“Negative campaign” school being held out in Rapid City in 2 weeks, telling participants they must be “feared”

So I received an e-mail message from the PennCoGOP advertising a campaign seminar from an outfit I’d never heard of before, and as I did a little more research, I found this flyer which gives more of a flavor on what it is they plan on teaching:

Unless you are politically FEARED, you will never be politically RESPECTED” it blares in big cheesy chunky impact font on this slapped together flyer done in Microsoft word. And in case you didn’t see that they put “FEARED” and “RESPECTED” in red letters. Just because.

And it gets even better, because this conference is different.. Because they’re going to teach you “The REAL Nature of Politics” and “The Foundation’s Trainers aren’t pointed-headed intellectuals and policy wonks.

Yeah. Good luck with that.  First lesson is that being respected doesn’t come from being “politically feared,” and frankly, anyone who says that sounds like an idiot.

If you’re a Republican or non-partisan candidate who is actually serious about running for office, I’m glad to save you the eight hours and $50. You’re always welcome to drop me a note for a chat, where advice is free, and I’m glad to hook you up with the best. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure the SDGOP is preparing for candidate training from people who actually know how to run for office in South Dakota.

And as a bonus – they won’t be training you on what not to do.

12 thoughts on ““Negative campaign” school being held out in Rapid City in 2 weeks, telling participants they must be “feared””

  1. I don’t think anyone fears anything about Jordan except being stuck sitting next to him.

  2. That is a wholly messed up concept of respect, kinda like how the slaves “respected” their masters- First chance they got they ran or shot them.

        1. I think you have a mistaken conception of what a state party chair does.

          If he could control what they do, they wouldn’t have a 17 year old in another state handling their media. As well as a number of other things.

          1. So it’s too much to ask him to distance the rest of us from n the state from this nonsense?

  3. You suggested, I listened, we implemented a strategy and we won with clear common sensed messaging helping people understand that I care a lot about people hoping they like me and would consider voting for me. I never want anyone to fear me. (Well maybe my granddaughters prom date 😉)
    Also the GOP Candidate school which Dan Lederman spearheaded and held in SF a year and a half ago was informative and extremely helpful.

  4. The Black Hills as beautiful as they are has a history of attracting the craziest and most extreme political activists.

  5. “…if the coin of political gratitude is a currency subject to rapid devaluation, the political fear that is the coin’s obverse has more stability. Its value might even increase…” – Robert Caro in “Master of the Senate”

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