Jamie Smith claims Kristi Noem “dangerous.” But what about the Smith for Governor Campaign’s adherence to State Law?

Just had this goofball advertisement pop up on my facebook. Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jamie Smith is now going so far as to pump out facebook ads to make the bizarre claim that “Republican Governor Kristi Noem” is “dangerous.”

Umm.. really? Does he have some mystery footage of her walking around with a pointed stick or something? That might be the goofiest thing said by a campaign this year to date.

I mean, Kristi being in the race is more than dangerous, and is a fatal blow to Smith’s chances of even being considered for the job for Governor.  But other than that, Governor Noem is pretty benign, if not outright gregarious, unless one is trying to shut down the state. Then you’re probably going to be on the receiving end of her ire.

Speaking of campaigns being a bit dodgy, I did notice that in last week’s roll out for the Dakota Scout publication in Sioux Falls, the Jamie Smith Campaign skipped something that all the other political advertisers did not.  The legally required advertising disclaimer:

Maybe you can find it, but I sure don’t see the disclaimer required by SDCL 12-27-15.

12-27-15Political communications to contain certain language–Exceptions–Violation as misdemeanor.

Any printed material or communication made, purchased, paid for, or authorized by a candidate or political committee that disseminates information concerning a candidate, public office holder, ballot question, or political party shall prominently display or clearly speak the statement: “Paid for by (name of candidate or political committee).” This section does not apply to buttons, balloons, pins, pens, matchbooks, clothing, or similar small items upon which the inclusion of the statement would be impracticable. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A subsequent offense within a calendar year is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Read that here.

Maybe Smith can claim to be focused on South Dakota by riding in the back of a truck, but his campaign doesn’t seem to be focused on following South Dakota Campaign finance laws.

25 thoughts on “Jamie Smith claims Kristi Noem “dangerous.” But what about the Smith for Governor Campaign’s adherence to State Law?”

  1. I’ve often said (even to Governor Noem in emails) that she needs to eat a cheeseburger.

    I suspect that perhaps .. for your consideration .. that the reason Governor Noem doesn’t eat more cheeseburgers is that there is *ahem* a shortage.

    Is the Smith campaign a danger to Cheeseburgers?

  2. my latest estimate indicates i can view noem’s “cmon man” ad 297 more times or more, so let’s keep it rolling.

  3. No disclaimer? Why am I not surprised that another Democrat thinks he is above the law and it doesn’t apply to him. Violators of the law are “more dangerous” than our sitting Governor, especially when they go against everything we believe in South Dakota.

    1. Go back to older posts on this blog where Pat points out the many republicans who have left off the disclaimer.

    2. Noem also broke the law dozens of times with all those moving violations. You know, things that are ACTUALLY dangerous.

    3. Just what exactly is everything you think WE believe in South Dakota that makes you state Smith thinks he’s above the law? Ever think the disclaimer might’ve been accidentally overlooked by whomever in his staff printed up the ad? Because he’s got to have staff handling the busy details if he’s going to be out campaigning. And this makes him dangerous?

  4. If there is anything I have learned from Donald Trump, it is that laws don’t really matter. If you break them, and are accused of breaking the laws, call it fake news, political, and if convicted, call them libs. If they are registered republicans, call them RINO’s, this will keep you free from suffering the consequences.

    The anti-crime republican theme was so early 2000’s, find something new.

    1. Or more accurately have the DOJ and the FBI in your hip pocket to put investigations on the back burner, don’t investigate at all, or leave your lane of authority limitations and announce that no indictment will be forthcoming…..Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden sound familiar??

      1. Reminder:

        • James Comey, FBI director when Trump took office, investigated those emails at the direction of both Obama and Trump, and found that of the 33,000 (edit:) DELETED emails examined, three were classified, and all three were typical call sheets (i.e. lists of phone calls Clinton had to make as Secretary of State on a given day) and had been incorrectly classified. (Commenters have correctly pointed out that 110 emails of the 30,000 initially turned over to the FBI contained information that was classified at the time, although whether those emails were marked classified is unclear, and this is still one third of one percent of the surrendered emails.) The source for this is James Comey’s address on July 5, 2016.

        • Rex Tillerson, Trump’s first Secretary of State, at Trump’s direction, led an inquiry into 41 “security incidents” that had been attributed to Clinton as SecState, and found that she was responsible for exactly none of them.

        • Mike Pompeo, Trump’s second Secretary of State, at Trump’s direction, launched an investigation into Clinton over 12 classified “spillages” – leaks of classified information – during her time as SecState, and found that she was responsible for exactly none of them.

        • Bill Barr, Trump’s second Attorney General, refused to pursue investigations into Clinton because there was nothing there to find.

        Let’s not forget that the FBI announced an investigation into her 11 days before the election but we didn’t hear Trump screaming about the weaponization of the DOJ then. She also sat for 11 hours taking questions from a committee. Let me know when Trump is willing to take the stand.

        Hunter isn’t even a public official, like all the appointed Trump family members. Buttery Mails!

        1. No POTUS and his family have ever made money off the presidency like Orange Leader. From the millions of dollars he’s made off Secret Service stays at his golf resorts to the hundreds of millions of dollars he’s made from his flock by fundraising, to the millions his kids have made from Chinese trademarks or Darling Jared’s investment companies, the orange leader’s grift never ends.

            1. Well, when you add up all the grift, it is billions. Darling Jared and his investment haul from a certain oil rich middle east company accounted for a cool $2 billion.

    2. It’s Hillary and the dems who consider themselves above the law, as well as the Biden administration. The latest is Biden’s student loan forgiveness, which even Pelosi stated he did not mot have the authority to do…. but never mind, just issue an edict anyway.

      1. Keep going anwywhere but the premise of the post…..but her emails! It isn’t 2016 anymore, Trump is the criminal, and the evidence is there for everyone to see. Accept that instead of just trying to deflect to Hillary, Hunter, or Soros.

    1. I’ll bet you $1k that he gets at least 40%. Noem’s own poll had him within 3 points of her.

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