KELOland noting Amazon is coming to Sioux Falls

Wow. Check out this story:

This is your first look at the new building plans for an Amazon Distribution Center that’ll be going up in Foundation Park near I-90 and I-29.

It’s four stories and 2 million square feet. It all falls under the Amazon Fulfillment Commissioning plan obtained by KELOLAND News.

Read it here.

This is going to be massive in terms of jobs and economic input into the state. Good job to the Governor, Mayor, and all who worked to make it happen.

24 thoughts on “KELOland noting Amazon is coming to Sioux Falls”

  1. Given Amazon’s history of exploiting tax breaks and laborers, I remain skeptical of the idea this is a net positive development for Sioux Falls and South Dakota.

  2. Is this turnkey distribution complete with economic and marketing controls for the South Dakota data domain?

    Could someone describe in a few sentences how this impacts SD economically positively? What does Amazon PRODUCE aside from the systemic destruction of Main St. business communities?


  3. As I ride out the pandemic with family here in little Seattle (Tucson) these past months, a few thoughts on Amazon’s presence here: 1) the left hates them, 2) the left can’t say why they hate them, they just do, 3) every planted story about worker exploitation results in a few thousand more job seekers applying, 4) the left hates them and can’t say why.

    The most telling indicator here is the complete silence of local politicians. The ultra-progressive mayor and city council say nothing about them. A great big, juicy progressive whipping-target right here in the old Pueblo? Crickets.

    Tells you all you need to know.

    1. PTH, ultra progressive? No. I’m guessing KELO got the drop on the story before anyone else was ready. If Noem had anything to do with this she’d be tooting her own horn for sure.

      1. “here” as in Tucson. Home to the Amazon center the Sioux Falls facility is a mirror of.

    2. You likely lack awareness of sincere leftists if you can’t understand why the left opposes Amazon and you only believe in “planted” stories of exploitation.

      1. I find it interesting the left hates Amazon considering lefty Jeff Bezos is the face of Amazon and the owner of the Washington Post. Also, considering President Trump has little good to say about Amazon you would think the left would love Amazon.

  4. I have mixed feelings:
    1. Amazon does negatively impact local brick-and-mortar stores.
    2. Jeff Bezos is a left-wing guy.
    3. This may make Sioux Falls expand too rapidly which, contrary to the opinions of a lot of folks, I don’t think is that great.
    4. This would bring more jobs to Sioux Falls.
    5. This would show that South Dakota rejects AOC’s idiocy.

    We’ll have to see what happens from this.

    1. I think this will be a net negative for Sioux Falls and SD.
      – They have WAY too much power and will influence our leaders and have the capital to do it
      – The jobs will be a bunch of $12-$15 and hour jobs and won’t really do much for us
      – I am sure they will get TONS of tax breaks, infrastructure built for them, etc
      – When folks don’t fill the jobs we will get an influx of folks from other areas who don’t share our values more than likely
      – Local businesses are already suffering because too many are shopping on Amazon, adding a distro center may make this worse and then the impatient can get a drone to drop their goods to their house.

      I really don’t see any big upside to this that is worth it, YUCK

      1. WaPo is his personal blog, if you don’t feel WaPo is left-wing, then I don’t know what to say.

  5. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older but the idea of SF and SD growing isn’t appealing. With COVID and riots I’m pretty content with the state of things here and not really seeing the upside of more low skill jobs coming here. Amazon is only growing and this won’t change that but there better not be any state incentives to bring them here. It’s a new day in SD and I hope our leaders recognize we need to adjust our sails accordingly.

    1. Better vote out Noem then because she is pushing hard for out of state businesses to come here.

  6. Just saying let’s be selective about who we are incentivizing. I’m all for courting more good paying jobs and feeder businesses and I’m sure that’s what Noem’s objective is also.

  7. Dear Leader rips them all the time for the cheap rates they get from US Postal Service. Plus, Jeff Bezos owns them and the Washington Post, and the Washington Post runs a lot of stories Dear Leader doesn’t like. Thus, it’s possible Noem doesn’t wanna take a lot of high profile credit for a company coming here that her Leader hates.

    1. It’s true, the WaPo runs a lot of lies and misleading stories; if somebody lies about you do you just say, “meh”?

      Better the president you mockingly call “Dear Leader” than the senile Joe Biden and the America-haters that are in his train.

  8. Two positive comments out of twenty two. Admit it “uptight right”. You are the most negative, contrary, and backward state in America. Kids leave and what’s left is a depleted gene pool of ignorance. Label yourself positive and then disagree with it by your actions. #grudznick is laughing

  9. What this will do is drive up the price for labor in southeast South Dakota. This distribution center will initially pull employees from other, similarly paying employers, and probably attract from towns surrounding Sioux Falls.
    Noem’s administration will have to give large amounts of in-kind aid to this corporation to help them recruit workers. Her dear leader won’t like that (because it benefits his nemesis Jeff Bezos), so this will be on the down low. Sioux Falls and either Minnehaha or Lincoln County will be on the hook for infrastructure improvements to make ready for a massive warehouse.
    Maybe, though, there will eventually be somewhat of a positive result. At least this is a new type of business, as opposed to just a big box retailer like Menards. As soon as it was announced Menards was coming to Pierre—with the largest of their stores—a fine, South Dakota-owned hardware and lumber store announced they’d be leaving. There went all those jobs, although probably a lot of them just went to the Menards a little bit to the north. The city gave Menards the land and did the infrastructure, but has had to work with Menards and the State to help with recruitment, and Menards is constantly hiring, and local employers constantly complain that they can’t find workers.
    Will this Amazon thing really be “huge” and wonderful for South Dakota?

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