NSU drops “Gypsy Days,” due to political correctness. And they’re coming for Hobo Day next.

It was announced today that Northern State University’s homecoming moniker of over 100 years is being dropped due to a spate of political correctness, where there are some who find the term “Gypsy Days” offensive, according to media reports:

Justin Fraase, vice president for enrollment, communications and marketing, said that since his arrival on campus four years ago, and even before, outside groups have made comments on social media and sent letters and emails about discontinuing the use of Gypsy Days.


While the decision to shift to “homecoming” was made internally, Downs said there was a push from outside groups. Until hearing from them, Downs said, he hadn’t thought of Gypsy Days as offensive.


Selecting a new theme, Fraase said, should be a process that involves the community, alumni, faculty and staff with the idea that it would be inclusive.

Read it all here.

Since the Snow Queen festival is held annually in Aberdeen where NSU is based, they could consider renaming the homecoming as NSU “Snowflake” Days.

Just a thought.  I’ve also heard Hawaiian Day is popular on some campuses.

Oh, and Jackrabbits – we might make light of the controversy, but don’t think the forces of political correctness aren’t eventually coming for South Dakota’s largest institute of higher education.

Earlier this month, the South Carolina Republican filed an amendment to an appropriations package that would prohibit a certain type of federal funding “to any school to celebrate Hobo Day,” which raises an obvious question: Is there a scourge of government-funded hobo bacchanalias?

Not exactly. In 2018, Norman introduced a bill identifying a lone culprit, South Dakota State University. “Not only is this celebration derogatory and negatively stereotypical, but it’s absolutely wasteful — plain and simple,” he said in a release announcing the bill, which attracted no co-sponsors.

Read it here.


11 thoughts on “NSU drops “Gypsy Days,” due to political correctness. And they’re coming for Hobo Day next.”

  1. Neither of these names are offensive. I am offended by the whiners. Some people. have too much time on their hands

    1. I doubt you’ve ever hopped a freight car or could even point to on a map where the Romani people come from, so forgive me if I don’t put much stock into your opinion on what’s “offensive” or not.

      I don’t think much will come of the “Hobo Day” business (slippery slopes!) since there are still annual hobo conventions, and the affected group actually refers to themselves as “hobos” (they are quite proud of the fact that they work for a living, unlike bums, lol).

      The “gypsy” term is often considered offensive to Romani folks. The word “gypsy” is a bastardization of “Egyptian”. The Romani aren’t from Egypt. The term also carries centuries-old baggage of thieves and charlatans, not to mention their often nomadic lifestyle which leads to “outsiders”, and to top it off, their darker skin tones are just more scary brown people, right?

      Anyhoo, it’s estimated that something like 50-75% of Romani peoples living in Europe were murdered during the Holocaust. If the survivors of that horror are offended by a term, perhaps you might do well to simply stop using said term? Just to be a decent person? Maybe?

      1. If the use of the word gypsy is so offensive why are there TV shows like Gypsy Sisters, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding or American Gypsy?

        It most often seems to be the case that people outside the *name a community* that are offended and think they need to come to the rescue.

        What was it Malcolm X said… “The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.”

        1. It wasn’t seen as “offensive” when performers in blackface were a regular part of Vaudeville shows, either.

          I guess I don’t think it’s being “triggered” or “coming to the rescue” if we just use the term a group uses for itself… because… you know… it’s the decent thing to do.

  2. South Dakota has Viking Days, Dakota Days, Gypsy Days, Hobo Days, Trojan Days, Swarm Days, Cougar Days, Rocker days and the Popped Boils Days.

    Let’s just all agree Mt. Marty needs a different name and move on? OK?

  3. This is all beginning to sound so Orwellian. Soon the thought police will be controlling every other aspect of our lives so that no one ever gets offended or feels bad and we all follow the path provided by the all-powerful and all-knowing central government.

  4. Tim Downs is not a very strong president and he is scared of his own shadow. Letting the “cancel culture” take away South Dakota history and culture. He’s not from here and he’s probably hoping it will help him get his next job out of state.

    I’d like to know who else reviewed this decision. Northern alumni and backers should flood him with phone calls.

  5. Do I need to say it, They WILL be coming after Mount Rushmore!
    Mark my words.
    The current administration would like nothing more to punish those Trump supporting, flyover rednecks.

    1. yes that TLC show which shows gypsies as brawling drunks who can’t even get married without getting into a knock-down drag- out fight which knocks over tables and chairs before spilling out into the streets and the police have to intervene isn’t the problem, it’s Gypsy Days at Northern that’s the problem.

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