Update on USD’s PC Redaction of Hawaiian Day. Now, nobody’s getting Lei’d.

Uh oh. On the day that Senate state affairs decided free speech on campus wasn’t a problem, it sounds like the PC silliness is getting as deep as the snow at our state university campus in Vermilion.

After deciding “Hawaiian day” was offensive… (okay, I cant figure out why, it would be like someone taking offense at Montana day) …and changing it to the more politically correct ‘Beach day,’ the USD PC police still aren’t done, as you can see from the below Facebook blast that I’m told went out:

Apparently in connection with fun in the sun, floral leis have now been decreed as culturally insensitive by the Administration.


Someone explain to me why the Senate State Affairs committee killed the free-speech bill?

Because I’m understanding it less and less.

18 thoughts on “Update on USD’s PC Redaction of Hawaiian Day. Now, nobody’s getting Lei’d.”

  1. I’m just wondering if they’re going to give St. Patrick’s Day an equal amount of cultural sensitivity.

  2. Noem needs to fire and replace every member of the Board of Regents. If she would do her job, the legislature wouldn’t have to consider bills to force a fix.

  3. The governor I suspect has bigger issues on her plate.

    As I’ve mentioned, I’m not fond of the bill. Just more government.

    But the PC crap out of USD has me done with that place. I’m a USD alum and former donor. I can tell you right now that I will never donate again… nor will my kids go there.

  4. Unbelievable. Since when does anyone hold a registered trademark on floral garlands, luaus, beach parties , fun and festivities? In fact, shipping traditional Hawaiian style flower garlands (leis) to the mainland is big business and is done without restrictions on usage.

    Bans on hog roasts and pork loin cookouts at USD must certainly follow.

    And, unfortunately, there are likely some who are offended by the use of a coyote as a mascot…

    What a way to begin a new administration!

  5. Noem could have passed this bill. Legislative leadership begged for her help. She told them she was too busy being on tv in New York on msnbc. Not a joke!

    1. We don’t need legislation. Governor Noem needs to kick the Board of Regents in the ass. Since she hasn’t, I can only assume Kristi supports the government enforced censorship taking place on the campuses of our state funded schools.

  6. The problem is we keep having to have complicated solutions for simple non-problems. If “Hawaiian Day” offends you, do not attend. If they are serving pork and you are Jewish or Muslim, don’t eat it. If they are serving alcohol and you are a teetotaler, don’t drink it. But don’t take your values and force them upon others.

    1. If Hawaiian Day offends you, seek psychiatric help. How is it the worst people in the country (i.e., somebody who is such a jackwagon as to be offended by Hawaiian Day) get to tell everybody else what to do? I think we need to be less sensitive to the complaints of the stupid people in society.

  7. So, just to make sure I understand: In order to ensure that nothing y’all don’t personally agree with happens in a school, you want the Governor to make a law preventing students from expressing their opinions on school-sponsored events?

  8. Same administration that encouraged me to drop out and come back in a year when I was pregnant in my 3L year (in the top 15 and on law review). When I said I wouldn’t do that I was then encouraged to have a medically unnecessary, scheduled c-section because if I couldn’t make it back within two weeks we “need to have a come to Jesus because even if your professors and classmates are willing to help you, this isn’t a long distance school”
    I did come back in two weeks, after having an emergency c section and had my mom bring the baby to me to breast feed. Me and a mother mom, who was in a similar position, were told to take our babies where no one would see them while Sam Masten was going on. A lot of other crap went down to that I eventually had to get the general counsel for board of regents involved. It seems like if the discrimination actually affects one of their students quality of education, they don’t give a hoot, but dear God, if someone is offended. Basically if it would be hard and maybe messy to protect a student’s right to an education, they won’t do it. Thank God for professor Hutton who finally called BS on all the crap or I might have just dropped out. They were so horrible to me. Still graduated with honors, passed the bar, and am employed as a lawyer, but it was in spite of that school and I never publicize the fact I came from there.

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