More speculation on Jordan Youngberg entering District 25 State Senate race

Former State Senator Jordan Youngberg seems to be increasing speculation on whether he’s going to be getting into the D25 State Senate race against incumbent Tom Pischke with his latest Facebook post:

Given Senator Pischke’s most notable activity of the last legislative session was either getting kicked out of the Republican caucus, or his unsuccessful, and somewhat crackpot demand for his fellow senators be arrested, Youngberg is likely going to have a lot of support if he decides to pull the trigger in this race.

34 thoughts on “More speculation on Jordan Youngberg entering District 25 State Senate race”

  1. Was Pischke joined at the hip with JFM? Maybe not, just seatmates. If I were her seatmate I would take the easiest was and side with her, without putting up with the continuous guff daily while in session.

    1. On the other hand he did vote against a bill that wouldnkeep convicted rapists out of classrooms so….yeah he’s a few cans short of a six pack.

  2. Pischke has one of the most liberal voting records in the legislature on criminal justice issues and that doesn’t play well in his district. He got an F rating from Protecting South Dakota Kids and will be beaten by double digits if Youngberg enters the race.

  3. Pischke’s only reason for being in politics is to craft legislation to help Mad Dads escape their child support obligations. Whether it is an attempt to change the federal tax laws about who claims the kids as dependents, or disqualifying income from a second job in the calculation of support, I think he and his friends dedicate most of their time, time that they could be spending with their kids, trying to come up with new angles to get out of supporting them.
    They just want the taxpayers to support their kids..

  4. Let’s not lose perspective of the big picture. With over half of the Senate not returning due to term limits, the Pischke-Roundsberg race will be one of many primaries encouraged by the Schoenbeck-Crabtree axis to ensure Crabtree continues to have the votes next session to remain in leadership.

      1. A guy like Crabtree should really stay out of primaries. He could easily be liked by all.

        1. Majority Leaders historically look after their own caucus as that is who elects them to that position. Last time I checked Pischke got kicked out of the REPUBLICAN caucus.

  5. If it’s Youngsberg vs. Pischke, I think Youngsberg will be favored, as he’ll pull many of the conservatives and most of the moderates within the primary base. If the field includes three or more, like it did last time, Pischke could pull it off again.

          1. I’m with them on many issues but when they become Ravnsborg, Frye Muehler, Natvig supporters they lose me.

          2. Hansen would be foolish to even get into that race. Hansen and Youngberg went to school together as they both grew up in Dell Rapids. With Youngberg’s family and friends there it will be hard for Hansen to take a side. I went to HS with Youngberg and will support him if he enters.

            1. Hansen will ikely be challenged this cycle also. He through in with the anti Noem crowd. He is a guy who has been in and out of the legislature for the last 15 years and couldn’t get elected Speaker against Hugh Bartels.

    1. yes he got 45% of the vote in his last primary and that was enough.
      If he can recruit enough suckers to run against himself he can probably pull it off again.

      1. There will only be one sucker this time and it will be Pischke who will wischke he hadn’t been so dumb when he tried to get his colleagues arrested.

  6. Pischke is about to find out what it’s like to run against a machine. Youngberg will steamroller his way to the senate and then to congress.

    He will follow in the footsteps or Rave and Daugaard and provide serious leadership.

      1. Are you sure? There are a lot of deadbeat of deadbeats dads out there. They won’t have much for money but they will be motivated to vote to avoid responsibility and being held accountable. Pischke could pull for the win with the deadbeat Libertarian and culture war vote.

        1. 20% might be pushing it, but Youngberg did support some of Pischke’s Bills, so some of the mad dads might see Youngberg as more effective. Pischke unfortunately has put himself on an island of not being able to accomplish anything and if you cant obtain pragmatic results for your district/state why are you there? Youngberg has a track record of success in whatever he has done, I don’t see this being much different. I take Youngberg by 8+ points.

  7. Pischke will try to get Hansen to switch spots with him. It won’t work. The freight train is coming.

    1. Boy, wouldn’t THAT be interesting — a Youngberg vs. Hansen race for the senate! I don’t think Hansen will go for it. But if he did, grab the popcorn for a two-fight night:

      Alex Jensen vs. Sue Peterson
      Jordan Youngberg vs. Jon Hansen

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