In last love-letter to Democrat Party, outgoing Argus political reporter slobbers over Democrats while ignoring reality

In her outgoing love letter to the State Democrat Party, the Argus’ departing political reporter Lisa Kazcke writes a story about the Dem Party not being as bad as everyone really thought…

There’s a sense of commitment and involvement among Democrats going into November, Seiler said. He said they’re “optimistic” about Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s chances at winning the presidency. In South Dakota, the campaigns are going well for Democratic candidates Dan Ahlers for U.S. Senate and Remi Bald Eagle for Public Utilities Commission, he said.


The SDDP was receiving $10,000 per month from the national Democratic Party, but that amount has been coming from the Democratic Grassroots Victory Campaign, a joint fundraising committee with state parties, since January instead. The SDDP has also received nearly a dozen donations of up to $10,000 from wealthy Democrats from out of state via the joint fundraising committee, according to FEC reports.


Cole said they have plans to increase registered Democratic voters in the state and build a “bench” of school, city and county officials who are “true leaders that can make very sound decisions.” But it’s going to take time, she said. The state Legislature and congressional delegation don’t reflect the political makeup of the state, and it’s the party’s job to figure out how to bring it more into alignment, she said.

Read all of what Kazcke was willing to write about here.

If you can hold the eye-rolling to a minimum, Kazcke’s propaganda piece provides space for State Democrat Chair Randy Seiler to gush “The rebuilding is going incredibly well. There’s a sense of determination, there’s a sense of optimism,” Seiler said. 

Nevermind reality.

Reality is the fact that the State Democrat organization can’t field enough people to keep a state fair booth open on a 3 day weekend when the area around the building is packed with people.

Even more importantly and a fact completely glossed over if not utterly ignored by Kazcke, reality is also the fact of the colossal candidate recruiting failure by the current South Dakota Democrat Party’s leadership team which left a majority of State Senate seats uncontested by Democrats, including seats representing Watertown, Aberdeen, Huron, Madison, Mitchell, Brookings, and Pierre.  I might be remiss if I also didn’t mention all the vacant house seats.

I mean, really. How does it escape the notice of the newspaper’s political reporter that a political party – who’s literal purpose is to help get candidates elected – has fallen so flat on it’s face that their number of candidates for the State Senate is rivaled by the Libertarian Party, which has 153,000 members fewer than the Democrats do?  Granted, some of the Libertarian candidates are utterly unelectable goofballs, but they at least their party scared up some people and got them to put their name on the line.

But you don’t read about that in Kaczke’s outgoing piece.  In fact, you don’t get any discouraging words. Just forget about all that bad stuff. And not mention the fact the State Democrat Party couldn’t manage to field a Congressional candidate for the first time in modern history.

Because as far as the outgoing reporter is concerned, it’s the Democrat Party, so all is good.

13 thoughts on “In last love-letter to Democrat Party, outgoing Argus political reporter slobbers over Democrats while ignoring reality”

  1. When Bob Mercer writes it you know the depth of the story goes all the way through the woods across the river and into the fine print similar to what happens here.
    Amazing that anyone could suggest South Dakota voters who would normally vote for Democrat legislative candidates are somehow being forced to vote Republican.
    When you two guys decide to retire it’ll be Facebook Follies I guess.

  2. The only question is whether she is just stupid or a shameless cheerleader.

    The only reason my wife won’t let me save the subscription is the crossword and obituaries.

  3. The problem is that today’s democrat party has adopted the far left, radical agenda more in line with socialism. Bernie Sanders proudly stated this himself. They are also the party of the rioters and the perpetually offended. My parents were staunch democrats but they wouldn’t recognize today’s democrats.

  4. We don’t even get the Sunday edition any more. Any “news” you find in the Argus Liar can be found from other sources and ads for local stores come via other mailers, etc.. There just isn’t any reason to subscribe to such a left-wing rag.

  5. The Democrats in South Dakota are doing a great job, and should continue to do whatever it is that they are doing. Or not doing. And more of it.

  6. Typical Argus bias. It hasn’t been a serious newspaper for years. This is apparent with all the staff writers. It would be nice if they hired at least one neutral reporter that could be relied upon to give a straight story without the Democrats love fest.

  7. I am so glad she’s gone. The corporate overlords at Gannet should look for talent from inside the state and not try to transplant someone from out of state to cover politics.

    1. Joe Sneve is the new political reporter, and at least what I’ve seen, he’s been relatively fair in his reporting on city issues. And he knows the people involved in politics

  8. The Democrats were probably closed due to COVID, while the GOP is always open to spread you know what around.

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