Noem Statement on U.S.-Mexico Trade Negotiations

Noem Statement on U.S.-Mexico Trade Negotiations

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today released the following statement following President Donald Trump’s announcement of a preliminary agreement with Mexico on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations:

“South Dakota producers grow the world’s best corn, soybeans, livestock, and small grains, and they deserve to be able to trade those goods in a fair, open, and competitive marketplace. President Trump’s announcement today is encouraging. I’m hopeful it is a first step in driving Canada to the table and once again offering South Dakota producers greater certainty in trade.”

Noem is a member of the Ways & Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over trade issues in the U.S. House of Representatives.

According to the White House, the U.S.-Mexico pact includes:

  • Continuation of zero tariffs on agricultural products;
  • New standards for agricultural biotechnology;
  • Improved transparency and non-discriminatory treatments for agricultural product standards;
  • Enhanced rules for science-based sanitary and phytosanitary measures; and
  • New disciplines on geographical indications and common names for cheeses, among other things.


7 thoughts on “Noem Statement on U.S.-Mexico Trade Negotiations”


    US and Mexico make a deal; putting further pressure on Canada!

    AFP how about that?

  2. Why did she leave out the part about them getting a Guaranteed $16 an hour as part of the deal ? Would be nice if they did that for Americans instead of Mexico.
    Canada doesn’t seem to feel pressured lol – Read their papers and it’s quite a different story than the one going on in Anonymous brain.

  3. This is like the North Korean agreement all over again. He is grasping at straws to get anything positive before November.

  4. tim bjorkman’s facebook page is featuring a letter from sioux falls dj and former mayor rick knobe, endorsing sutton and bjorkman, and calling noem and dusty johnson ‘quitters.’ i.e. noem being re-elected in 2016 and announcing a run for governor, and dusty johnson being tabbed to be dennis daugaard’s chief of staff and leaving the public utilities commission. pretty lame, but there it is. a person should get themselves in kristi’s crosshairs and see what a quitter she is.

    1. This leaves me concerned for sure and wanting more detail. But a quitter?? Noem is not.

  5. Wait until the price of cars skyrockets because of this deal and we’ll see how happy everyone is

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