Lance Russell for AG sends postcard out to prospective GOP delegates

State Senator Lance Russell, candidate for South Dakota Attorney General has sent out a postcard to prospective GOP Convention Delegates which is hitting mailboxes this week. Check it out:


29 thoughts on “Lance Russell for AG sends postcard out to prospective GOP delegates”

      1. He is a handsome devil, indeed, but he will implode if he ends up as AG. It will be very funny.

    1. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like lance outside of some establishment Pierre people.

      He’s a gentleman.

  1. Lance is the ultimate outsider. He should be strong.

    Ravnsborg is working hard but I think he has work to do to catch Lance.

    Fitzgerald is well rounded and everyone’s second choice.

    I like the idea of Pankratz running also. He has traction.

    1. This might be the most out of touch post I have seen.

      Sounds like someone in the Pierre bubble.

  2. That is a good intro postcard to delegates. Nothing superfluous and highlights what he wants the decision to be based on.

    My only negative is I think the cloudy sunset is a horrible background. He lives in one of the most beautiful part of the state. I would have had him in a grassland in the spr

  3. Fitzgerald and Russell are outstanding candidates. Firzgerald is the bomb…not pun intended.

    1. Tare,
      Please give us some fact to back that up. From what I see Fitzgerald is not qualified on the grounds of he does not have management or leadership experience running a big office. And didn’t Russell of some ethical issues in his past, not someone I would say is qualified to be “chief legal adviser to the state government and the state’s chief law enforcement office”.

          1. Joe,

            I think Tara proved your point! No leadership or management by Fitzgerald in that article, just more talk of being a prosecutor.

            Then the Russell cite ony proved your point…fromt he article Tara quoted it said this:

            in 2011, Russell was sanctioned by the Supreme Court of South Dakota in connection with his handling of two cases while he was State’s Attorney in 2008. One was in connection with a grand jury investigation regarding the scope and quality of the contractor’s work on a local golf course. The other regarded a press release which criticized a sitting judge and implied the judge was improperly delaying setting a trial date. He received a public censure.

            1. So, if you don’t make mistakes, your not human. I think his constituents know him better than you, they voted for him.

  4. Everyone I talk to is supporting Russell. I don’t know anyone supporting Ravnsborg or Charles McGugan.

  5. The over $9,000 contribution from Ray Lautenschlager and SD Gun Owners is a kiss of death for Russell. Reasonable people will not support a candidate who is endorsed by this group. SDGO are a disgusting parasite on our SD elections process. They use their pro-gun agenda to attract attention, but then utilize aggressive, dishonest hit & run tactics to attack legitimate candidates. This is all done in an effort to promote their far right wing candidates and positions. Russell’s acceptance of their contribution speaks volumes about his true character and agenda.

    1. So you read the above message and want Lora to be associated with that mercenary group?

      That tells me a lot about you and Lora.

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