Release: South Dakota Republican Party Endorses Campus Free Speech Bill

South Dakota Republican Party Endorses Campus Free Speech Bill

Sioux Falls – The South Dakota Republican Party today announced its support for HB1073, a bill to protect free speech on the campuses of South Dakota’s public universities. HB1073 was filed by GOP Representative Michael Clark after a string of incidents on South Dakota campuses and campuses around the nation where the right to free speech was undermined.

“As the party of freedom, we’re proud to stand up for the right to free speech on campus and against the liberal domination and control of South Dakota’s campuses,” commented South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman.

“The GOP is fighting for free speech rights and to make our campuses genuine marketplaces for ideas, not an echo chamber for liberals,” added Representative Clark.

The South Dakota GOP joins over thirty state legislators, the South Dakota College Republicans, U.S. Congresswoman Kristi Noem and Attorney General Marty Jackley in supporting the legislation.

Additional information about HB1073 can be found in this news story just published by the Washington Free Beacon.

8 thoughts on “Release: South Dakota Republican Party Endorses Campus Free Speech Bill”

  1. These liberal universities have turned into No-Go-Zones for Conservatives. Until changes like these are made me and my family will stay hunkered down in our basement.
    God bless America.

    Faith, Family and Freedom!

  2. Push this Bill to implementation. It’s time to get a little more diversity of worldview and political thought on the campuses.

  3. I’m glad the Republicans are fighting for free speech on our campuses. The liberals who control the universities sure don’t want any open debate I can tell you that for sure! They have a monopoly and they aim to keep it.

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