Per FEC Filing, Krebs Campaign being run out of Georgia Hanson’s shop

Hot off the FEC’s press, Per the FEC Filing, it looks as if the Krebs Campaign is being run out of Georgia Hanson’s shop:

Shantel Krebs for Congress by Pat Powers on Scribd

12 thoughts on “Per FEC Filing, Krebs Campaign being run out of Georgia Hanson’s shop”

    1. Agreed. PP, assume we don’t all know all the players.

      Reminds me- Ellis just did a story on the Gov. primary campaign managers. Makes me wonder who will managing the Dusty and Shantel campaigns. I assume Jason Williams will have a role in the Krebs effort?

      1. I’ve heard Shantel hired out of state consultants to run her campaign. I think we can expect to see some negativity.

    2. Georgia Hanson was ED of the SDGOP at one time, maybe late 1990’s. She was a bundle of energy and if my mind serves me well, was very organized.

  1. A little bird is also telling me that Georgia may also be running Jim Entenman’s campaign for Mayor of Sioux Falls.

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