Out of State Represent.us organization attacks legislators. Again.

The Liberal out-of-state Special Interest group Represent.US is back at it, attacking legislators who have the unfortunate task of cleaning up their legislation that was declared unconstitutional by Judge Barnett, and enjoined from taking effect. Seriously. Who has gotten a gold watch, all expenses paid vacation, or a million dollars form a lobbyist? That’s why […]

In-State versus Out of State donors in campaigns. Why it makes sense for national office, but not so much for Ballot issues, such as Amendment V

Remember the 1.3 million raised from out-of-state sources that the Yes on Amendment V people are reporting? They’re quick to retort “Yeah, but Thune raises money from out-of-state.” So, morally, who is in the right? Friend of the blog Michael Wyland has an essay that was published today at “The Nonprofit Quarterly,” which delves into […]

Gun Owner group pumping out of State PAC dollars into campaigns. So, out of state is good, and in-state is bad?

Bob Mercer is reporting today on how the group calling itself the South Dakota Gun Owners (which is directed by a Colorado man) is pumping out-of-state dollars into several state legislative primary campaigns: The Rapid City-based organization known as South Dakota Gun Owners, which is not the National Rifle Association, has put a total of […]

There’s Nothing “South Dakota” about the “South Dakotans for Ethics Reform.” Weiland taking big, out of state money to promote out-of-state measure.

Did I miss something? When I started reading the campaign finance report recently filed by Democrat Snake Oil salesman “Slick” Rick Weiland, who has been calling for a ballot measure and affiliated organization called “South Dakotans for Ethics Reform;” promoting removing PAC money from campaign finance, ethics reform, and empowering small donors, I swore I […]