Democrat activist files to remove Democrat from the Ballot.

So far there has been one person removed from the ballot so far as a result of a petition challenge, Democrat Alexandra Frederick of Winner South Dakota was bumped from running as a candidate for District 26A State House.

But she wasn’t bumped by Republicans. She was bumped by Sioux Falls Democrat party activist, Cully Williams:


14 thoughts on “Democrat activist files to remove Democrat from the Ballot.”

  1. Democrats bump other Democrats but Republicans won’t remove from an office someone that killed another person. Pretty amazing. And pathetic

  2. Democrats eating their own this early in the campaign season is telling off where they’re headed

  3. Oh hey, that’s me.

    I like Alex, but she didn’t meet minimum threshold. Sorry, it’s nothing personal. Hardly cannibalistic, and I bet this isn’t the last we see of her.

    Gentle reminder that the Secretary of State by law cannot verify these signatures, and that it is explicitly the work of individuals to do this. I do think it’s funny that I’m suddenly a “party operative” even though the party didn’t know I was doing this. Dobby is a free elf, and no person is responsible for my actions other than me, y’all.

    I’m really surprised nobody noticed the fact that I said “his” accidentally first. Almost as though there’s more challenges coming down the pike. Hint hint. Spoiler: it ain’t Democrats, and it ain’t just one.

    1. You better have about 50 successful challenges Cully or your party will continue to lose more seats.

    2. Cully, you’re only a hero in your own mind. Interestingly, you’re the one that recruited and notarized Eric Emery’s petition. You had a vested interest in making sure your candidate was the only one on the ballot. It’s sad that you hate women.

  4. The Dems are moving closer to just being a ballot measure committee to legalize marijuana and expand federal programs. They have given up on running candidates and winning seats in the legislature.

    1. 2024 The SDDP can devote their dwindling resources to push ballot measures to legalize magic mushrooms, LSD and other psychodelics. The Dems spearheaded those efforts after they legalized MJ in those states. They could include re-imagining Policing by no longer prosecuting property crimes below $ 999.99 for a ballot measure too.

        1. I’m a small “l” libertarian Democrat who voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 because Secretary Clinton was so far ahead in the polls here in New Mexico. Johnson’s strong showing in Colorado that year probably kept Herr Trump from winning there. Johnson did best in LawCo South Dakota that year, too. Born in Minot, North Dakota Johnson also suffered through several Aberdeen winters as a kid.

          The ABQ Journal has a story on him as we begin retail cannabis sales for all adults tomorrow.

    2. Let’s pump the brakes on trying to give credit to the SDDP on cannabis legalization. IM26 was a bipartisan effort of patient advocates & NASD exists still today with a heavy focus on community & collaboration NOT party affiliation.

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