Pennington County GOP not even pretending to be separate from Citizens for Liberty group anymore

This was an interesting item that just popped up on Facebook. Citizens for Liberty, the group notorious for it’s cherry picked scorecards, hosting Democrat Jamie Smith in his campaign for Governor, regular attacks on Governor Noem.. and getting kicked out of Pizza RanchI’m just going to stop, because I could be listing their sins all day.. 

Anyway, The Pennington County GOP has long been infiltrated by the group with an agenda that regularly attacks Republican officeholders, and now it seems that they’re not even pretending to be a separate organization anymore as they’ve announced a joint candidate vetting event with Tonchi Weaver’s group, under the auspices of being a “Legislative Candidates Forum”:

I’m not sure why any serious candidate would show up. Anyone who attends would likely have their mind already made up, and if you don’t, the worst they would say is that you weren’t there.

If you do show up, it’s going to likely be a free for all attack, which they’ll replay on social media.  A candidate’s time is better spent going door to door, meeting actual voters.

Welcome to the new reality with the Republican party for candidates. There’s just going to be spots in the state where candidates are going to have to go it alone, because the party isn’t there to support them. As much as try to force them into blindly following a dogma.

7 thoughts on “Pennington County GOP not even pretending to be separate from Citizens for Liberty group anymore”

  1. The marriage of CFL and the Pennington Co. GOP having been consummated, they are now unabashedly pursuing the goal of the destruction of the Republican brand in South Dakota. It’s quite easy to destroy things. But building unity in opposition to the woke revolution, not so much. Hiding behind their shrill voices purporting to be Constitutional patriots they seek only power and control, both corporately and individually. They rejoiced at the selection of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House but immediately set out to undermine him. They’ll always”eat their own” because they all want to be the big dog, they demand purity while they sow their vitriol. They know nothing of governance, only ruling. These alligators (all mouth, no ears) are actively aiding and abetting the deconstruction of our beloved republic.

    1. Ed it is now the Trump Party. Volunteered two cycles ago as a congressional delegate and state races. The Trump organization was everywhere with paid staff coming in from the East Coast. The 20 something young adults with the Trump organization that worked in our congressional campaign office came from wealthy families in the North East. They cultivated the mess we are in today.

  2. They are not even Republicans. They are RINO’S. They don’t even put Republican on their materials. This will elect Democrats and that will give CFL a reason to exist. They are actually John Birchers, Posse Comitatis and Freemen.

  3. This is Tim Goodwin House Candidate D30.
    I RSVPd back that I will be present at their forum on Apr 27th. Penn GOP and CFL are hosting BUT it’s for the D30 citizens to meet and greet their candidates. I will attend and treat everyone with dignity and respect and I will be expecting the same from the panel that is running the show. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and am expecting a fresh exchange of ideas that the voters can draw from.

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