LTE in Rapid City Journal says Goodwin to D30 Senate, Box Elder Mayor to D35 House

Here’s an interesting letter to the editor that’s in the Rapid City Journal today. The source is a bit off the wall, but Janet is throwing out a few tidbits showing that the fringe is freaking out about a couple of possible challenges:

Recruiting for the wrong team?

I’m not sure when Mr. Goodwin (District 30) became an active recruiter for the Democrat party but he is doing a bang up job.

Goodwin’s latest recruit appears to be the Box Elder Mayor, Larry Larson who recently changed his party affiliation from life long Democrat to Republican so he can run against conservatives Tina Mulally and Tony Randolph. Why would Tim want to get rid of conservatives? That’s a pretty good question don’t you think?

It appears that Mr. Goodwin, who is bantering about taking out District 30 Senator Julie Frye Mueller is on a mission. Frye-Mueller happens to have one of the most conservative voting records of any senator. Why Tim?

Is it that you have a need to have more power or a bigger presence than your house seat? I think you will have your work cut out for you taking on Frye-Mueller. You probably have the backing of the Governor and the Democrat leader Mr. Lederman (what an oxymoron) as they seem to favor Democrats too.

Maybe it’s time to change your party affiliation and show your true colors to the voters before asking for their vote. You will be exposed for the turncoat that you are.

Janette McIntyre, Rapid City

Read it and other letters to the editor here.

It sounds as if the Mayor of Box Elder might be jumping in the House race to give a different option against Tina Mulally and Tony Randolph, as if they are somehow paragons of GOP virtue, when it’s actually the opposite.

But, when Janette is trash talking about turncoats, I seem to recall this last election, while Janette might be suffering from early onset Alzheimers. Because I remember in 2020 where Tina and Tony were absolutely shown to be traitors to the GOP, and supported an independent against the Republican in the last D35 Senate general election.

Seriously. They campaigned against Jessica Castleberry, their own Republican Senate running mate.

Same goes for Julie Frye-Awful, another quisling who only seems to support Republicans when it benefits her:

In case you’ve forgotten, Senator Castleberry completely smashed Gentry on a 62-38% basis, despite her district-mate’s best efforts.

As far as I’m concerned, if there are Republicans interested in taking the trash out, more power to them.  And don’t forget to send a check in support of Goodwin at:

Timothy Goodwin Committee
12870 J Pine Road
Rapid City, SD 57702

And please, make it a good check.

4 thoughts on “LTE in Rapid City Journal says Goodwin to D30 Senate, Box Elder Mayor to D35 House”

  1. Whether it be the water or some magnetic pull of the Black Hills attracting a high soncentration of Tin Foil Hat wearers from all over the continent. 5G and legal access to Cannabis will amplify the conspiracy theorist energy vortex there.

    Another conspiracy theory energy vortex has been reported to be located on Red Rock Road south of Santa Fe, New Mexico where hullucinations of time travel and Chupacabra sightings occur.

  2. Looking forward to seeing another bill introduced to repeal gay marriage again. They are on a roll this session. Why not go for it all.

  3. Castleberry seems to be building momentum for something bigger. If thune had retired and dusty moved up I think the house seat very well may have been hers. Smart people in Rapid know a rising star when they see one!

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