Release: Haakon County States Attorney Stephanie Trask Endorses Ravnsborg for Attorney General

Haakon County States Attorney Stephanie Trask Endorses Ravnsborg for Attorney General

PHILIP, SD: Haakon County States Attorney Stephanie Trask endorses Attorney General Candidate Jason Ravnsborg.

“Jason has taken the time to stop by and inquire about the challenges that the citizens of Haakon County are facing and has offered advice and solutions” Trask stated

“Jason is the only candidate I have heard actually presenting solutions for addressing and treating the drug epidemic” Trask said. “Beyond Jason’s background as an experienced attorney, he adds leadership and management from overseeing 600 some people as a Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander. I think this lends many skills necessary for the position of Attorney General that I see lacking in the other candidates.”

“I look forward to working with Jason as our next Attorney General; I will be voting for him and I encourage you to do the same.”

Haakon County States Attorney Stephanie Trask resides in Philip, South Dakota. You can learn more about Jason and his campaign at


15 thoughts on “Release: Haakon County States Attorney Stephanie Trask Endorses Ravnsborg for Attorney General”

  1. This Ravnsborg guy continues to impress me.

    First the majority of Sheriffs and now methodically he is putting out endorsements from legislators and states attorneys it seems.

  2. Word of advice to Jason. Put out a full list of your State’s Attorney’s endorsements before convention. Your list of all those Sheriff’s was very eye opening for me and has made me lean towards supporting you.

  3. I too think on there are “names” that mean something. The Trask name is one such long-standing, impeccable solid name in an area to which I take notice. The Trask’s don’t lend their name casually or without great thought.

    While I don’t know Stephanie, it might be the most impressive AG endorsement I’ve seen.

  4. Very impressive. It looks like more and more every day that everyone sees the writing on the wall and is throwing their support behind the most qualified candidate that is likely to win.

      1. This is a strong endorsement.

        We should send him some gas money…every bit helps!

  5. A fresh face who has energy, drive, and experience. Enough of the “I’ve been around since Moses was a pup so it’s my turn” mentality. Go, Jason!

  6. Another impressive endorsement. I agree with its sentiment on leadership and solutions.

    I can see why the Army has trusted him with command so many times, he clearly has the best run campaign, and I think that speaks volumes as to how he would run the office effectively also.

    I am voting for the guy with experience and that is Ravnsborg! Experience in leading and managing, I don’t see those qualities in either of the other 2 candidates.

    1. He certainly has energy and determination. But experience – not so much. If he had a real case load and was already a serious prosecutor, he would have the nomination hands down. But he doesn’t so he drives around the state meeting people and giving speeches. I applaud him for the energy, but I don’t personally know a good (and therefore, busy) attorney or experienced prosecutor that has time to personally meet every sheriff and state’s attorney in their home town. It really reveals to me that he is a good politician without much experience being a prosecutor and without the day to day responsibilities that keep him in the court room or in the office.

      1. Sorry but your logic does not work here anono. Because Ravnsborg is doing a better job at spending all his free time meeting people, understanding what they would like done by the AG’s office, and yes campaigning because last time I checked this is a campaign, you think he has little experience. Please O wise one tell me how? You don’t know how much time he puts in or does not put in each day on law. Also, are not most of these events at night after work hours? Additionally, all I see his posts on Facebook and they are all in the wee hours. Looks to me like Fitz and Russell don’t want to put in any extra time campaigning, guess they will be a 9-4 type of person in the AG office. Not what I want in my AG.

        I would argue Ravnsborg has the most experience based on everything he is doing. He is managing his time and understands there is more to the AG office than prosecution, which he has the experience for. It is the other two candidates that don’t have leadership or management experience, and do not look like the drive to campaign. Ravnsborg hands down has the most experience of them all.

        So again anono, your logic is flawed and wrong.

      2. Anono, your post does not make sense to me. You got Fitzgerald who’s running for the second time for attorney general who’s been a career politician for over 30 years he ran for circuit court judge and then you got Lance Russell who’s been in politics for 15 plus years and is running for two offices at the same time right now and somehow Jason is more of a politician against these two career politicians??

        Jason seems like a Statesman to me. He took the time and went out and he met and talked to people and learned what issues were important to them then made him part of his campaign if you’ve listened to his speech he’s told you that blueprint I’ve listened to it. And somehow you want to criticize him for going out and actually campaigning and talking to the people versus taking them for granted like the other 2? I agree with Pat he references all the time on his postings that he’s going to court or was it a grand jury or some other reference that he’s doing something with the law.

        I think it speaks to his balance and working with people and to be able to juggle many things at once making him an even stronger candidate in my mind. Probably why the army is moving him up…they don’t pick slackers for battalion command.

        I think he will be a refreshing change!

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