Redistricting paused after Majority Leader experiences medical event. Please keep Kent Peterson in your prayers.

Please keep the majority leader in your prayers tonight. Kent is a good guy.

7 thoughts on “Redistricting paused after Majority Leader experiences medical event. Please keep Kent Peterson in your prayers.”

  1. The timing of such things can sometimes seem dubious.

    Is there 5G installed in that building?

    If so, we may want to remote it immediately and ban all cell devices.

    I would implement secure text/voice terminals over (extremely) shielded copper to an SDN hand hole and a moratorium on wireless within 500 yards of the capitol. Lots of communication, just no wireless.

    This is smart.

    I’d like them to get back to real business like creating information systems lwith enterprise software over fiber. We should build an emergency communications wireless network system over pre-3G speeds or even using AM band (low frequency), then ban all other wireless while building out fiber to the curb.

    It’s less lazy, faster, and safer that way. It’s INFRASTRUCTURE.

    Those of you who follow the show discovered with me that 5G and other wireless weapons for quiet war can cause flu like symptoms.

    I wish him a speedy recovery, and that Santa brings lots of sensors to the capital capable of detecting anything from low KHz to 100GHz and beyond.

    That is all.

    1. Talk about jumping to conclusions! Perhaps it would be a good idea to first allow Mr. Peterson his privacy and second if he chooses to reveal what happened then decide if 5G or 4F or 3Y is the cause and then do something about it.
      I am reminded of when certain people were scaring us with cell phones causing cancer. The great Maha Rushie during his television show strapped a phone to the side of his head all during the show to illustrate just how silly the notion was.

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