Kristi Noem: Joe Biden mental capacity is clearly diminished

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36 thoughts on “Kristi Noem: Joe Biden mental capacity is clearly diminished”

  1. This is rich given the show host she was talking with called her the Governor of South Carolina. It was literally on a prompter and he still got it wrong. Trump confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Hailey and has done some multiple times publicly. Lets not forget the time he thought he was in Sioux City, and he was in Sioux Falls.

    Neither one is better than the other.

      1. biden made a misspeak of ‘mexico’ instead of egypt in the moment, but by context was clearly talking about egypt and israel. if we’re going to play schoolyard gotcha like this, over a scientific evaluation published by someone who has zero scientific/medical credentials, then fine. watters clear misspeak of governor noem’s employer is a huge problem, among many huge problems at fox.

        1. The comparison you are trying to make between Watters and mumblin-stumblin Joey aren’t even in the same zip code.

                  1. Really? You are the one that won’t address the issue; comparing Watter’s one misspeak with the dozens of gaffes, in multiple venues, by mumblin-stumblin Joe. So again, in what world is that even a close comparison?

                    Let’s see what kind of deflection you give for an answer this time.

                    1. there’s no reason on earth i need to waste time wriging a 200 line post that’s three words wide about everything misspoken by jesse watters lol – and you’re having a tantrum because i won’t waste my time telling you stuff you already know. keep watching faux and you’ll see it every day lol

  2. Kristi trying hard to make some commotion, she’s in the final stretch for the VP spot. This isn’t a good topic though, because Trump is too old as well. MTG doing well sharing Hunter’s D pics, maybe she should try that?

  3. Biden’s mental capacity was diminished before he was elected. Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome didn’t care…they justed hated Trump. He was chosen to be Obama’s puppet and that is readily apparent. Now I will wait for all the snide comments, and that’s okay with me.

  4. Biden’s mental capacity was diminished before he was elected. Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome didn’t care…they just hated Trump. He was chosen to be Obama’s puppet and that is readily apparent. Now I will wait for all the snide comments, and that’s okay with me.

  5. Yes, we are going to get to choose between an old douche and an old turd sandwich. Thanks Gop and Dems.

  6. instead of watching fox and o-a-n and newsmax all the time, maybe some of you you should watch c-span. during trump’s term, joe biden surfaced frequently in think tank sessions and policy conferences. his grasp of global politics and economics is second to none, his ability to lead is clear and unwavering, and he is always among the smartest people in any room he is in.

    the true trump derangement is seen from the echo chamber in here clinging to trump, calling biden senile and considering trump to set a new high bar for brilliance and leadership, and clinging to the fox fables about his “transformative” term, which didn’t fix a single chronic problem of this country. even without covid, trump’s term would have ended with the same unceremonious clunk that we heard at the end of carter’s years. poor jimmy didn’t have a liars club cabal to spin fantasies about his achievements, or a pitchfork voter army to extend control of his party well past the time for him to get out of the way.
    trump is the mental case, and with his court losses adding up, he is unwinding like a cheap watch. i am not glad about it, just concerned.

    1. as long as you’re watching fox, all you’ll ever hear about trump is his godlike beauty and grace. please check a few other sources just for your own good, you’re missing all the details of his real careen through instability.

  7. maybe instead of talking about old turd vs old douche you compare policies.
    You want the border wide open or closed? you want more government regulation or less? you want lower or higher taxes? What’s worse, stupid tweets or stupid foreign policy?

  8. OK, I’ll help you out here:

    enquirer says:
    February 12, 2024 at 1:32 pm
    “there’s no reason on earth i need to waste time wriging a 200 line post that’s three words wide about everything misspoken by jesse watters lol – and you’re having a tantrum because i won’t waste my time telling you stuff you already know. keep watching faux and you’ll see it every day lol”

    Now you don’t have to work around “wriging” a 200 line post that’s three words wide.

    I’m not having a tantrum. You are the one that seems to be triggered. And why is that? Maybe because I’m calling your BS and you can’t answer the question. As usual.

    Oh, and what is “wriging?” With your appearance of having a short temper and fumbling of words maybe you are having the same affliction as Stumbles?

    1. “writing.” a misspell I didn’t feel like correcting because you dragged everything on way too long. and LOL this is a continuing tantrum lol will you GROW UP? you’re the one all shouty and demandy sport, i’m just cruising along jabbing you now and then.

      1. i know in your fox-infected world, ‘stumbles’ is joe biden. if what biden does is stumbling, i’ll take stumbling over whatever crimeridden autocrat b-s trump is committing while he tries to set off world war three. see if jesse watters tells you anything about that tonight between his many joe biden memory test “stories.”

        1. “whatever crimeridden autocrat b-s trump is committing while he tries to set off world war three.”

          Please enlighten us on how Trump is trying to set off WW3. Trump is not the President, he has no command authority over the US Military, he is not in a position where he can order anyone to do anything. He cannot direct US foreign policy. So please, please tell us how he is actively trying to set off WW3.

          1. if you watched anything other than fox you’d know all about it so go find out for yourself like millions of others have.

      2. LOL! So, you whine that you don’t want to respond in a column that’s 3 words wide. So, I fixed it for you by starting a new thread. And you still don’t give an answer to the question.

        Now, I have dragged this on way too long? Then why don’t you provide an answer that you claim to have and end it? I know, because you can’t. You don’t have an answer.

        1. your question is stupid. i just wanted to see how long you would press for this stupid thing and i guess i’m tired of finding out.

          1. Stupid question? But yet apparently too much for you to answer. You aren’t saying much for yourself.

            And you wanted to see how long I would push for an answer? Please you just can’t stand not having the last word, as ridiculous as it may be. I bet you will respond to this, you know you will because that itch to respond just needs to be scratched.

            1. my final answer is a question. who was better for the world, better for democracy, old stumblin’ churchill, or younger more vibrant hitler? hitler had a big fan club, and they got daily news approved by hitler’s own news team every day. leading americans were positively giddy over hitler, and his bold ideas. america stayed respectfully out of hitler’s way. it took the sneak attack on pearl harbor to bring home the truth, that the tyrants saw the u-s as a special kind of pushover due to our silly democracy and such. i suppose we could have lost that war but we didn’t. the winning team was lead by stumblin’ churchill and stumblin’ franklin roosevelt, whose own v-p, his own ‘kamala’, was a boy-scout nobody from missouri that no one would have seen as president in a million years. the republicans of that era were so smart, so certain, and it took a whole generation to forget their various treacheries with reagan’s “morning in america” stuff, upon which the current fox delusions are founded.
              i refuse to answer your lame question about jesse watters gaffe being worse or better than biden’s gaffe, because you only intend to make me waste my time. i have instead preferred to continue to oppose donald trump on his lack of merit – and insert a public view that the republican party has finally smilingly embraced its own institutional criminality, and ceased to be a party as it becomes a happy fasc.

              1. …and i guess we will see who loves having the last word lol i suspect it’s YOU. just like with trump, green, ronny Jackson and the rest, every accusation is actually an admission of guilt.

                1. You are the one who made the claim that Watters’ gaffe was a “huge problem.” I called you out on it and you responded with, “echo echo echo echo echo echo echo” (I guess this is your way of opposing Donald Trump on his “lack of merit”). I continued to call you out as you continued to deflect.

                  Then you make the ridiculous claim that Donald Trump is trying to set off WW3. Again, you are called out on it and asked how? He is not the President, has no command authority over the US Military, no foreign policy authority, no treaty authority, no foreign agreement authority, and he can’t act as a representative of the US Government or its policies (you actually think the Biden administration would let him get away with it if he did?). And you don’t answer.

                  You state, “every accusation is actually an admission of guilt.” HMMM, I’m not the one making the accusations here, you are.

                  Your attempt to relate President Trump to Hitler is just lame and sad. And to relate Biden to Churchill is laughable; Biden is more like Neville Chamberlain. During Trump’s tenure, no wars broke out and there were 4 middle east peace agreements that he brokered. During Biden’s term so far, 2 wars, a major terrorist attack on an ally, and quite possibly a third war will be coming. All made possible by the lack of leadership and visible weakness of Joe Biden.

                  Scratch that itch…

  9. i win again. you have no sense of how pathetic your defense of the Big Lie is, you stick to it to try and manipulate me into responding to your trolling. i just come back to continually laugh at you goebbels gerbils. i win again and again because, actual facts exist. your gaslighting may enslave this country and even end it, if that’s what you want. the late william f. buckley was right to oppose you all with every fiber of his being, when the white far right tried to rise up in the gop of his day.
    thanks for listing all of trump’s achievements. it gives me a chance to point out that his four years in office didn’t fix anything – oh except prison reform, i guess he knew a bunch of people would be heading for prison in his name – and in fact he dismantled the gop, and remade it into his crime gang / legal defense fund, all to your happy applause.
    the gop used to claim some form of higher moral purpose but that charade ends under your boy trump. god gives nations the leaders they deserve, and you guys soooo deserve trump. good luck.

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