No foolin’ – Minnehaha GOP Vice Chair fronting for Dusty Opposition, confirms Justin McNeal fell short, Dusty Johnson will not be challenged in Primary

From facebook, Minnehaha County GOP Vice Chair Jennifer Foss is fronting for her group of opponents to Congressman Dusty Johnson. And informing them that their primary candidate, Justin McNeal got dusted in his attempt to get on the ballot:



24 thoughts on “No foolin’ – Minnehaha GOP Vice Chair fronting for Dusty Opposition, confirms Justin McNeal fell short, Dusty Johnson will not be challenged in Primary”

    1. How did they not get 15,000 signatures if they were collecting more than Republicans?

      What a bunch of buffoons.

  1. Rookies…didn’t occur to them the amount of work a potential politician has to put in. Why are we turning the Party over to these folks.

  2. Why don’t they run as Libertarians? It’s what they are.

    Constitutional Party Inactive since Dr. Terry LeFleur who was running for Governor in a future race.

    1. Uhh, no. Libertarians want freedom for everyone, not just the people who look/pray/think like them. Don’t besmirch us like that.

      1. These self identified Libertarians evidently feel the freedom to abide by their own rules which is freedom for them but not everyone else.

        1. To borrow from a quote about cowboys, everybody wants to be a libertarian until it’s time to do libertarian things.

  3. Seemed like a good guy. Never met him just saying. Next time don’t hang around with amateur hour.

  4. Anyone else find it wildly inappropriate that the sitting GOP Vice-Chair publicly expressed clear bias in what she thought was a contested primary…. Then bemoaned the fact that it wasn’t contested after all? That’s not exactly a quality I look for in GOP officers.

  5. The failure of her favorite candidate to get on the ballot is very telling about her and the rest of the Minnehaha GOP board. It’s the GOP’s job to train candidates. Remember that there also was a candidate in the Siou. Falls City Council who didn’t know how to fill out his petitions correctly and ended up not making it on the ballot, which means there’s now no Republican in that race.

    Tornow, Foss, and the others are willing to have speakers that fit with their echo chamber. But they’re not doing the primary job of the GOP: get Republicans elected. They’re not recruiting candidates…. They’re not training candidates… the candidates are completely on their own. Tornow and Foss should go form a club and leave the GOP to people who actually run a political party.

  6. Maybe it’s time the SDGOP central committee grow a pair of cojones and start passing resolutions about neutrality in the primary for all people affiliated with the state or county party. If someone doesn’t want to remain neutral: give up your position.

    1. Your idea has already been brought up, and has an obvious flaw:
      In many counties, the same people filling out the county central committee positions are running for office themselves, or their spouses are. In addition to the County Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and State Committee men and women, the County Central Committee also includes the incumbent Precinct Committee men and women who are possibly in a contested primary themselves. In fact, the county central committees include the Republican state legislators who reside in the county, and Republican elected officials of the county limited to auditor, treasurer, registrar of deeds, sheriff, state’s attorney, county coroner and county commissioners. All of them are running for office and it is ridiculous to tell them they can’t promote themselves or their spouses in a contested primary.

        1. and a person wanting to promote himself or his spouse in a contested primary is not unusual either.
          Anybody want to go through the candidate list and count the number of people who are also on their County Central Committee, or are married to people who are?

          1. There is nothing wrong with promoting those people. Just don’t do it in an official capacity of the committee while it is still contested. How is this a tough concept to understand?

            1. the Minnehaha County state committeeman is in a contested primary for the state senate again. It makes no sense at all to say he can promote his own candidacy but the county vice chair can’t.
              Get over it.

              1. It’s no different than military members being involved in politics. There is nothing wrong with it as long ad you aren’t wearing your uniform and doing it in the capacity of a soldier. The vice chair can promote it, just not through committee channels, committee emails and notices, or anything that could correlate to the committee picking a side. How is this not clear? There is a big difference between personally supporting someone and using your position or organization to support someone.

    2. I do not think anyone in the party should have more than one position in the party. I know of at least one West River who is not only a precinct committee woman, the county chair, is a state GOP official and a State Representative. She actually had the gall to question new candidates for precinct people in the district as to why they were trying to get the office without her permission! Talk about a power-hungry narcissist! Her husband is a precinct committeeman as well as a judge. This is utter horse manure.
      This is just one example. Most of our GOP legislators and their spouses are also precinct committee people. This also holds true for county and city officials and candidates. I am sure if this is brought up at the state convention, the present policy will continue. These “officials” make up the majority of the precinct committeemen and women. Too many FOP members have no voice in the party while others hog all they can get.

  7. The earlier statement about there being no Republicans in the race for city council is not quite true. Richard Thomason IS running for the at large seat and IS a good Republican. I would ask Sioux Falls Republicans to cast your vote for Richard Thomason on April 9th.
    Mark Willadsen

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