PUC Claims unsolicited Pro-Bosworth Robocalls legal because they weren’t selling anything.

If you recall last week’s Robocall from that one guy asking that we all pray for Annette Bosworth, I had noted that the unsolicited call could run afoul of South Dakota’s Do Not Call List, based on the PUC’s complaint material.

However, as you can see in the response I received, they’re now claiming that it isn’t so:

Good Morning, Mr. Powers.

Thank you for contacting our office regarding the unwanted phone call you received from Peter Waldron, representing a group in Sioux Falls encouraging those they contact to pray for Annette Bosworth. While receiving the call on your home phone may be frustrating and an unwanted interruption, the call itself is not a violation of the Do Not Call rules. Because the person calling was not attempting to sell you a product or service, the call itself does not fall under the protection of the law. The definition of a Telephone Solicitation Call is as follows:

SDCL 49-31-1. (30) “Telephone solicitation call,” any call made to a South Dakota consumer by a telephone solicitor, originating from South Dakota or elsewhere, for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any consumer goods or services to the person called, for the purpose of soliciting an extension of credit for consumer goods or services to the person called, or for the purpose of obtaining information that may be used for the direct solicitation of a sale of consumer goods or services to the person called or an extension of credit for such purposes;

I appreciate you contacting the commission and making us aware of your concerns.

Deb Gregg, Consumer Affairs Manager
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission

And in looking, while the definition of an Unsolicited telephone call under 49-31-1.5 doesn’t require a sale be offered, they are correct in that 49-31-1 (30) does.

You’ve got to love South Dakota’s contradictory laws!

Although when the PUC claims that the Pro-Bosworth Robocalls were legal because they weren’t selling anything, I still might disagree.

Because if you listen to them, it sure sounded like they were selling a steaming pile of BS!

Brendan Johnson lining up for Hillary; Where are other politicos at?

I caught this on facebook yesterday, that former US Attorney Brendan Johnson is announcing early that he’s all in for Hillary Clinton:


Brendan is one of a few South Dakota Democrats who have publicly jumped on board a Democratic Candidate’s team. (Or maybe I should cut that off at “one of a few South Dakota Democrats.”).

Republicans are also largely hedging their bets this far out with notable exceptions such as House Assistant Majority Leader Steve Westra, who is heading up the Jeb Bush campaign along with eight other notable South Dakota supporters.

So legislators, and other politicos – Anyone else want to come out and declare their favorite candidate they’re actively supporting for President?

Thune Announces Staff Changes to Press Team

Thune Announces Staff Changes to Press Team

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today announced staff changes on his Washington-based press team:

Ryan Wrasse, Thune’s national press secretary at the Senate Republican Conference, has been promoted to communications director for Thune’s personal office beginning May 18. Wrasse previously served as digital communications adviser, deputy press secretary, and floor monitor at the Senate Republican Conference under Thune and former Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Prior to working on Capitol Hill, Wrasse was an aide at the U.S. Department of Commerce during the George W. Bush administration after graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

“Ryan has played an integral role at the Senate Republican Conference for the past several years, and I rely on his intelligence and insight as we work to bring our message to the American people,” said Thune. “I’m very pleased that he’s accepted this new role, and I know South Dakotans will benefit from his hard work and commitment. I welcome him to my personal office team.”

Rachel Millard, Thune’s outgoing communications director for his personal office, will soon be joining the private sector in Washington, D.C. Millard, a native of Chamberlain, South Dakota, and graduate of Creighton University, has worked for Thune for six years. She previously served as press secretary for Thune, internal communications adviser at the Senate Republican Conference, and legislative correspondent for Thune.

“South Dakotans have been well-served by Rachel during her years of service on my staff,” said Thune. “I’m thankful for her hard work, trusted advice, and dedication to the people of South Dakota. I wish her all the best with her new endeavor, and while she isn’t going far, she’ll be missed by all of us.”


S&P Upgrades South Dakota To AAA Issuer Credit Rating

S&P Upgrades South Dakota To AAA Issuer Credit Rating

PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced today that Standard & Poor’s has upgraded South Dakota’s issuer credit rating to AAA with a stable outlook, an improvement over the previous rate of AA+.

“This is great news for South Dakota! We now join a very exclusive group of states to which Standard and Poor’s has given a AAA rating, which is the highest rating possible,” said Gov. Daugaard. “We’ve worked hard to place our state on a firm financial footing, and that stewardship has paid dividends.”

Credit ratings give potential bond purchasers a measurement of state performance and credit worthiness. Upgrades typically allow issued bonds to carry a lower interest rate, providing interest savings to issuers like the Building Authority.

Universities, state parks and taxpayers may save money because of the upgrade. The rating comes as the South Dakota Building Authority prepares to issue $11.5 million in bonds for the phase two improvements in Custer State Park.

In their release of the rating, S&P confirmed their confidence in upgrading the state to AAA, highlighting the state’s consistently strong financial position and rainy day funds, a historical record of conservative budgeting, and new improvements in the state’s financial planning processes and long-term budget forecasting.

S&P also cites the state’s recent improvements to its pension program funding and the elimination of unfunded liabilities and post-employment benefit liabilities.

“The upgrade of our bond rating will give the financial markets affirmation of our state’s exceptional credit worthiness and save the state substantial amounts in future interest payments,” Gov. Daugaard said.


Pro-Bosworth supporters calling potential sentence unusual. But, it really isn’t, and won’t be 20 years in Prison.

In recent writings, some of Annette Bosworth’s supporters are calling the potential sentence that Bosworth is facing unusually harsh. But, in a review of a similar case involving the mishandling of petitions, those defendants faced over 20 years in prison, but that’s not what they got.

The South Bend Tribune, which inspired the case against Morgan, Blythe and two other defendants with a 2012 investigation of election fraud in the 2nd Congressional District, says Morgan is looking at a possible 22 years in prison, while Blythe could face 75 years. The two co-defendants, who pleaded guilty to felony counts, are facing 11 and 14 years.

Read that here.  Just as in the Bosworth case, people were facing over 20 years in a state penitentiary. But when the sentence was read, realistically, things were taken in proportion.

In court, former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic Chairman Butch Morgan, Jr. was sentenced to one year behind bars, and is expected to serve half that, as well as Community Corrections and probation. Former St. Joseph County Board of Elections worker and Democratic volunteer Dustin Blythe received a sentence of one year in Community Corrections and probation, which means no jail time.

In April, a jury convicted Morgan and Blythe on numerous felony conspiracy counts to commit petition fraud and felony forgery counts.

Former St. Joseph County Board of Voter Registration Democratic board member Pam Brunette and Board of Voter Registration worker Beverly Shelton previously pleaded guilty and testified for prosecutors against Morgan and Blythe. They both received two years of probation.

“When you do something like this, we are going to find out and you’re going to be held accountable,” declared Levco. He called the sentences “appropriate.”

Others disagreed.

“We would like to have seen more jail time for Morgan … but it was more than we were expecting,” said St. Joseph County Republican Party Executive Director Jake Teshka. He thinks the three other defendants “got off easy.”

Read it here.

(Given she’s readily admitted the behavior she’s charged with – attesting she witnessed signatures she didn’t witness) If convicted, what do you think her sentence will be?

I’m guessing a year in state prison, and as in this case, part, but not all, will be suspended. Your thoughts?

Person who wrote article in January about Bosworth’s innocence now going to hold press conference on same.

From my inbox, right after I got an offer to replace my roof for less:

National Petition Expert to Release Report On Prosecution of Dr. Annette Bosworth

Report to be delivered to Governor, Attorney General

(Pierre, SD) … A recognized national petition expert will issue an 18-page report on the felony prosecution of Dr. Annette Bosworth by South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley at a news conference tomorrow at 10:00 am at Main Public Library in downtown Sioux Falls.

“This prosecution of Dr. Bosworth carries the toughest potential penalty of any petition case anywhere in the nation and throughout this nation’s history,“ said Paul Jacob, president of Citizens in Charge Foundation, a national organization dedicated to protecting and expanding initiative petition rights. “The impact of the case on those considering getting involved in politics in South Dakota cannot be ignored.”

When: 10:00 am, Tuesday, May 5
Where: Meeting Room B, Main Downtown Library, 200 North Dakota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57117
The report examines the facts of the case charging Bosworth with 12 felony counts, with a maximum punishment of 24 years in prison, if convicted, and as much as $48,000 in fines. The report also compares the Bosworth case with other cases of alleged petition misconduct.

This comes from Paul Jacobs who previously wrote an article on the topic, using Gordon Howie who claimed “everybody does it” and former S&M Pornographer Lee Stranahan who has been paid by Bosworth for various work as sources.  In the article, it went into detail showing she violated the law, but supposedly she’s not supposed to be prosecuted?  Oy.

So, we had robocalls, and now more press conferences.

Just keep telling yourselves – 3 more weeks, and the circus will be over!

Carly Fiorina announces for President. Is there something specific that she’s bringing to the table that I’m missing?


And…. is there something specific that she’s bringing to the table that I’m missing? I’m have no idea what her raison d’être is for running.

Anyone out there in the SD Blogosphere care that Carly Fiorina has now announced for President?

(She did do a Demon Sheep ad when she was running for US Senate.)

US Senator John Thune’s Weekly Column: New Prescribed Burn Policies Would Ensure Collaboration

New Prescribed Burn Policies Would Ensure Collaboration

By Senator John Thune


One of the most satisfying aspects of my job in the Senate is working to help South Dakotans cut through the bureaucratic red tape of the federal government. I know it is often frustrating for constituents to weave through the maze of federal agencies and programs that have become far too large and no longer serve people as intended. Far too often, federal agencies act alone rather than coordinating with state and local governments, resulting in the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.

The lack of common-sense collaboration between federal agencies and other levels of government is often frustrating, and can result in reckless actions by federal officials placing lives and property at risk. One recent example of this type of reckless action was the out-of-control prescribed burn, known as the Cold Brook Fire, at Wind Cave National Park. On April 13, the National Park Service (NPS) initiated a prescribed burn of an intended 1,100 acres, which burned out-of-control consuming 6,500 acres in Wind Cave National Park.

This is not the first time federal agencies have disregarded imminent fire danger, putting lives, land, and property at risk. It was just over two years ago that the Forest Service (FS) started a prescribed burn in northwest South Dakota, known as the Pautre Fire, which resulted in extensive property losses. Landowners impacted by the Pautre Fire still have not been reimbursed by the Fire Service, nor has the Fire Service accepted liability more than two years after the fire occurred. 

The fires started by the NPS and FS are prime examples of federal agencies taking questionable actions without first collaborating with adjacent landowners and local and state officials. To better prevent future out-of-control burns and to ensure the agencies responsible assume liability for the damage caused by these fires, I introduced the Prescribed Burn Approval Act of 2015.  

My bill would prevent federal agencies from starting future prescribed burns on federal lands without first collaborating with state government and local fire officials. My bill would also require that when a prescribed fire burns out-of-control, that the federal agency responsible accepts liability for resulting expenses and damage to private property. Finally, my bill stipulates that damages are to be paid within 120 days of receipt of a substantiated claim.

As a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I will continue working with my colleagues to hold our federal agencies accountable, make common-sense changes to our federal prescribed burn policies, and do my best to ensure that Washington’s right hand finally starts working with its left.

