5 thoughts on “Josh Haeder for State Treasurer having event in Pierre on May 8th”

  1. That seems to be the who’s who of Pierre.

    Josh is going to sail to victory from all observations.

  2. Hopefully I can make it. I need to give him a check. He’s a hard worker who has earned my families support.

    We appreciate the enthusiasm he has brought to the Treasurer’s office.

    $25, 50 or $100. It all makes a difference in these races.

  3. I’m not from Pierre but I feel compelled to give him a donation for gas money. No one appears to be working harder.

  4. He seems the most active by a mile and all the races that are uncontested in the Constitutional officer Arena.

    I appreciate That he is not taking it for granted and he’s out working hard and hey he’s got a day job too and somehow can get it done

    He will have my support at the convention

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