Looney anti-vaxxer bill submitted to qualify vaccinated/unvaccinated blood transfusions

It’s going to get worse before it gets better, isn’t it?

In the latest goofy measure coming from the 2024 South Dakota Legislature, State Representative Garcia of Watertown thinks that people should actually be able to tell doctors that they don’t want the blood of someone who’s been vaccinated during medical procedures.

And put forth her intention to make it the law of the land.

Representative Garcia wants to denote people who have received the Covid vaccine are somehow unclean and walking around like they have a blood transmissible ailment? And she wants to give people the ability to refuse the blood of the vaccinated?

I guess that’s one way to thin the gene pool. Theirs, not those of us who get flu & COVID shots.

we have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works.” – President Donald Trump

30 thoughts on “Looney anti-vaxxer bill submitted to qualify vaccinated/unvaccinated blood transfusions”

  1. Seriously getting sick of the leadership allowing this crap to metastasize in the party. This nonsense has a decent shot of clearing a chamber.

    1. The de facto leader of the Republican is the SOURCE of this behavior. We are post truth and people are capitalizing because Trump keeps winning. Why would anybody stop if the voters clearly dont want them to?

  2. Is it to the point where those of us who have been vaccinated will not be allowed in the state capitol anymore?

    What a bunch of knuckleheads in Pierre now.

  3. Start a new non-fringe political party and have #1 Vaccinations are mandatory as a measure to start weeding out the crazies.

  4. If I should need blood, I would “prefer” a donor 1. have my blood type 2. be screened for diseases 3. be mRNA vax-free. I believe our blood supply should be labeled and vax-free blood should be given to those patients who themselves, their doctor, or their family request it. I am not against the natural vaccines. I do not trust mRNA and programming our cells.

    1. There is no way to test for it. The only way to know if somebody was vaccinated is to test for the antibodies, but then everybody who has been sick with covid has them, too. And the people who fell ill with it got ALL the genetic material the virus carried. Not just the messenger RNA, which also arrived with the virus. Everybody who was infected with the virus got the whole package.

      It seems there are a lot of people who don’t understand that. The vaccines delivered the messenger RNA which makes the spike proteins. The virus itself delivered everything, including the spike proteins. .

    2. If you or your family needs blood it’s not the time to be picky. Just be thankful there is blood available to try to save your dumb a$$

    3. “Natural vaccines”… every vaccine and flu (including COVID) have a patent on it. That means it is man-made. There is nothing natural about either.

    1. John Dale have you considered purchasing advertising space from Pat for all the books you have supposedly written and promote your podcast? An advertisement would be much more professional that signaling desperation.

    2. it’s idiotic, John.
      81% of the population has been vaccinated, at least once. The remaining 19% probably already have antibodies to the virus by now, too, acquired naturally.

      It can therefore be assumed that everybody’s blood has covid antibodies, so there is absolutely no point in doing this. None.

      It would be better if all the people phobic about covid antibodies would just get themselves trsted to see if they have them already. They probably do.

      1. One must be careful of the facts they share. As a person who has none of the Covid vax’s (could you share your source of the 81% please); my preference would be to have blood of the same (Covid-vax-free).

        You should already know antibodies only live for so long… (months). smh

        1. I just found your simple Dr. Google search result from 2021. Loads of statistical caveats with that %. Lest we not forget, Mr. Fauci himself was the overlord at that time (CDC innacuracies)…

    3. John Dale, did the nurse you featured on your podcast know that probably 99% of the population now has covid antibodies?
      That’s everybody over 6 months of age and certainly anybody old enough to be a blood donor.

      Given that antivaxxers are so distrustful of modern medicine, and probably believe in crazy conspiracies about how, if you donate blood, you are giving your personal DNA to the government, which is going to use it for nefarious purposes, ALL blood donors have been vaccinated, every one of them.
      There are no unvaccinated blood donors..

      My immunologist predicted it would take only a few months for covid antibodies to get into Hizentra, which is a human blood product, so I bought a box of covid antibody test kits and tested my supply..The covid antibodies were present in the first lot I tested in the fall of 2022. Given the time required to collect the blood, process it, and ship it out to their clients, that suggests the blood supply was positive for covid antibodies at least a year earlier.
      This proposed legislation is idiotic.

  5. It’s essential to approach discussions regarding vaccines with respect and factual evidence. When those who oppose vaccines present scientifically-based arguments, we should certainly consider them. However, until that time comes, let’s focus on supporting reliable science that has shown the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. If there are deep concerns about vaccines, individuals might consider taking personal measures, such as preserving their own blood. Let’s refrain from pushing individual beliefs onto the wider community without scientific backing, and instead, foster an open dialogue grounded in credible research.

    1. The entire blood supply already has the antibodies..People who are afraid of it will just have to refuse human blood products.

  6. Dr. Gracia sells a many items at the clinic, including Brain Restore Powder and Brain Support capsules. Make sure you get your flu shot vaccine at the clinic when picking up a couple bottles.

  7. All that’s missing from this bill is organ donation. To think that anyone in dire need of a blood transfusion (or an organ) would refuse a donation from someone who had a covid vaccines is asinine. I bet even Rep Garcia would take a “covid” kidney if it was needed.
    On the other side, can I add a check mark to my driver’s license that I don’t want anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated to get my blood or organs? Based on science, it seems like a short sighted donation that could end up doing less good than if it went to a vaccinated person.

  8. I was in ICU with COVID, doing very poorly, until I received convalescent plasma. It saved my life. At the point you need blood, your alternative is someone who may have been vaccinated or… what, death? I’m grateful to be here to post what a complete and utter waste of taxpayer time and money this legislation is. We have serious issues that our elected officials need to direct their energies toward. I don’t care what side of the political spectrum people are on – we need to start electing reasonable people again.

      1. Garrett there must be an anti-government island in the South Pacific or Atlantic that you anti-government types can go to and live. How about Mars via Elon Musk? Build a new anti-government colony there?

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