Joni Tschetter returning to District 15 House race. Glad to see the GOP now has one good candidate in that contest.

Good news for Republicans today, as Joni Tschetter who ran for District 15 House in the last election has filed petitions at the Secretary of State’s office today to give it another go. Joni was narrowly beaten out for a District 15 House seat in 2022 by Democrat Kadyn Wittman with a margin of fewer than 100 votes. Joni did a nice job in her race, and has a strong possibility of narrowing that margin and potentially even capturing one of the two seats in a second time at bat.

Thank God we finally have a good candidate in the contest, as just today I received another manifesto from her fellow D15 Republican House candidate Mike Zitterich, declaring among many things…

The American Declaration of Independence provides to the American People just how to Take Back America, and to Establish a New Government. If you were to read it closely, and pay attention, there is a legal manner, and legal mechanism for doing so.


Today, 2022 to 2029 you’re seeing the trials and tribulations of Donald Trump and the Republic vs the Investigations of the Administration-Corporate Company.  The next period will be 2030 to 2037 the Restoration of the Republic to its natural state of being minus all the Corporate structure. This may lead to war or it may not.  By 2040 if we win, we have reached a Full Jubilee, Renowned in our Faith and Country. One People, Under the House of God, to whom all 50 States acting as Free, and Sovereign Republics, Commonwealths are placed back above the National Government.

Does anyone outside of the insane asylum think that this is going to cause people to elect them? NO! For the love of God, make it stop, because he’s just stinking up the big tent with this conspiracy nonsense.  (I will detail the awfulness of the other D15 GOP House candidate Brad Lindwurm, outside of the obvious, at a later date.)

In comparison, Joni is a parent, a businesswoman, and when in education worked with people with disabilities.  She might be much more conservative than I am, and I’m sure there are things we disagree on, but I know her heart is in the right place, and she’s grounded in reality.  Those are the kinds of candidates we should be supporting for office.

I’ve said it before, and I will continue to say it until I’m blue in the face – quality candidates matter. And we need more of them.

One thought on “Joni Tschetter returning to District 15 House race. Glad to see the GOP now has one good candidate in that contest.”

  1. Defunct DFP serial posters Mike Zitterich and Larry Kurtz are competing for the most posts at some off the wall and obscure SD Libertarian FB group page. It keeps those two busy and one of them out of the New Mexico Mental Hospital orderlies hair.

    Mr.’s Lindwurm vs Zitterich a campaign showdown indeed!

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