Pierre Mayoral candidate having a lot of trouble with the “little lady” vote.

Darn it! Who told those women they could have an opinion? 

At one point he referred to an encounter he had with a young couple in their yard while he was campaigning recently, an exchange that the woman has posted about on social media and she contacted the Capital Journal about it.

Robinson brought it up Thursday during the forum, saying when the two told him they were getting married soon, he said “she’s not even pregnant and she got really offended over this thing,” and “it’s all over the internet.”

At other points, after referring several times to “girls,” and “little ladies,” who worked for the city, a woman got up from the audience and walked out. After the meeting she said she was angered at Robinson’s referring to adult women as “girls,” and “little ladies.”

Robinson himself referred to his manner of speaking and said he would try to use the term “ladies,” rather than “girls.”


After several other statements, including that if he gets elected mayor,”I have to have some help,” and “I kicked the sleeping pooch and woke it up,” and wanting to be part of the team, Robinson said: “I don’t know. . . I’m rambling. I’m passionate. I need adult supervision.”

After a few more minutes of closing statements, Robinson quickly left the building without talking to anyone.

Read it here.

Reading the reference to the post that was getting a lot of attention over the Internet, I had to go find it.

“Cringe worthy” is putting it kindly. Horrifying might be more accurate.

Well… Pierre is close to Ft. Pierre. And this “little lady” just made sure Mr. Robinson will probably never be elected to anything, ever.

Update – My wife noted, “When you write about this, and you will, don’t forget the Gordon Howie cow comment, where he compared women to cows.

Darn, those little ladies have a long memory…

10 thoughts on “Pierre Mayoral candidate having a lot of trouble with the “little lady” vote.”

  1. Good memory by your wife and I agree there will be many that have a long memory of those comments…OUCH!

  2. I had to google this guy quick to make sure he wasn’t my old junior high math teacher Steve Robinson. He’s not! Whew. He is NOT Captain Jack Robinson’s son. He does appear to be a fella that may have inhaled too many fumes while welding on galvanized metals however….

    1. Sorry – I probably should have clarified that it wasn’t my old bio teacher’s son! (Nobody messed with Captain Jack. He was firm, but a good guy).

  3. If this guy wants to get elected, he need to start grabbing them rather than getting rid of them.

  4. Please vote, Pierre. We can’t assume that the Capital Journal’s article and my Facebook post are going to prevent this man from being elected, but our votes can.

    1. And thank you for the Facebook post, Sarah.

      I might tease my daughters with boorish behavior to elicit an “oh, Dad,” but what you experienced should not happen to anyone.

  5. I just realized the other candidate is Steve Harding.

    There is maybe and I say maybe because there might be ten other families that are more linked to Pierre’s history and progress the last 100 years than the Hardings.

    Steve Harding is not only Pierre through and through but he is bright, works hard, thinks well, and is as common and down-to-earth as anyone.

    Even if Robinson was a good strong candidate, Steve Harding would deserve to win 60%-40%.

  6. This Mr. Robinson fellow does seem a bit insaner than most. I guess it probably will come down to which of those voters want change and which ones want to keep on keeping on.

  7. Mr. Powers, how does your little lady feel about this, if she could vote in that town?

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