Attorney General Jackley to Serve as South Dakota’s First President of the National Association of Attorneys General

Attorney General Jackley to Serve as South Dakota’s First President of the
National Association of Attorneys General

PIERRE Attorney General Marty Jackley has been elected to serve as President of the National
Association of Attorneys General. The Association’s members are the Attorneys General of the 50 states,
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the
territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood (D)
will serve as Past President, Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen (D) was selected to serve as
President-Elect and Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt (R) was selected to serve as Vice President .
The annual meeting was held this week in California.

“I am honored to serve alongside my fellow State Attorneys General in the vital task of cooperatively
enforcing our state laws and promoting sound law enforcement policies. I recognize that I have this
opportunity to serve as the National President because of the South Dakota Attorney Gener
al Office’s
strong reputation earned by our previous Attorneys General and the dedicated men and women in our
office. Serving in a leadership position in the National Association will further assist me in addressing
important issues that directly impact South Dakota and our Nation
,” said Jackley.


Rounds Applauds Senate Passage of NDAA Bill to Support our Troops


Rounds Applauds Senate Passage of NDAA Bill to Support our Troops

Several of Rounds’ Provisions Included in Final Package 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today applauded the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2016, which included a number of provisions he offered. Rounds’ provisions to protect B-1 bombers from premature retirement and improve the health care of our service members, military retirees and their families were included in the final NDAA passed by the Senate.‎

“I commend my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for coming together to pass legislation to provide our Armed Forces with the tools they need to successfully complete their missions and protect our nation,” said Rounds. “In these dangerous times for our country and the world, our troops deserve our full support.”

“I’m also pleased that five provisions I offered were included in the final NDAA. I thank my colleagues for supporting these common sense provisions.”

The NDAA also included amendments Rounds offered to help develop the Air Force’s new bomber, improve the Pentagon workforce that develops new weapons and help states and localities if they are targets of cyber-attacks.


Thune Applauds passage of defense bill which will keep Ellsworth Air Force Base in strong position


Thune Applauds passage of defense bill which will keep Ellsworth Air Force Base in strong position

“This bill rejects President Obama’s call for another round of BRAC closures, which would actually cost more money in the short term.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after the Senate passed bipartisan legislation, H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization Act:

“Passing the NDAA is welcome news for South Dakota’s active-duty military and their families, our wounded warriors, and our veterans. This reform bill provides for our nation’s heroes while simultaneously eliminating wasteful spending. Not only does it ensure that our B-1 fleet is maintained, our airmen and women are trained, and the long-range strike bomber moves forward, but this bill rejects President Obama’s call for another round of BRAC closures, which would actually cost more money in the short term.

“By allocating taxpayer dollars wisely, the NDAA provides savings in an era of tighter budgets and bolsters the readiness of our military. This bill is only one step in the process. In order to deliver this important funding to our troops, Democrats must abandon their threats of a ‘filibuster summer’ and join Senate Republicans in the appropriations process.”


Noem Helps Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Expectant Mothers

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Noem Helps Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Expectant Mothers

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today joined Rep. Tim Walberg and Sen. Lisa Murkowski in introducing the Pregnancy Discrimination Amendment Act to strengthen protections for expectant mothers in the workplace.  The legislation, which was introduced in both the House and Senate, provides much-needed protections in light of a recent Supreme Court decision, Young v. United Parcel Service, Inc., where the Justices wrote an unclear opinion related to a central provision of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.  Because of this, further clarification of the law is needed.

“Expectant mothers ought to be given some level of flexibility during their pregnancy so they can continue working and supporting their families,” said Noem.  “I’m proud that our legislation takes a balanced approach, protecting mothers and strengthening families without imposing duplicative burdens on their employers.”

The legislation will modernize the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 by clarifying that a pregnant worker should be treated the same as a non-pregnant worker who may have a temporary disability and is therefore unable to perform certain duties.  Click here to read a PDF of the Pregnancy Discrimination Amendment Act.


Noem Safeguards Accountability and Transparency with Support of Trade Promotion Authority

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Noem Safeguards Accountability and Transparency with Support of Trade Promotion Authority

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today joined colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, which would set the rules for trade negotiations and lay out congressional objectives as to what a good trade deal looks like for America.

“With Trade Promotion Authority in place, the American people would be guaranteed a seat at the negotiating table,” said Noem, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over such issues.  “95 percent of the world’s consumers live outside our borders, so America limits its growth if we can’t reach those folks on a level playing field.  TPA does not lock us into any trade agreement that gives Americans access to these markets, but it does set the rules as to how the administration can go about such negotiations. At its core, TPA guarantees a more transparent process where the administration can be held accountable to the American people for meeting the trade objectives set by Congress.”

With passage in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Trade Promotion Authority bill will be sent to the U.S. Senate for its approval before hitting the President’s desk.  You can find more information on the authorities granted to Congress and the general public by TPA here.

“With TPA, Congress is telling the administration:  If a trade agreement is to get the privilege of an up-or-down vote in Congress, you must follow our rules and instructions, consult us, and remember that we have the last say,” explained Noem.  “But it’s also important to remember that TPA in no way obligates Congress to approve the Trans Pacific Partnership or any other trade agreement.   If this administration violates the parameters we’ve set, Congress can revoke TPA.  And if he follows the parameters and we still don’t like the agreement, Congress has the power to vote it down.”


Back in God’s Country once again! Great visit to Washington, and great meetings with the delegation!

It’s been light posting here for the last few days as I’ve been in Washington DC at the Autism Speaks Leadership Summit – which was excellent, BTW, and had us in the same room as several members of congress, especially a number of Republicans. But, as of 3AM, I’m finally in God’s country.

If you follow the SDWC on twitter (@SoDakCampaigns), I was a bit more active there than here, simply because of convenience:

And speaking of the Wednesday Sunrise Delegation Meeting in DC, I had visions of a cafeteria type room, maybe with a couple of tables, and a few people showing up. As you can tell by the photos, I was sorely mistaken.

This was held in a huge room, and it was packed! And there was another large group out the door. And despite the numbers, Congresswoman Noem, Senator Rounds and Senator Thune couldn’t have been more friendlier & gracious to each and every person in attendance. Each one of them went completely around the room chatting individually with those there, and only then did they do a brief presentation of what was happening in their respective chambers of Congress.

From there, my group broke out and we met with each member of the delegation and their staff. It was hit and miss, because they were actively meeting and voting, but we did speak with their appropriate staffers who were all up on our issues, and we did get to see them all.

Possibly because leaving the writer of South Dakota’s #1 political blog alone in their office had it’s own hazards…..

Kidding aside, and on a personal note, I have to say that I found our delegation quite supportive and receptive on our issues of ensuring the health and safety of individuals with disabilities, as well as working for progress in treating and, God willing, possibly curing some of these afflictions someday.

No issue is ever easy, but our delegation in Washington does care, and as we found, they’re always willing to listen.

But otherwise, great visit to our National’s Capitol in the very sweltering June heat & humidity!

Noem’s Office Accepting Applications for Fall Interns

Noem’s Office Accepting Applications for Fall Interns

Washington, D.C. – Representative Kristi Noem is accepting applications for fall internships in her Washington, D.C., office, as well as in her offices in Sioux Falls, Rapid City and Watertown.

Student interns in Representative Noem’s office will assist staff with various constituent service and communications projects, as well as assist with legislative research. Both South Dakota and Washington, D.C., internships provide students with first-hand knowledge of the legislative process and the countless other functions of a congressional office.
College students who are interested in interning in any of Representative Noem’s offices should submit a resume, cover letter, and references to [email protected] by August 3.

For more information, contact Christiana Frazee at 202-225-2801.


May wants special session on education because she doesn’t like who is on panel

From a today’s KCCR, State Rep Elizabeth May wants a special session of the legislature to address education. 

Representative Elizabeth May of Kyle is making a bold statement, saying that a special session is needed to truly address the teacher shortage and the financial crisis that most school districts are facing.


May has been critical of the “Blue Ribbon Task Force” that was created by South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard. May states that the Blue Ribbon task force is failing to address the negative effects that the federally mandated standards and assessments are having on school districts financially and academically.

May says that she knows that the people selected to the task force will do a good job, but is also disappointed with who was selected.

Read it here

Jurisdiction Over Marijuana in South Dakota and Our Reservations: Jackley to drop hammer on non-tribal pot smokers.

AG Marty Jackley is putting potheads on notice tonight that if they think the Flandreau reservation is their smokin up haven, they’ve got another thing coming:

Jurisdiction Over Marijuana in South Dakota and Our Reservations

PIERRE – The possession, distribution and manufacture of marijuana is a violation of both federal and state law. Unfortunately, the federal government has created confusion in relation to marijuana jurisdiction in Indian Country with recent inconsistencies. 

As South Dakota’s Attorney General, I respect each Tribes authority to pass laws that govern Indian persons within Indian Country. It is equally important to recognize that South Dakota law prohibits the internal and physical possession, distribution, and manufacture of marijuana by: (1) all non-Indian persons anywhere in South Dakota including within Indian Country; (2) all Indian persons outside of Indian Country.

“I want to encourage Tribal leaders to continue to work with state authorities to better ensure our respective laws are followed, public safety on our roads remains a consideration, and that both Indian and non-Indian persons are not put in harm’s way by the jurisdiction complexities being created by our federal government,” said Attorney General Jackley.


Grassley, Thune Introduce Comprehensive Taxpayer Bill of Rights Legislation

Grassley, Thune Introduce Comprehensive Taxpayer Bill of Rights Legislation 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. John Thune of South Dakota today introduced comprehensive legislation to improve customer service at the IRS, create new taxpayer protections, and update and strengthen existing taxpayer protections. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights Enhancement Act of 2015 comes amid gross mismanagement and inappropriate actions by IRS employees that have shaken what little confidence taxpayers may have had in the agency. 

“The IRS has never been anyone’s favorite agency,” Grassley said. “But it shouldn’t repel and mistreat the people it exists to serve. The IRS’ level of customer service might be at all-time low. Taxpayers are at a disadvantage with an agency that has tremendous power over their money. The IRS might talk about good customer service. Too often, talk is all there is. The IRS needs to walk the walk. Congress needs to act. This bill will help swing the pendulum away from agency self-preservation and back to taxpayer service.”  

“This bill is intended to enact a much-needed culture change at the IRS, an agency whose reputation and trustworthiness has severely deteriorated with the American people over the last several years,” said Thune. “No American should have to fear that politics could play a role in their confidential tax information being disclosed to a third party‎, that they will be targeted based on their political beliefs, or that the IRS would not properly retain its employees’ emails. This bill takes an important step toward restoring this agency to one that the American people both expect and deserve.” 

The bill is necessary to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect taxpayer rights by preventing IRS abuses, Grassley and Thune said. Among other provisions, the legislation: 


· Significantly increases civil damages and criminal penalties for the unauthorized disclosure or inspection of tax return information and significantly increases civil damages for improper IRS collection activities.  

· Imposes an affirmative duty on the commissioner of the IRS to ensure that IRS employees are familiar with and act in accordance with all taxpayer protections.

· Updates the “10 deadly sins” established by the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, those actions by IRS employees that require mandatory termination, to include official actions taken for political purposes.

· Permits the Treasury Department to provide status updates, and in certain instances require status updates, regarding investigations into misconduct by IRS employees — or in some circumstances third parties – to taxpayers who are the subject of the misconduct. 

· Puts the bite back into a provision, recently called a “toothless tiger” by Tax Notes, that permits taxpayers to bring a cause of action against the IRS for unauthorized collections actions. 

· Extends the declaratory judgment remedy currently available to 501(c)3 to other 501(c) groups, including 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations, in instances where the IRS fails to act on an application in a timely manner or makes a negative determination as to their tax-exempt status.

· Prohibits IRS officers and employees from using personal email accounts to conduct official business.

· Provides additional authority concerning the use of taxpayer information to the IRS for the purpose of locating taxpayers due a tax refund.

· Requires tax-exempt organizations to file Form 990 electronically and mandates that the IRS make such information available in a timely manner. 

· Imposes new requirements on the IRS with respect to email retention consistent with the existing directive from the Office of Management and Budget and the National Archives.


Grassley is the former chairman of the Finance Committee, with jurisdiction over the IRS. Grassley championed the 1988, 1996, and 1998 taxpayer rights laws currently on the books. Grassley and Thune serve together on the Finance Committee and are joining forces to make the right to quality service a high priority at the IRS.

The bill contains some provisions passed by the House of Representatives in April and additional provisions to address shortcomings that have come to light since the last taxpayer rights bill. 

A section-by-section summary of the bill, S. 1578, is available here. The bill text is available here. Video of the news conference is available here.  
