Dakota Scout drops story consisting of whining by Rick Weible that Monae Johnson won’t give him the keys to the kingdom.

Did I just read this?  Austin Goss at The Dakota Scout just dropped a story this morning on the Secretary of State’s race, largely based on  Minnesota Dollar Store owner turned elekt-shun expert Rick Weible’s complaints that Secretary of State Monae Johnson figured his goofiness out, and decided she didn’t want him nor his conspiracies anywhere near the Secretary of State’s office:

Rick Weible, a prominent figure in the election integrity movement, has publicly called for Johnson to remove Tom Deadrick from his position as her chief deputy as well as other high-ranking staffers, citing concerns over their suitability for the roles.


Weible has also urged Johnson to give him an appointment to the state’s Board of Elections, the group responsible for oversight of election laws, and where these clashes often are reignited.

“Some of the things she’s done are troubling,” said Weible who, along with his wife, played a big part in getting Johnson across the finish line in 2022. “I still like her personally, but she is getting bad advice and going the wrong way.”

Read it here.

What is Austin smoking, trying to consider former Senate candidate Weible as someone credible or to be taken seriously by anyone outside of the fringes of the hard right?

Lest we forget Danger Rick...:   Starting at about 5:50:

“The fact is that I’ve now shown you this piece of evidence, I understand that my life is at risk, and that the United States does not want this to be known that this software is available on the dark web..”

Or lobbyist Rick

Or self-declared “South Dakota Hero” Rick..

I could go on, but trying to make it a story that the Secretary of State figured this guy out, quickly distanced herself, and noped-out on demands regarding appointing him to the state Board of Elections does not seem to be the basis of legitimate critique.

7 thoughts on “Dakota Scout drops story consisting of whining by Rick Weible that Monae Johnson won’t give him the keys to the kingdom.”

  1. I have had several dealings with Secty of State Johnson this past year and found her to be professional and prompt. Better than her predecessor. That’s probably not what election wackos like Weible want to hear.

  2. “…Weible who, along with his wife, played a big part in getting Johnson across the finish line in 2022…”

    Goss’ quote above is very disrespectful to people like Dave Roetman who actually helped her win.

  3. I’m not sure why you think this isn’t a story? She just announced her reelection and the coalition that got her elected no longer supports her. You might think that’s a good thing based on your opinion of those people, but how is that not a relevant political story?

  4. Goss doesn’t know Weibel the way Brookings County has come to know Weibel. He is ridiculously self-important. The best comparison I can offer is an arcane one, he is like Mr Collins in Sense and Sensibility. Only a Jane Austen fan would understand that.

    Monae used a coalition of election-deniers to secure the Republican nomination, and dumped all of them as soon as she was elected. This action made me think she is more intelligent than I feared, but the angry mob she brought with her to the 2022 convention was awful.
    Candidates who recruit delegates should at least make sure they are house-broken. Hers pissed and shit all over that convention. The SDGOP should have convened in a stockyard.

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