by a governmental entity. If they don’t follow the Constitution, what makes you think a state law is going to make a difference?

  23. A little off the subject of free speech, but on the topic of global warming one might note that the Missouri river was formed by the southern edge of a glacier, thence the north east part of the state called the glacial lakes region! My grandfather homesteaded in South Dakota and didn’t mention any glacier. I think it happened before man got here.

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