Majority and Minority Reports on House Select Committee on Investigation now available

Apparently, the LRC has labored on despite being pestered, and the Majority and Minority Reports of the House Select Committee on Investigation are now available. And instead of having to slog through them int he LRC website, I have them below for your review:

Majority Report:

Majority Report Select Committee by Pat Powers on Scribd

Minority Report:

Minority Report Impeachment by Pat Powers on Scribd

17 thoughts on “Majority and Minority Reports on House Select Committee on Investigation now available”

  1. He ran over and killed a man, claims he didn’t know what he hit, and apparently didn’t see the flashlight glowing in the ditch that the sheriff saw (but did nothing about), all while law enforcement believes he was lying. What a Grand Ol’ Party!

    1. Seriously, did you listen to any of the open committees questioning? The ag offered to submit to a lie sector test, yet they didn’t give it to him. Why you ask, because he wasn’t lying.

      The flashlight was a small little push button flashlight, not a beacon as the investigator lied snout being. And the sheriff and tow truck driver didn’t see either.

      And yet people don’t always see what they hit, many instances across the country of that occurring.

      So since you have zero facts to support your whatever complaint, go sit back down and let the big boys discuss.

      1. So we don’t support the Blue, is that what the big boys do? All law enforcement involved believe he lied. Do you always disbelieve law enforcement? How big boy of you.

        1. I believe the law was broken—of physics to get to the conclusions the governor wanted

          1. Did he or did he not hit and kill a man? Pretty much begins and ends right there. Unless you are a hopeless political hack.

            1. So you are saying accident never happen? That in is self contradicts itself. I guess you work for noem.

    2. One cannot see a flashlight alongside a road if one is looking at his/her cell phone light!

    1. I agree…the Governor in her zeal to get rid of him seems to have c omitted impeachable offenses herself

      1. Most people I have chatted with think the governor has overstepped herself in trying to influence the outcome.

    1. Ok noem’s person. We all no that this was nothing more than an unfortunate accident. Tell noem to stop meddling and trying to get her own person appointed.

      1. How does one accidentally cross all 4 wheels over the rumble strip and still not “no” what you hit? The Gov should not have interfered but that doesn’t change the fact he killed someone and should resign at a minimum.

        1. The car never did, it was never proven the car crossed the rumble strips. If you listened it was a theory but a ton of evidence suggested otherwise.

          What is curious is how the South Dakota highway patrol conducted the accident reconstruction when they where not supposed to be involved, only North Dakota.

          And isn’t the South Dakota highway patrol ultimately under noem?

          1. Ton of evidence? A single bone fragment and the statements of Jason, who is unreliable at best.

            Seriously, if he wasn’t able to tell what he hit, how is he able to tell where his car was?

            1. Really. A bolt in the middle of the road, glass from the headlight on the right side of the road but in the road. Witness Joe walking in the road. Should we go on?

              The whole case you are making that the AG was over the rumble strip not once but twice is debunked. The only evidence the investigators had was paint chips. Really, paint chips couldn’t have possibly beren moved by the wind and other vehicles going by.

              Additionally, who has ever driven over the rumble strip just once and not known it? Hence there is no way the AG drove over a rumble strip and did not know it. Come on.

  2. I have said from day 1 this was not impeachable.

    One story that has been missed is that Rep Kent Peterson initially signed on and now voted against it. Very telling.

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