Just watched @KristiNoem interview on Face the Nation..

I Just watched @KristiNoem interview on Face the Nation.. if you could call it an interview.

It actually came off as little more than the moderator spending most of their time talking over Governor Noem when they werent outright attacking her. The low-point was when they went after the Governor on “allowing” the Sturgis rally to happen, hanging their hat on the debunked Sturgis Rally COVID study.

The Governor’s COVID detractors seem to think that totalitarian mandates coming from above are going to make a difference in South Dakota. When in comparison to our colder neighbor to the North… maybe it hasn’t proven to be so.

2 thoughts on “Just watched @KristiNoem interview on Face the Nation..”

  1. I didn’t see face the nation this morning. And I have no doubt that it was just like you described. They reveal their agenda all the time. And I also have no doubt that our governor schooled them very elegantly and articulately. Leaving no discussion about who really knows what they are talking about. And just who doesn’t!!

  2. “The Governor’s COVID detractors seem to think that totalitarian mandates coming from above are going to make a difference in South Dakota.”
    Yes, totalitarians worldwide often ask their citizens to help each other and look out for the health and well being of others…

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